B. Dean’s List Students achieving an average of 3.00 to 3.49 at the end of the semester (not including the Ministry Practicum), are placed on the Dean’s List. Students who graduate with a cumulative GPA of 3.00 to 3.49 for the entire year will graduate with Honor. C. Academic Probation Students who have demonstrated low academic achievement in high school or prior college work may be accepted to the Bible Institute on Academic Probation. Students may be placed on Academic Probation when, at the end of the semester, their cumulative GPA falls below a 2.00, or their current semester GPA falls below a 1.50 regardless of their cumulative GPA. Special permission requests may be denied. Students on academic probation may be required to have a personal tutor and/or attend study intensives. In extreme situations, students may be campused (see disciplinary campusing). D. Students with Special Needs Students with special learning disabilities or handicaps are advised by the faculty on an individual basis. Their continuance in school will be based on their willingness to work up to their ability and maintain a positive spirit while in attendance at the Bible Institute. It will be the student’s responsibility to communicate with the Academic Dean concerning any special needs.
E. Academic Dismissal Students may be subject to Academic Dismissal on the following basis:
1. Freshmen students below a 1.00 cumulative GPA, and Sophomore students below a 1.50 cumulative GPA at the end of one semester and who have been on Academic Probation for the previous period may be dismissed. 2. Failure to attend classes. 3. Exceptions to this policy may only be made by petition to the Bible Institute through the Academic Dean. Students must demonstrate that they have been working at near capacity to qualify for an exception to the above policy. IV. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Students must complete the core curriculum and obtain a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or higher. 1. Students who successfully complete the Freshman year and associated Ministry Practicum receive a Bible Certificate. 2. Students who successfully complete the Sophomore year on the main campus in New York and associated Ministry Practicum receive a Bible Diploma. 3. Students must successfully pass Christian Disciplines, a non-classroom, non-credit bearing course, to receive the respective Bible Certificate or Bible Diploma.
B. Students will be allowed to participate in commencement exercises but will not receive their diploma/certificate until all financial obligations have been met in full.
C. Freshmen students having a cumulative average of less than 2.00 or not successfully passing Christian Disciplines receive a Certificate of Attendance at the commencement exercises.
D. Sophomore students having a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.00 or not successfully passing Christian Disciplines are not able to participate in commencement exercises. They do not receive a Bible Diploma or a Certificate of Attendance.
E. Students who begin their academic year with the spring semester and successfully complete their year at the end of the fall semester are eligible to participate in the next commencement exercise.
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