D. Suspension Students suspended for disciplinary reasons:
1. Will serve either an in-school suspension or an out-of-school suspension. 2. Will receive a variety of penalties from Academics, Student Life, and Ministries. 3. Will be required to meet with the Student Life Dean Staff upon completion of suspension.
E. Dismissal Students dismissed for disciplinary reasons:
1. Will be required to leave campus as soon as possible and may not be permitted to mix with other students. 2. May not be permitted to return for a period of time in order to provide an opportunity for growth under the ministry of their local church. 3. May have to sign an agreement that outlines the conditions for re-enrollment. In each case, a student must reapply. Conditions to re-enroll may include but are not limited to the following: 4. Engage in biblical counseling. A positive recommendation will be required from the counselor. 5. Demonstration of the fruit of repentance by a change of lifestyle and/or attitude. 6. Active involvement in a local church and regular time in the Word of God. 7. The following are examples of the types of behaviors that may result in disciplinary action or dismissal: • Sexual immorality • Harassment, including sexual harassment, assault, and stalking • Possession and/or consumption of alcohol, use of tobacco, use of drugs, or abuse of a substance otherwise legal or associated with those doing the same. • Theft or possession of stolen property • Violence or threat thereof to others or to oneself • Hazing
• Unauthorized possession or use of a weapon (see Word of Life’s Firearms Policy) • Violation of New York State or Federal criminal codes. This would include the possession of, trafficking in, or distribution of illegal drugs or alcohol. • Willful propagation of doctrinal error or teachings which are contrary to Word of Life’s Statement of Faith • Failure to comply with written or verbal directives from staff or faculty in the performance of their duties • Dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, falsification of information on official documents, lying to a staff member during an inquiry, and forgery • Frequent disciplinary problems or an uncooperative/rebellious spirit • Unauthorized possession, duplication, or use of keys to any campus or camp premises or buildings • Academic deficiency as described in the Academic section of the Handbook • Failure to attend classes, service assignments and/or ministry
8. Students who are dismissed or those that withdraw are responsible for getting their personal belongings home within two weeks. Word of Life staff and students are not responsible for packing and shipping their belongings. After two weeks, all belongings that remain on Word of Life property will be considered abandoned and will be donated or discarded. F. Communication with Parents We encourage students to maintain regular communication with their parents. The preferred form of communication is when students assume responsibility for themselves as adults by contacting their parents regarding their own personal circumstances whether they are related to academics, health, or discipline. Under certain conditions, the Student Life Department may ask students to contact their parents.
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