How to Set Your Intention and Get What You Want
Positive means to state what you want and not what you don’t want. )RU H[DPSOH ³, JHW D JRRG QLJKW¶V UHVW´ LQVWHDG RI ³, GRQ¶W ZDQW WR wake up at night.” When you focus on the positive, you orient yourself to what you want instead of the current situation you dislike and want to change. This is especially true if you fail to indicate what you want instead of that which you dislike. The latter leaves the future wide open. And, you assume the risk of creating a situation you don’t like HLWKHU,WFRXOGEHHYHQZRUVH Clear means you state exactly what you want. When you’re clear, your words aren’t vague or understated. For example, let’s assume you’re experiencing a lot of pain in your left knee. Wouldn’t you want WREHSDLQIUHHUDWKHUWKDQIHHOOHVVSDLQ"'RQ¶WEHVK\RUKHVLWDQW%H KRQHVW DQG FOHDU %HOLHYH LQ \RXUVHOI DQG \RXU DELOLW\ WR FRPSOHWHO\ heal or attain all that you aspire toward. 6SHFL¿F PHDQV ZRUGLQJ \RXU LQWHQWLRQ VXFK WKDW LW H[FOXGHV DP - biguity and other options you do not intend. For example, let’s say you have two daughters. Your relationship with one is excellent. The RWKHULVVWUDLQHG,I\RXVD\³,ZDQWWRFRPPXQLFDWHH̆ HFWLYHO\ZLWK my daughter,” you just might further improve the good relationship you already have and fail to improve the stained one. So make sure to specify which daughter. 7 Ways to Work With Your Intention and Fulfill It 1. (YHU\VRRIWHQWDNHWLPHWRUHÀHFWDQGHYHQGD\GUHDPDERXW ZKDW\RXUOLIHZLOOEHOLNHZKHQ\RXIXO¿OO\RXULQWHQWLRQ -RXUQDO DERXW \RXU LQWHQWLRQ %\ GRLQJ VR \RX¶OO UHÀHFW RQ KRZWKLVLQWHQWLRQZLOOFRQWULEXWHWR\RXUSHUVRQDOIXO¿OOPHQW
:KHQ\RXVHW\RXULQWHQWLRQIRUWKHSHUVRQDOIXO¿OOPHQWRIVRPH - WKLQJ LPSRUWDQW WR \RX JLYH LW WKH VLJQL¿FDQFH DQG DWWHQWLRQ LW GH - VHUYHV'RWKLVE\FKRRVLQJRQHRUPRUHRIWKHVHZD\VWRKRQRUDQG HQFRXUDJHIXO¿OOPHQW Why Set Your Intention For Personal Fulfillment? People set intentions because they want to clarify for themselves what they want. Of equal importance, having a stated (or written) in- WHQWLRQKHOSVDSHUVRQIRFXVHQHUJ\DQGSULRULWL]H %XWZKDWGRHVLWPHDQWRKDYHDQLQWHQWLRQDQGKRZLVDQLQWHQWLRQ VLPSO\GL̆ HUHQWIURPZDQWLQJ" ,QWHQWLRQ JRDO DQG DLP DUH RIWHQ XVHG LQWHUFKDQJHDEO\ (DFK RI these terms is typically distinguished from wants, desires, and prayers because it assumes some degree of commitment and a willingness of WKHDFWRUWRDFWKHQFHVRPHKRZSDUWLFLSDWHLQWKHH̆ RUWWRIXO¿OOWKH LQWHQWLRQ7KDWH̆ RUWFRXOGEHPHQWDOHPRWLRQDOSK\VLFDOVSLULWXDO or energetic. 8QOLNHJRDORUDLPWKHZRUGLQWHQWLRQLVFRPPRQO\XVHGLQVSLULWXDO DQGPHWDSK\VLFDOFRQWH[WV,WFRQQRWHVVRPHWKLQJWUDQVIRUPDWLYHDQG of greater value and meaning. An intention can be about something physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, or energetic. And, it can be fo- cused on the immediate or the future. Start With Well-Defined Intentions The best way to empower your intention is to use words that are SRVLWLYHFOHDUDQGVSHFL¿F
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PATHWAYS—Winter 22—21
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