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GREGG CHAMBERLAIN NORMAND RIOPEL IS NEW CHAMPLAIN TOWNSHIP MAYOR contender without previous experience on township council, received 602 votes. There were 4,626 votes cast on the ballot for the mayoral race with 21 listed as spoiled and five voters who declined to choose a candidate.

Normand Riopel will replace Gary Barton as the mayor of Champlain Township. “I listened to people, I talked to people, I told them my vision,” Riopel said, crediting his door-to-door campaign for his success. Mayor Gary Barton chose not to run

In other council election results, Jacques Lacelle received 574 votes to retain his seat BTPOFPGUIF8BSEDPVODJMMPST"OESÊ3PZ

for reelection, ending close to four decades of his involving in local municipal politics, first as a member of Vankleek Hill

defeated incumbent .BSD4ÊHVJOGPSUIF PUIFS8BSETFBU XJUI  WPUFT UP 4ÊHVJOT Michel Lalonde and Violaine Titley were elected as

“I listened to people, I talked to people, I told them my vision,” Riopel said, crediting his door-to- door campaign for his success.

village council and then as both councillor and mayor of Champlain Township following the 1998 amalgamation. Riopel was one of three sitting councillors who chose to take a chance on taking Barton’s place as the township’s new mayor in the October 22 civic election. Results of the final tally of votes Monday night had Riopel with 1,676 of the votes in the mayoral race. His closest competition XBTIJTGFMMPXDPVODJMMPS1BVM&NJMF%VWBM with 1,574 votes. )FMFO.BD-FPE XIPHBWFVQIFS8BSE seat for a run at the mayor’s chair, received 748 votes. Urbano Fumagalli, the sole

8BSETUXPOFXDPVODJMMPSTXJUIBOE 460 votes between them. Fellow contenders XFSF.JDIFM1BRVFUUFXJUIWPUFTBOE Yvon St-Jean with 206. (ÊSBSEi(FSSZu.JOFSSFUBJOFEIJTTFBU JO8BSEXJUIWPUFT+PJOJOHIJNBT the new second councillor for the ward is Sarah Bigelow who earned 906. Incumbent Pierre Perrault received 549, while the other contenders were Claudette Myre with 472, James Caputo with 218, and Bryan Rodger with 94. 5IFSFXBTOPFMFDUJPOGPS8BSEBTCPUI incumbent Troy Carkner and newcomer Peter Barton were acclaimed without competition. BWBJFOUDPOUSJCVÊÆTPOÊMFDUJPOjø+FUJFOT ÆSFNFSDJFSMFTRVBUSFGFNNFTEBOTNB WJFøv BTPVMJHOÊ.4BSSB[JOjø.BDPOKPJOUF  NBNÍSFFUNFTEFVYàMMFT&OTFNCMF PO BTVSWÊDVÆVOF DBNQBHOFÊMFDUPSBMFø ø J’aimerais aussi remercier tous les gens qui NPOUBJEÊEBOTNB DBNQBHOFÊMFDUPSBMF Il est temps de bâtir un pont entre les citoyens FUMBNVOJDJQBMJUÊ+F MBODFVOBQQFMÆUPVT les gens pour qu’ils viennent me parler. Je veux communiquer avec les citoyens qui POUEFTJORVJÊUVEFTøv Nouveaux visages Plusieurs nouveaux visages feront leur

Normand Riopel a serré la main de tous au Centre communautaire de Vankleek Hill, le 22 octobre, lorsque le décompte final des votes a révélé sa victoire au scrutin avec 1676 votes, pour ainsi devenir le nouveau maire du canton de Champlain. M. Riopel remplace le maire Gary Barton, qui se retire de la politique municipale. —photo Gregg Chamberlain



Stéphane Sarrazin succèdera au maire sortant d’Alfred-Plantagenet, Fernand Dicaire. 4FMPOMFTSÊTVMUBUT non officiels rendus disponibles, celui-ci aurait obtenu 2074 votes. Son adversaire, Jean-Pierre Cadieux a SÊDPMUÊ  WPUFT Rappelons que le maire TPSUBOU 'FSOBOE%JDBJSF OBQBTTPMMJDJUÊEF nouveau mandat. Lors de son allocution, M. Sarrazin n’a QBTNBORVÊEFSFNFSDJFSUPVTDFVYRVJ

« Je tiens à remercier les quatre femmes dans ma vie », a souligné M. Sarrazin. « Ma conjointe, ma mère et mes deux filles.

6 novembre | Hawkesbury 8 novembre | Rockland BÂTIR SA CONFIANCE, CROIRE EN SES FORCES

Stéphane Sarrazin obtained 2074 votes to cruise into Alfred-Plantagenet’s mayor’s chair. His adversary, Jean-Pierre Cadieux, obtained 1653 votes. Ward 1 candidates Yves Laviolette (968 votes) Suzanne Lafrance (966 votes) and René Beaulne (1070 votes) were elected, as well as Ward 2 candidates Antoni Viau (1082 votes), Ian Walker (977 votes) and Chantal Galipeau (779). —supplied photo

Français 10 h | Anglais 14 h

par Lynda Tessier , Conseillère à l'emploi - CSEPR


Beaulne qui a obtenu 1070 votes. 2VBOUBVRVBSUJFS JMTFSBSFQSÊTFOUÊ QBS"OUPOJ7JBV *BO8BMLFSFU$IBOUBM(BMJ - peau qui ont reçu l’appui de 1082, 977 et ÊMFDUFVSTSFTQFDUJWFNFOU

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