
land in any given municipality. Our

Fall is a great time of year to stop and

municipalities pay most of its bills through

smell the fresh grass clippings, admire the

property tax revenues and fees for services.

fantastic natural hues, check for cracks in

Remember, if we pay taxes, we are

thebasement, andassess theoverall impact


of rising rural land prices.

Remind yourself of that happy condition

Autumnoffers a chance to reapwhatwe

as you venture out among the crunchy leaves

have sown, take stock, and give thanks.


With property tax bills coming due, fall

heating bills.

is the period for property owners to be

Give thanks for fall colours

reminded of the assessed value of their

New detachment head


A new commander of the Prescott

Rural land owners can be pleased with

County detachment of the Ontario

news that property values in the boonies

and rising land prices

ProvincialPolicedetachment is scheduled

are on the rise, although higher values

to assume the post at the end of October.

usually mean higher property taxes.

the southwestern end of the province.

Inspector Bryan MacKillop has been

The price of agricultural property in

revenue to work with. But, since the value

The most expensive farmland in the

named head of the Hawkesbury-based

eastern Ontario has increased by about

of their land is rising, the owners of rural

province is found in the Holland Marsh

detachment, succeeding the late Steven

$1,000per acreover the last year, according

land ought to expect to pay higher taxes.

area, where land is going for as much as

Waite who lost his battle against cancer in

to a real estate corporation.


$20,000 per acre.

May at the age of 48.

In theOttawaarea, thepriceof farmland

is based partially on the total value of the

New Liskeard has bargains — the price

has risen from about $4,000 to $5,000 per

per acre of tiled farmland there is $1,300 to

acre, according to a RE/MAX report.


As farmers, particularly thosewhohave

Size matters.

production quotas, know, the price of

325, rue Régent Street Hawkesbury, Ont. 613 632-2867

Many citydenizens dreamof retiring to a


hobby farm. (At thispoint, children, someof

and demand.

us older folks may be quietly humming the

And, since they are not making land

theme from “Green Acres,” a popular TV

anymore, in the real estate world,

RYE BREAD PAIN DE SEIGLE $ 1 90 $ 4 00 450g Reg./Rég. $2.65 600g Reg./Rég. $4.50 PUMPKIN PIE TARTE À LA CITROUILLE Ouvert le dimanche de 9 h à 15 h / Open Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

show that was popular during the dark age,

“pressure” equals “enhanced values.”

the era before tweets and apps.)

Rising agricultural commodity values

However, small farmsteads aregoing the

andtight inventory levelshavecontributed

way of dial-up Internet connections.

to the significant upswing in the price of

Farms are getting bigger, and scarcer.

Ontario farmland, according to RE/MAX

The number of farms in Ontario shrank

Ontario-Atlantic Canada.

from 85,015 in 2001 to 82,410 in 2006.


Farmers are acquiring land by either

examined, 11 (92 per cent) reported tight

purchasing or leasing fields from

inventory levels, while nine (75 per cent)


noted an increase inprice per acre. Despite

Because of the shortage of farmland on

the current volatility in commodity prices,

the market, the demand for leased land has

the long-termprospects for theagricultural

En vigueur du samedi 1 octobre au vendredi 7 octobre 2011 • Valid from Saturday, October 1 st to Friday, October 7, 2011.

surged, drivinguprental rates tonewhighs.

industry continue to be bolsteredby global

The real estate company relates that

realities, including population growth, an

retiring farmers are increasingly opting to

international grainshortageanddecreased

hold on to their land and lease it to

availability of quality farmland from a


neighbours. The strategy—while

worldwide perspective.

exacerbating the supply problem—has

“Farming operations are increasing in

proven profitable in recent years and less

size as today’s farmers seek to boost

volatile thanother formsof investment such

production through the accumulation of

AVIS est par la présente donné que, conformément à l’article 4(1)(a) de la Loi de 1999 sur la protection des contribuables , (« la Loi »), Andrea Horwath, chef du NPD/NDP de l’Ontario, parti politique inscrit, a déposée auprès du directeur général des élections, le 21 septembre 2011, une déclaration écrite aux termes du paragraphe 4(1) de la Loi, rapportant que si le NPD/NDP de l’Ontario forme le gouvernement suite à l’élection du 6 octobre 2011, ce parti a l’intention de : [R]estaurer le taux général d’impôt sur les sociétés de 11,5 % à 14 %, le taux qui a pWpHQYLJXHXUMXVTX¶DXHMXLOOHW&HWWHPRGL¿FDWLRQGXWDX[DQWLFLSHGHFROOHFWHU 1,650 millions de dollars pour l’année 2013 - 2014. Conformément au paragraphe 4(4) de la Loi, le directeur général des élections a examiné la déclaration et a déterminé que la déclaration est conforme aux paragraphes 4(2) et 4(3) de la Loi. La détermination du directeur général des élections peut être consultée au lien suivant : ou en se présentant au siège d’Élections Ontario situé à 51, prom. Rolark, Toronto (Ontario). Fait à Toronto le 23 septembre 2011. Available in English.

as the stock market.

acreage,” says Michael Polzler, Executive

“There are a number of clear signs that

Vice President, RE/MAXOntario-Atlantic

themarket is quite heated at present,” notes

Canada. “On a national scale, the average

Polzler. “Inadditiontosupplyanddemand,

farm has tripled in size over the past 50

the trendtowarddoor-knockingandprivate

years. Much of the current expansion is

sales has increased. Another factor is the

attributed to the booming cash crop

presenceof investors—a small, but growing

business. The shortageof quality farmland

segment of buyers. Until recently,

has sparked serious competition and

investment activity—common in Western

exertedupwardpressure onprices, a trend

Canadian farmland markets—was a rare

that is expected to continue. With

phenomenon in Ontario. The trend is a

commodities on the upswing and greater

promising one, indicating growing

export opportunities to supply emerging

confidence in the future of Ontario’s

markets, Ontario farmers are now

agricultural real estate.”

strategically positioning themselves to

While investors represent a small

compete on a world stage.”

percentage of farmland holdings, it’s


estimated that end users account for 95 per

of the world. We have seen many wooded

cent of Ontario farmownership—a fact that

areas across the Far East chopped down to

bodes well for the ongoing health and

make way for more fields. Farmers who

Greg Essensa Directeur général des élections

stability of the market, apparently.

have traditionally operated in supply-


managed commodities, such as dairy and

51, prom. Rolark Toronto (Ontario) M1R 3B1

values translates into a broader tax base for

poultry, are branching out into cash crops,

rural municipalities. Thus, our local

such as corn and soya.

governments have more potential tax

As usual, prices are almost ridiculous in

Spécial de la semaine

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Jean-Luc Deslauriers

Lyne Bérubé

Cynthia Echeverria

Joël Pepin

Marc Ranger

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