NY Student Handbook 2024-25

Verses for reference include: • I Corinthians 6:12 — Lawful, but not expedient (not profitable for our good)

• I Corinthians 10:23 — Lawful, but not edifying • I Corinthians 8:9 — Could be a stumbling block • Romans 1:32 — Christians are different, and by living like the world, we approve of it. There should be no pleasure in watching sin. • Ephesians 5:6-7, 11 — Don’t be deceived with vanity and participate in it. Colossians 3:17 — Make sure it pleases the Lord, not the emotions-flesh or self. Hebrews 12:1-2 — Lay aside weights as well as the sin. 6. Certain principles of conduct are a necessary part of the effort to establish an atmosphere within which the goals of Word of Life can be realized. For this reason and in an effort to maintain a consistent and above-reproach testimony to youth, Word of Life requires associates to refrain from the possession or use of alcoholic beverages, all smoking products, recreational and illicit drugs, from gambling, and from social dancing. Ceremonial dancing at special family events such as weddings and anniversaries is permitted. Biblical discretion and restraint will be exercised in all choices of entertainment, including radio, television, all forms of audio and visual recordings, movies, stage productions, computer and video gaming, various forms of literature and social media (Psalm 101:3, Romans 14:13-17, I Corinthians 9:22-23, I Corinthians 10:31, 2 Corinthians 6:3, Philippians 4:8, Ephesians 5:3-4, I Timothy 4:12, Titus 2:12). Furthermore, it is expected that associates will actively support a local Bible-believing church through service, giving, and allegiance (Hebrews 10:24-25). 7. Word of Life rejects the principle that exposure to and/or experimentation with doubtful and objectionable practices is essential to the development of moral or intellectual discernment and/or discrimination. Word of Life reserves the right to make the final decision in any questionable area. 8. Word of Life recognizes that observance of Word of Life standards does not comprise the whole of an individual’s responsibility to God and hence does not necessarily indicate that one is living a life of full commitment. The philosophy of Word of Life, however, maintains that willingness to obey these standards shows a maturity and spiritual concern for the whole Christian community (Galatians 5:13-24). 9. Conduct that is an offense to good taste, sound morality, or Christian propriety will not be acceptable. While some may not have personal convictions wholly in accordance with Word of Life standards, the purpose underlying them necessitates the honorable obedience to them. If an individual can no longer in integrity conform to them, that person should withdraw from Word of Life. Willful disobedience of these standards will bring about dismissal from Word of Life immediately. 10. To ensure that the position of Word of Life will be maintained in an uncompromising manner and believing that a consistent and exemplary life should be expected of those who undertake the instruction and guidance of Christian youth, it is required that associates shall individually affirm by signing the following at the time of initial association and shall so reaffirm at such time as determined by Word of Life.



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