Due to New York State Department of Education regulations, Word of Life Bible Institute requires every student to attend all scheduled classes. Any missed classes must be made up (See “Make-up Work” below). Students can miss up to 10% of classes per semester (24) for legitimate, debilitating sickness only. Upon reaching 24 sick hours used, the student will be required to meet with the Student Success Committee. Students who miss (skip) class for unapproved reasons will receive a grade reduction of 1% per skipped class in the affected course.
Examples of unapproved reasons to miss (skip) class are: • Sleeping in. • Being unprepared for class • Leaving early for or arriving late from school breaks. • Fatigue, mild soreness, headache, or lack of motivation
Examples of approved reasons to miss class are: • Approved special permissions (i.e., wedding, funeral, doctor’s appointment, family emergencies) • Word of Life ministry assignment. • Health Center mandated quarantine. • Serious injuries or illnesses such as vomiting, migraine, diarrhea. Students are expected to be in class on time so as not to be a distraction to other students. If a student misses 10 minutes or more of any class hour, that hour will be regarded as an absence.
Students may submit an appeal to the Academic Dean if they feel that an absence(s) should not count against their final grade. This appeal must be made within 48 hours of the hour being appealed.
Since WOLBI is not accredited as a “Distance Learning Program (“Online Classes”), an excessive number of class periods being made up may result in a student being unable to complete the program and having to withdraw. B. Test/Quiz Absences 1. If a student misses a test or quiz, he/she will receive a 0 for that test/quiz (mild sickness is not an excuse to miss a test/quiz). In extreme situations, within 48 hours the student must fill out an appeal to the Academic Assistant, and it will be reviewed by the Academic Dean. 2. Students, who have been approved to make up quizzes/tests through special permission, will be able to make them up upon returning to campus. C. Attention All students are expected to pay attention in class. The instructor, not the bell, ends the class period. It is disrespectful to close notebooks/computers and pack up before the instructor dismisses the class. Students should not visit the restroom during the lecture or exam period. D. Cheating Confessed cheating will result in a zero for the test or assignment. Students caught cheating may be dismissed. Even though instructors use new tests each year, students are not permitted to use old tests from former students as study aids. Students should not give hints to those who still have make-up work to be completed. All tests are the property of Word of Life Bible Institute.
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