Creating Futures—CWU Strategic Plan 2023-2028

Building a Better Future The future is bright here at Central Washington University, and we have a tremendous opportunity to take our work to the next level with our carefully crafted Vision, Mission, Values and Strategic Plan to guide us. With input from the entire CWU community over the past two years, we have positioned ourselves as a destination for 21 st century learners in search of transformational life experiences. By providing a supportive, inclusive learning environment grounded in mutual respect and responsibility, CWU students are empowered along their journey to becoming engaged professionals, active citizens, and lifelong learners. There is still much work to be done as we seek to ensure more equitable access to higher education, enhance student engagement and success initiatives, and improve retention and graduation rates. As we continue to nurture authentic relationships and celebrate the unique gifts and talents each of us brings to CWU, we will live into our Vision as a model learning community of equity and belonging.

“ You cannot have a learning organization without shared vision. Without a pull toward some goal which people truly want to achieve, the forces in support of the status quo can be overwhelming. Vision establishes an overarching goal. The loftiness of the target compels new ways of thinking and acting.… Shared vision provides a rudder to keep the learning process on course when stresses develop. Learning can be difficult, even painful. With a shared vision, we are more likely to expose our ways of thinking, give up deeply held views, and recognize personal and organizational shortcomings. —Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline

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