
" $ 5 6 " - * 5 4  r  / & 8 4 COYOTES ARE HOWLING IN HAWKESBURY

&/#3&'r#3*&'4 RELIEF FUNDS RETURNED The United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) returned some of the provincial social services relief funding it received at the start of the pandemic. The UCPR received $4.5 million to deal with budget shortages resulting from extra demands on regional social service programs because of the pandemic. As of this fall, the UCPR used just $1.4 million because the extra demand on services was not as great as expected. The remaining money was returned to the province for distribution to other regions with greater demands on their social service programs. – Gregg Chamberlain UCDSB STUDENT TRUSTEES The Upper Canada District School Board confirmed its student trustees for the 2020-2021 term. Tain Hughes of Smith Falls District Collegiate Institute and Jordan Evans of Tagwi Secondary will represent the interests of UCDSB students at the district board. Hughes will chair the UCDSB Student Senate meetings with Evans as vice-chair. Students with concerns they want brought to the board can contact them either during student senate meetings or through the UCDSB website.– Gregg Chamberlain www. editionap .ca



Annemarie Howe wants the Town of Hawkesbury to do something about “evicting” the coyotes she heard howling outside of her home early one morning. “I was at my friend’s once, she’s from Manitoulin Island,” Howe said, explaining why she is certain that it was coyotes she heard and not some neighbourhood dogs. i8FIFBSEDPZPUFTPGGJOUIFEJTUBODF BOE she told me that’s what they were.” That same unique yip-yip-yowl cry outside of her home on Cartier Boulevard woke her VQBSPVOEBN /PWFNCFSi.ZDBUXBT sitting on the balcony when it happened,” Howe said, “and she darted right inside.” Howe is used to seeing an occasional wild turkey come strolling across her front lawn or wander through her backyard. But she’s worried that coyotes in the neighbourhood could pose a risk to neighbourhood pets and DIJMESFOi8IBUJGTPNFLJEJTXBMLJOHUIFJS little dog?” she said. Coyotes and coywolves, a cross-breed of wolf and coyote that is becoming more common in Ontario, avoid human encounters most of the time unless they have become used to associating humans with sources PGGPPE5IF.JOJTUSZPG/BUVSBM3FTPVSDFT ./3 TUBUFTPO JUTXFCTJUF UIBUNVOJDJ - palities are responsible for animal control situations that involve coyotes or coywolves. 5IF./3BEWJTFTIPNFPXOFSTUPNBLFTVSF

Les coyotes ou les coyotes-loups se déplacent-ils à Hawkesbury? Un résident le pense et souhaite que la municipalité fasse quelque chose à ce sujet. — photo tirée d’une banque d’images

there is nothing on their property that would attract a coyote, like garbage left overnight that can be scavenged for food, or dogs or cats left outside who might become prey for a coyote pack. Myriam Longtin, Hawkesbury municipal clerk and supervisor for the bylaw depart- ment, told the Tribune - Express in an email

that the municipal office has received several calls about the matter , “and has taken the appropriate actions to resolve the problems with coyotes in the town.” Howe hopes someone will do something to chase the coyotes out of her neighbour- hood. “I’d like to keep my wild turkeys around,” she said, “with no coyotes.”

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