NY Student Handbook 2024-25

K. Vehicle Policies The vehicle policies have been set in place to ensure the safety and welfare of students, employees, and visitors as well as for the protection and maintenance of the Bible Institute property. Please see wol.is/vehicle for complete vehicle policies. L. Bicycles No bicycles may be kept in the dorms or on the porches. All bikes should be placed in a bike rack when not in use. A bike lock is strongly recommended. All bikes must be properly locked in approved storage areas during breaks. Please see wol.is/vehicle for complete bicycle policies.

M. Dining Room

1. General Guidelines a. Students must enter the meal line and present their own student ID before taking any food or drink from the food lines. Students are not permitted to bring food back to a roommate unless they are sick. b. Off-campus students and all guests must purchase a meal ticket at the Student Services Desk. There is no charge to off-campus students and spouses for school banquets, but tickets for children must be purchased. c. No food is to be removed from the dining room or picnic table area except that which would be appropriate for immediate personal consumption such as a sandwich or a piece of fruit. No table items (plates, cups, bowls, silverware, salt and pepper shakers, condiments, etc.) are to be removed from the dining room. d. Only one temporary meal pass is permitted per week. 2. Special dietary needs a. Students with special dietary needs or allergies should bring them to the attention of the chef at the beginning of the semester. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate special needs once staff has been informed. Combinations of allergies, allergies not listed, and other special dietary needs must be reviewed with culinary staff before approving the ability to serve. A doctor’s note is requested. b. Word of Life is not an allergen-free facility, as we regularly serve foods containing peanuts and tree nuts, dairy products, seafood and fish, eggs, gluten, refined sugars, soy, and other common allergens. Word of Life strives to keep allergen items separate during preparation, serving, and storage for your safety, but it is not guaranteed. We cannot guarantee that as a student you will completely avoid contact with a particular food while at our facilities, and we may not be able to accommodate those with severe allergies, who react not only to a food being ingested, but also to skin contact, close proximity, or an airborne allergen. c. It is the responsibility of the student to communicate with the culinary staff to guarantee accommodations. To reach the culinary staff, email food@wol.org . If allergies or needs change, a meeting with the culinary staff is required to assess how those needs may be accommodated.

N. Entertainment Media 1. Music, movies, and video games are permitted under the following conditions:

a. Early in the fall semester, students will attend a chapel/devo and be encouraged to evaluate their entertainment choices through the principles of God’s Word. Following the chapel/devo, students will be required to write out their own biblical principles for entertainment. Students are encouraged to talk through them with their Resident Assistant or Resident Director. b. The student should be willing to allow the Dorm RA, other students, and staff to ask accountability questions about whether or not their music and movies are in line with their biblical principles for entertainment. Please see the Word of Life Standard of Conduct (p.9, #5) for guidelines on Christian Liberty regarding entertainment. c. In the dorm rooms and lounges, music and movies can be played audibly provided each student is careful to honor the biblical principle of “preferring one another” (Philippians 2:4) with regard to volume, appropriateness, personal convictions, etc.



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