To provide students with a thoroughly biblical worldview utilizing curriculum that covers all sixty-six books of the Bible and every category of theology while caring for the daily academic needs of the student and helping students and alumni transition to their future collegiate, graduate, and post-graduate level studies.
PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES Word of Life Bible Institute maintains the following learning outcomes and anticipates students completing the program will:
1. Understand the context, content, and contribution of every book of the Bible. 2. Understand the basic doctrines and history of Christianity.
3. Understand the historical, grammatical, and literal hermeneutical approach and its application to Scriptures. 4. Understand how to take biblical and theological knowledge and apply it to life and ministry in any given context. 5. Understand and implement effective research and writing techniques. 6. Think critically from a Christian worldview about their studies, life, and ministry. 7. Develop and incorporate spiritual disciplines into daily life with the goal of long-term spiritual progress.
8. Study and apply biblical principles of leadership within various contexts. 9. Learn and apply principles of discipleship within various contexts. 10. Understand principles and techniques of ministry. 11. Incorporate various principles and techniques into real-world ministry opportunities.
TOOLS FOR MEASURING ACADEMIC OUTCOMES 1. Individual assignment grades 2. Individual course grades
3. Mid & end semester grade runs 4. Cumulative grade point averages 5. Dean’s Lists and Dean’s Honor Lists 6. Academic Probation lists 7. Comparison of beginning and end-of-year Bible Content test scores 8. Class averages in individual courses, cumulative grade point averages, and Bible Content test scores 9. Transfer and academic success at other colleges 10. Faculty evaluations 11. Alumni testimonials, references, and job success 12. Employer testimonials, references, and training satisfaction
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