NY Student Handbook 2024-25

H. Cell Phones 1. Cell phones are to be silenced and not used during class and other public meetings. For those with required study hours, there should be no use of cell phones in the dorms or library during that time (talking or messaging). Students may use their phones for studying purposes or for listening to music (headphones only). Use of cell phones during “In-dorms” should be limited to activities that allow others to sleep (e.g. no talking, music without headphones, etc.). 2. For legal, safety, and insurance purposes the cell tower site and its access road are off limits to all students. It is fenced and is not the property of Word of Life. Trespassers could face prosecution.

I. Special Permissions

1. Philosophy of special permissions Special Permission is needed from the Student Life/Academics/Ministry Department for any of the following: a. To miss class (Other than for being sick. See attendance policy under Academics), work assignments, in-dorms, ministry, chapel, church, discipline work hours, conferences, or any other required activities. b. To travel home or anywhere that would involve an overnight stay. “Standing permission” will be handled on a case-by-case scenario. All special permission policies apply. 2. Procedures for special permissions a. Special permission may be obtained online and must be submitted by 5:00 PM on Wednesday to be considered valid for the upcoming weekend. b. Generally speaking, students will not be permitted to miss class or their ministry/service assignment. The Ministries Department must approve any requests to miss any ministry/service assignment. c. Special permissions will not be granted until make-up work or outstanding discipline work hours have been scheduled. d. Poor academic or disciplinary standing may limit special permissions. e. During the winter season, students are very involved in Snowcamp. Therefore, weekend special permissions are only granted in extreme situations. f. Occasionally, due to scheduling constraints, students may be required to apply for special permission earlier. Students will be notified in these cases. J. Visitors 1. Overnight visitors. Students may have overnight visitors provided they adhere to the following guidelines: a. Students may periodically spend the night in another dorm room, but they must obtain permission from their RD in advance. b. For outside visitors, permission must be granted by the Student Life Department at least two days in advance. c. A visitor’s pass must be obtained from the Student Life Administrative Assistant in The Page Center during regular office hours. The cost is $35/night, which covers meals and lodging regardless if visitors eat off campus. d. Accommodations, if available, will be assigned by the Student Life Administrative Assistant for overnight visitors. Generally, special permission will not extend beyond three nights. e. Generally, visitors must be between the ages of 16 and 24. f. We are unable to provide on-campus housing for parents. Accommodations may be available at our Lakeside properties. Contact Customer Service at 518.494.6000, option 1, or customerservice@wol.org g. All visitors must register their vehicle upon check in, indicating the make, model, and plate number of their vehicle. h. Generally, visitors will not be permitted during the week that precedes official school breaks. i. The third-party rule applies to students with visitors and guests. 2. Daytime visitors a. All day visitors must sign in and sign out at the Welcome Center or at the Student Services Desk. b. All day visitors may purchase meal tickets at the Welcome Center or at the Student Services Desk.



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