ManaPT_Sciatica and Back Pain

In most cases, sciatica occurs when one of the back’s disks is herniated. It can also happen if the spine narrows — an effect called spinal stenosis. As we age, our backs undergo a lot of stress.This stress takes a toll, causing inflammation in several areas. If this inflammation reaches a certain point, it may compress these nerves — resulting in pain. What Are the Symptoms of Sciatica? Sciatica back pain is normally noticed as a pain radiating from the lower back. Often, this pain extends to the buttock, spiraling down the leg. If you’re suffering from sciatica, you might feel the discomfort anywhere along this nerve pathway.The pain can even extend to the calf. Educate yourself on your symptoms and what they mean. What Causes Sciatica?

Thepain itselfcanbedull,achingorevensharp. Insomecases, thecompressednervemay feel like itburns,causingconsiderablepain. Inother cases, thecompressednervemaysimply issue a sharp jolt of pain. Some people experiencing sciatica may even have leg numbness, tingling or weakness. If sciatica isn’t treated, it can hinder mobility altogether. How Physical Therapy Can Help with Sciatica If you’re experiencing sciatica, contact a physician immediately. Medical News Today asserts that over-the-counter painkillers may alleviate pain, but in-depth physical therapy is often needed. Physical therapy can reduce

sciatica compression by carefully introducing exercises and relaxing treatments. These treatments, hand picked by medical professionals, can completely eliminate sciatica over time. If you’re experiencing back pain, don’t wait. Call one of our professionals today, and ask about physical therapy options. Your mobility is important, and your back can absolutely be healed.

Find out your treatment options today. Call 732-390-8100


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