NY Student Handbook 2024-25

V. STUDENT STUDY SKILLS ASSISTANCE A. Study Intensive: Students struggling academically may receive group tutoring by a student tutor.

B. Peer Tutoring: Students can request a personal tutor from the Academic Assistant. This program is limited and will be based on need.

C. Casual Tutoring: Students are encouraged to help each other prepare for quizzes and tests in their free time. No tutoring will take place in the dorms during evening study hours.

D. Academic Advising: Academic advisement is available from the academic staff. Questions relating to specific assignments and instruction can be directed to the resident professors during regular office hours. The deans are also available to assist students with questions regarding academics or study advice. E. Complaint Policy and Resolution: In the event that the student is unhappy with the performance of the assigned tutor, the following procedures will be followed: 1. The student should explain in writing the concerns with the tutor and give the concerns to the Academic Dean. 2. The Academic Dean will evaluate the concerns. If correctable, the concerns will be addressed with the tutor, and two more sessions will pass before the student can resubmit a written complaint requesting a different tutor. 3. Upon receiving the second written complaint, or if the first complaint appears to be irresolvable, the Academic Dean will appoint a new tutor. VI. STANDARDS OF ACADEMIC PROGRESS The following standards apply to any student receiving aid from the Veterans Administration and TITLE IV eligible program. (Pell Grant, FSEOG, Federal Work Study and/or Federal Loans) Word of Life Bible Institute will evaluate a student’s standard academic progress to consider if the student is on pace to complete the two-year program within a prescribed timeframe and with a minimum GPA of 2.0 or better. To do this, the school reviews various academic benchmarks: Cumulative GPA, Successful Completion of Coursework, and the Maximum Timeframe allowable to complete. A student who fails to meet the pace requirements is considered permanently ineligible for further disbursements of Federal Financial Aid in the Word of Life Bible Institute program of study. Definitions Standard Academic Progress – Standard Academic Progress (SAP) refers to the minimum academic benchmarks for progression toward the completion of the program. These standards include a normal timeframe to complete and a maximum timeframe to successfully complete the prescribed curriculum. Cumulative GPA – Calculation of the grade point average for all coursework attempted from the beginning of the student’s attendance at the Bible Institute. Successful Completion – A grade of 0.7 or better for each course taken. A 0.7 is equivalent to a letter grade of D- in each course taken. Maximum Timeframe – In order to improve a grade or replace an incomplete term, a student may require additional time to complete the prescribed curriculum. Students must complete each grade level of the program in a maximum of three academic periods.

A. Normal Timeframe to Complete Students who receive Federal Title IV Aid must maintain a cumulative GPA consistent with the SAP set forth



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