King's Business - 1930-05

May 1930

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


1 CT'Ö-Comiletical '¿Kelps-- and teachers ^


The Great Things of God “Oh the depth . . . o f the riches o f God." Gift unspeakable. 2 Cor. 9 :15. Grace exceeding abundant. 1 Tim. 1:14; Eph. 2:7. Greatness unsearchable. Psa. 145:3. Joy unspeakable. 1 Peter 1 :8. Judgments unsearchable. Rom. 11:33. Love that passeth knowledge. Eph. 3:19. Peace “that passeth all understanding.” Phil. 4:7. Power exceeding great. Eph. 1 :19. Promises exceeding great and precious. 2 Peter 1 :4. Riches unsearchable. Eph. 3 :8. Ways past finding out. Rom. 11:33. Weight of glory exceeding and eternal. 2 Cor. 4 47. — B eliever’s Magazine. Ready The Believer should be “READY” To give an answer of the hope in him. 1 Pet. 3 45. To preach the Gospel. Rom. 1 45. To distribute. 1 Tim. 6:18. To every good work. Titus 3:1. God is ready .to pardon. Neh. 9:17. The feast is “ready.” . Luke 14:17. Salvation is “r e a d y” to be revealed. 1 Peter 1 :5. The sinner is “ready” to perish. Isa. 27 43. The day of darkness is “ready.” Job 15 :23. Destruction is “ready.” Job 18 42. The Son of Man is ready to judge the quick and the dead. 1 Pet. 4:5. B E Y E TH ER E FO R E READY ALSO. — Anon. To be bound. Acts 2 1 :13. To be offered. 2 Tim. 4:6. To meet the Lord. Luke 12:40.

God’s Financial Plan

A Compromising Man “Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom.” —Gen. 13:12. L ot is a type o f an unfaithfu l Christian. 1. He walked by sight rather than by faith. “He lifted up his eyes and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered . . . like the land of Egypt.” Gen. 13 :10. 2. His motive was selfish. “Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan.” Gen. 13 :}1. 3. He gravitated downward step by step. (Sodom is typical of the world.) “Lot pitched his tent to­ ward Sodom.” Gen. 13 42. 4. He went step by step to destruction. “Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain.” Gen. 13 42. 5. He identified himself with the in­ terests and policy of Sodom. “Lot sat in the gate of Sodom.” Gen. 19 4 . 6. He lost his testimony and power. “Lot seemed as one that mocked.” Gen. 19 44. — H. C. Fulton. —o— A Vacillating Woman “Remember Lot’s wife.”—Luke 17 :32. I. R em em ber that Jesu s Used H er H is­ tory as a Warning to Those who Waver. Luke 17:32. II. R em em ber H er P rivileges. 1. Associated with the friend of God. 2. Visited by angels. 3. Warned of God. III. R em ember H er Presumption. 1. An inordinate attachment to that which God condemned. 2 . Yielding to temptation to linger. 3. Disobeying God’s revelation.

I. WHO? 1. Malachi 3:10—“Ye.” 2. 1 Corinthians 16:2—“Every one of you”—From the youngest to the oldest. II. WHAT? 1. Malachi 3:8, 10—“Tithes and o f­ ferings.” 2. 1 Corinthians 16:2—“As God hath prospered you.” This will determine the amount of your tithes and offerings. III. WHEN?- 1. Malachi 3 40—When the store­ house is open for receiving the tithes and offerings. 2. 1 Corinthians 16:2—“Upon the first day of the week.” IV. HOW? 1. Malachi 3:10—“Bring.” 2. 1 Corinthians 16:2—“Lay by.” V. WH ERE ? 1. Malachi 3 :10—“Into the store­ house”—God’s house. 2. 1 Corinthians 16:2—“In store.” V I. W H Y ?, 1. Malachi 3 4 0— (a ) “That there may be meat in my house”—sufficient means. (b) That we may r e c e i v e God’s “blessings.” 2. 1 Corinthians 16:2— “That there be no gatherings”— withholding of God’s tithe—that God’s money may not be squan­ dered on self. — G. G. Lanter, in “W estern R ecorder.” 5. Abundant Ministry. 2 Cor. 1 4 2 . 6. Abundant Answers to Prayer. Eph. 3:20. 7. Abundant Spirit. Tit. 3 :5-6. 8. Abundant Confirmation. Heb. 6:17. — W. H. P. —o— Four Wrong Attitudes Toward the Coming of Christ 1. Indifference—“My L o r d delayeth.” Matt. 24:48. 2. NeglectT—“No oil.” Matt. 25 :3. 3. Indolence—“Hid thy talent.” Matt. 2 5 :25. 4. Self righteousness—“When saw we thee hungry?” Matt. 25:44. — -S elected . Our Abundant God He gives : 1. Abundant Grace. 2 Cor. 4:15. 2. Abundant Rejoicing. Phil. 1 :26. 3. Abundant Mercy. 1 Pet. 1:3. 4. Abundant Life. Jno. 10:10.

God’s Providence

1. Provides. Gen. 22:13. 2. Protects. Est. 6:1. 3. Punishes. Dan. 5 :30. 4. Helps. 2 Kings 8:5. 5. Inspires. Acts 16:9. 6. Guides. Acts 8 :27. 7. Satisfies. Luke 2:28, 26, 30.

IV. R em em ber H er Punishment. 1. Sudden. 2. Unexpected. 3. Merited. 4. Consistent. 5. Final. 6. Cautionary.

— Selected.

—o— Four Beholds in John 19

'*r L'-H. C. Fulton.

1. Behold the man. V. 5. 2. Behold your King. V. 14. 3. Behold thy son. V. 26. 4. Behold thy mother. V. 27.

A Basket of Fruit Go and bring forth fruit. John 15:16. The branch cannot bear fruit of itself. John 15 :4. From Me is thy fruit found. Hos. 14:8. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, etc. Gal. 5 :22. Every good tree bringeth forth good fruit. Matt. 7 47. Ye shall know them by their fruits. John 15:2-8. Fruitful in every good work. Col. 1 40. —William Luff.

— Selected.

Four Lessons About Christ’s Coming 1. Coming as a thief. Matt. 24:42, 43. 2. Coming to receive. Matt. 2 5 :6. 3. Coming to reckon. Matt. 2 5 :19. 4. Coming to judge. Matt. 25:31. — Selected.

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