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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 MANIFESTE FRANCO-ONTARIEN Dans le cadre du Mois de la Franco- phonie, l’ACFO de Prescott et Russell et l’Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario (AFO) ont annoncé que la Ville de Hawkesbury recevra la tournée provinciale de la criée du Manifeste franco-ontarien, le jeudi 21 mars à l’hôtel de ville, à 13 h. Le crieur public Daniel Richer, le président de l’AFO Carol Jolin et d’autres représentants de la communauté seront sur place pour La Friperie Kazi9 de la Banque ali- mentaire d’Alfred est à la recherche de bénévoles pour assurer un service à sa clientèle, les jeudis et samedis. Les intéressés sont priés d’envoyer un courriel à banque.alimentaire.alfred@ présenter ce manifeste BÉNÉVOLES RECHERCHÉS


Aimez-vous danser avec les mots ? Alors, peut-être avez-vous ce qu’il faut pour le concours de rédaction de The Write Stuff Writing Contest, organisé par l’intermédiaire du Creating Centre et Excellent Events. Ouvert aux œuvres en français ou en anglais, qu’elles soient de fiction ou non, ainsi qu’à la poésie. Les écrivains professionnels et amateurs peuvent s’inscrire pour courir la chance de gagner des prix en argent. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur les détails du concours et pour participer, envoyez un courriel à —archives



Wordsmiths, both professional and ama- teur, have a chance to show their love for dancing with dialogue and setting a scene, with The Write Stuff Contest launching this year in Champlain Township. “We’ve been thinking about this for a long time,” said Samme Putzel, one of the founders of the Creative Centre in the village core of Vankleek Hill. “It’s in line with what the Creative Centre is all about. To spark ideas for creative people, and give them a venue for what they do.” The Write Stuff Contest theme is “The .BOVTDSJQU.PTU-JLFMZUP"GGFDUUIF-JWFT of Its Readers”, which Putzel thinks is an excellent way to start what she and others hope will become an annual part of the local arts and culture community. “We want to open the definition of communication,” she added, “to promote communication between the creator and the audience.” The competition consists this year of three separate contests, each with entry EFBEMJOFT PG "QSJM   "VHVTU   BOE /PWFNCFS5IFàSTUUXPIBWFQSJ[FTPG $250 for each winner while the third has a $500 prize. The three top entries in the first two become eligible for the third and final contest. Each contest is an open competition for both professional and amateur writers and poets. There is no age limit and writers from outside the Champlain Township area are also welcome to enter their works. “We want to make it as accessible as possible,” Putzel explained, adding that the sole condition for an entry is that it “be legible”. So handwritten stories and poems are acceptable though email entry is still SFRVJSFE"1%'TDBOPSFWFOQIPUPTPGFBDI page of an entry are valid ways to enter as long as the handwriting is easy to read. Judges for the contest are drawn from local book clubs. So far the L’Orignal Book Club has agreed to provide volunteers as judges. Other book clubs with members willing to serve as judges can contact Putzel BU /PUJDFT PG UIF DPOUFTU BSF HPJOH PVU to local book clubs, libraries, bookstores, any writers’ group, and also schools. Email for entries is ĐƌĞĂƟŶŐĐĞŶƚƌĞΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ and information on the contest is at www.



456 County Road 17, HAWKESBURY

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