2. You may drive a ministry vehicle only if you have been approved and tested by an approved Word of Life staff member. Students are not to drive personal vehicles to ministry assignments without permission from the Ministries Department. 3. Vans are to be parked in the ADK parking lot. Vehicles and keys are to be returned as soon as you return from ministry unless prior arrangements have been made with transportation. Returning vehicles must be cleaned out, refueled, and parked in the ADK parking lot. Keys are to be returned to the Student Services Desk. The driver is responsible for that vehicle and for the safe operation of it. 4. Everyone in the vehicle must wear a seat belt. This includes all passengers as well as the driver. This is a requirement of Word of Life’s insurance. 5. Passengers will be held responsible for violations as well. G. Ministry Team Leaders Team leaders serve their ministry team by communicating to the team what they need to know, directing team members to where they are needed, and solving problems that may arise. Some additional responsibilities include: • Communicating with the Ministries Department, the ministry team, and the on-site contact. • Supporting the driver(s) on ministry trips by organizing and leading the team appropriately. • Confirming that meals are secured during ministry trips, as needed. • Taking attendance and filling out the appropriate reports for their ministry team, in addition to communicating any concerns or issues that arose during the trip. H. Cancelled Ministries No student or team leader is authorized to cancel any ministry. Any and all cancellations must be run through the Ministries Department. I. Ministry Behavior 1. Students are to be punctual at all times. 2. Students may listen to music while traveling ONLY. 3. Students are to be prepared to give their testimonies on a moment’s notice. The testimony is to be written out in advance. 4. Students are obligated to follow the Bible Institute rules and regulations on your weekend ministry. Your conduct is to conform to Christian behavior as outlined in our Standard of Conduct. 5. After dark, girls should sit with girls and guys with guys. 6. Students are to complete each decision slip legibly and accurately and give the white copy to your group supervisor before arriving back to Word of Life Bible Institute. 7. Students are responsible for returning all unused literature to their team leader before leaving the ministry vehicle on their return trip. 8. Students are to be considerate of others at all times and, in particular, when leaving and returning to their dorm. 9. Students are to stay with the group and participate in all activities. Any requests for exceptions should be run through the Ministries Department 48 hours prior to departure for the weekend. 10. Part of the student’s Christian disciplines grade will come from their weekend ministry participation. J. Special Permission While on Ministry Students may receive special permission to go home or visit family while on ministry such as OAE or weekend travel groups. Students may only leave after their ministry requirement has been fulfilled.
K. Literature and Follow Up Literature, including gospel tracts, Gospels of John, and follow-up material, is available at no charge to you
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