financial obligations will have a financial hold placed on their account and may not be allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies.
G. Fitness Center 1. Please observe posted hours. A supervisor will be on duty during the afternoon hours Monday through Friday. There will be no supervisor on duty on the weekends. 2. Two people must be present in the Fitness Center whenever bench press equipment is in use in order to prevent potentially serious injuries. 3. While using the Fitness Center, students must follow the dress code. 4. Questions on policy and procedures should be directed to the Athletic Director.
H. Fireworks New York State law prohibits the use of fireworks of any type including smoke bombs.
I. ID Cards Students are issued ID cards as meal passes, for checking material out of the library, and for bookstore discounts. Cards must be presented when cashing checks. Lost cards may be replaced in the Health & Security Office for a $10 fee.
J. Intramural Sports All students are eligible to participate in intramural sports, except for disciplinary or health reasons.
K. Keys Dorm room keys are provided for your security. Rooms and dorms are to be kept locked at all times. Duplication of keys is prohibited. Lost keys may be replaced at the Page Center for a $10 fee for room keys and $20 for missing mailbox keys. Failure to return your dorm key at the end of the year will result in a $10 fee. L. Laundromat The laundromat is located below the Page Center and is open from 8 AM until “in-dorms” time. Please keep the laundromat clean. Items, including soap products, are removed daily. M. Lost and Found Found items are to be turned in to Housekeeping where they can be claimed (Mon-Fri, 2:30-4:30 PM). Clothing, books, and personal items left in any public area will be taken to lost and found. Attempts will be made to contact students whose items are clearly labeled. The Bible Institute assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen property. Lost and found items are disposed of every two weeks. N. Mailroom Mail will be picked up from the US Post Office and distributed daily to student mailboxes located in the Student Life Center. Incoming mail is usually available by 4:00 PM. 1. If you find mail in your box that is not yours, please put it in the on-campus slot located outside the mailroom. 2. There is a slot available for interoffice mail outside the mailroom. 3. Mail is distributed by box number. All papers and tests must show your box number. Be sure to include it on all correspondence. 4. Mailboxes must be checked daily. Students are responsible for everything distributed by staff and faculty, whether they have checked their boxes or not. 5. Return name and address are required as mail is sometimes returned for additional postage or other problems.
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