Creating Futures—CWU Strategic Plan 2023-2028

Core Value 2: Belonging Central Washington University believes that a diversity of peoples, cultures, and ideas are essential to learning, discovery, and creativity. Collectively, we take responsibility for welcoming and integrating diverse perspectives into our community to advance our Vision and Mission.

Goal 1

Goal 2

Goal 3

Establish hiring, onboarding, and evaluation processes that nurture a culture of inclusion for all employees with a focus on increasing the number of employees from historically excluded groups. Initiative 1.1: Make diversity and equity a priority in the hiring, onboarding, and retention of faculty and staff. Initiative 1.2: Create a process for ongoing consultation with historically excluded faculty and staff regarding the development of support mechanisms necessary for their success. Initiative 1.3: Facilitate and promote the work of faculty in advancing diversity and inclusion in teaching, scholarship, and service in compliance with the collective bargaining agreement to ensure that such work will be counted in professional records to meet tenure and promotion criteria. Initiative 1.4: Review and ensure that university criteria for reappointment, tenure and promotion, and post tenure review further diversity and inclusion in teaching, scholarship and service, and that the college criteria aligns with the university criteria.

Become a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI).

Cultivate an inclusive and welcoming campus culture that embraces diversity, fosters a sense of belonging for all students, faculty, and staff, and nurtures pride in the university. Initiative 3.1: Develop and implement diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training programs for faculty, staff, and students to raise awareness, build understanding, and promote inclusive practices across the university. Initiative 3.2: Establish, maintain, and resource affinity groups for historically excluded students, faculty, and staff, focused on marginalized identities such as racial/ethnic, LGBTQ+, disabled, and internationals, to create a safe and supportive environment where they can connect and share experiences. Initiative 3.3: Build mechanisms for nurturing a strong sense of affiliation with and pride in Central Washington University.

Initiative 2.1: Develop a Hispanic/Latinx Thriving Leadership Council of faculty, staff, students, and community members to chart the path toward becoming an HSI, with clear leadership and resources, including continued participation at United States Hispanic Leadership Institute, Alliance for Hispanic Serving Institution Educators, and Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, and create a dedicated position to coordinate these efforts. Initiative 2.2: Develop strategic partnerships with equity organizations, local community-based organizations, and HSIs for knowledge sharing and program development to better support underserved students. Initiative 2.3: Develop a plan for early outreach, targeted recruitment, retention, and graduation of Latinx students. Initiative 2.4: Develop a plan for hiring, retaining, mentoring, and promoting Latinx and bilingual faculty, staff, and administrators. Initiative 2.5: Implement bilingual and culturally responsive practices across the institution, including translation of important materials and information into Spanish.

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