Creating Futures—CWU Strategic Plan 2023-2028

Timeline: Vision, Mission, Values, and Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan Steering Committee:

▶ Missy Davis

Classified Employee ▶ Jessica Murillo-Rosales Davis Alumni representing Graduate Students ▶ Laura Dahlby Nicolai Athletics ▶ Sigrid Davison Office of DEI ▶ Wendy Iwaszuk Alumni/Foundation Board Member ▶ Elizabeth Brown Academic Department Chair Council ▶ Jennifer Dechaine-Berkas Faculty ▶ Elvin Delgado Former Faculty Senate Chair ▶ Jeff Stinson Provost’s Council (former) ▶ Jonathon Henderson Exempt Employee ▶ Luis Reyes ASCWU President (2022-23)




July-August Vision, Mission, and Strategic Plan process begins


Summary of survey responses shared with CWU community

University-wide survey sent out to help define goals for Vision and Mission

Process for developing new Vision and Mission announced to university

Vision, Mission, and Strategic Plan Steering Committee formed

February Open forums held for faculty, staff, students, and community members



Phase I of Strategic Plan process begins and university-wide feedback provided September- October

November- December

Board of Trustees approves final Vision and Mission statements

University-wide feedback on final drafts of Vision and Mission statements

Phase II of Strategic Plan process begins and results shared with CWU community

February-March CWU community provides input




Draft Values and Strategic Plan framework developed

Board of Trustees approves final Values and Strategic Plan

Final Values and Strategic Plan created with input from shared governance groups

From the very beginning of this process, our shared governance groups across the university wanted our Strategic Plan to be grounded in the Core Values that define CWU’s Vision and Mission. We received valuable input from the Faculty Senate, Classified and Exempt Employee associations, ASCWU Board of Directors, University Administrative Leadership Team, Steering Committee, and other members of the CWU community. Thanks to the hard work and insight of these shared governance groups, we are prepared to put all of the pieces of our Strategic Plan together as we seek to create a more equitable, more inclusive institution.

on three models of values-based Strategic Plan

7 |

| 6

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