Viking Views 2022

26| Lake Social at Lodge of The Four Seasons, Lake of the Ozarks 27| Cliff DeGraff (2006), April (Stottlemyre) DeGraff (2009), and TJ Sweet 28| Alumni and Friends enjoying Lake Social 29| Women from Alpha Xi Delta (AZD) reunite for a tour of campus. (See story below)



Lake Social



AZD Reunion Donna (Oehler) Bailey 1960, Ruthie (Roe) Graham 1963, Kay Lynne (Borden) Bowers 1962, Sally (Wilson) Campbell 1961, Donna (Klepper) Huston 1955, Marilyn (Cole) Wentzel 1960, Pat (Clark) Oster 1962, Carole Lee (Stites) Mocker 1963, Carolyn (Sander) Woodsmall 1961, Mary Lou (Carey) Porter 1964 The ladies of AZD gathered in August for a reunion. A two day stay consisted of staying at a local bed and breakfast, tour of Arrow Rock, Missouri Valley Social, Nicholas Beasley Aviation Museum and a tour of Missouri Valley College led by the External Relations Team. The ladies remincied of times gone by and how much the campus has changed. 29

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