E. Plagiarism: (The following information is provided by Mrs. Britney Sewall’s Research & Writing course content presented to students) Plagiarism is defined as “The unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work.” Plagiarism is not clearly distinguishing between your words and the words of someone else. Plagiarism is considered cheating, lying, and stealing. Note that there are 3 types of plagiarism: 1. Intentional Plagiarism includes submitting a work found online, copying portions of a written work, and “borrowing” papers from other students. 2. Unintentional Plagiarism includes lack of knowledge regarding source use, misunderstanding of citation rules, and careless note taking. 3. Self-Recycling includes recycling your own writing for another assignment. Please be advised that WOLBI utilizes a plagiarism detection software (Unicheck) that reviews every submitted assignment. The consequence for participating in any of these types of plagiarism may include receiving a zero for the assignment, being put on a Growth and Change Plan, and/or dismissal from Word of Life Bible Institute. AI Policy: Integrity and honesty are key biblical and theological concepts that must be applied to all areas of life and ministry including academic study. While AI tools can be beneficial for idea exploration, students must author and create all work themselves. Critical thinking, personal understanding, and implementing effective research and writing techniques are Program Learning Outcomes that cannot be achieved through the use of AI. No submitted coursework should be created by someone or something else. Inappropriate use of AI tools is in direct opposition to our plagiarism policy. The determination of what constitutes inappropriate use of AI is at the discretion of the professors and Academic Staff. F. Questions Questions will be limited during lectures due to class size. Students should only ask questions that are relevant to the whole class. Students should be careful not to monopolize class question opportunities. Disrespect to lecturers in any form will not be tolerated. Questions can be directed to the instructors between classes, but students must be sitting in their assigned seats before the second bell rings to start class. G. Classroom 1. Cell Phones must be put away during class lectures. Laptops and tablets are to be used only for classroom related tasks. 2. Beverages are permitted in the classroom only if they are in a closed lid container. 3. Students should restrict eating to the WC lobby. Any trash or spills should be taken care of immediately. Snacks are to be limited to breaks only. 4. Cough drops, breath mints, and small, hard candies not on a stick are permitted in the classroom during class session. 5. Students should not prop their feet on classroom chairs, and should not have headphones or earbuds in during class. II. ACADEMIC INFORMATION A. Graduation Attendance at graduation is expected. Students must notify the registrar if they plan to miss Graduation. There will be a modest administrative fee to mail the yearbook and/or diploma.
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