
MIND-BODY-SPIRIT How to Set Your Intention... ...continued from page 21

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<RX FDQ DOVR LGHQWLI\ DQG SULRULWL]H DFWLRQV WR VXSSRUW \RXU desired transformation.  Create a crystal grid or vision board that encompasses your YLVLRQDQGLQWHQWLRQ,QDGGLWLRQ\RXFDQFKDUJHWKHJULGRU board with the energy of your intention. Periodically visit it and recharge it. 4. )RFXV RQ ZKR \RX H[SHFW WR EH ZKHQ \RX IXO¿OO \RXU LQWHQ - tions. And, be that person now. Start small, habituate your- self, and continue to adopt more attributes over time. 5. Keep your intention close to your heart and in your day- dreams, staying open to related opportunities as they arise. This means you don’t plan and designate your solar plexus chakra to will your intention into existence. Focus on the feel- ing state rather than a strategy.  ,I\RXKDYHPDQ\LQWHQWLRQVVHOHFWRQHRUDFRXSOHWRIRFXV RQULJKWQRZ7RRPDQ\LQWHQWLRQVFDQGLOXWHWKHH̆ RUW\RX can put toward any one intention. Plus, lots of details cause confusion. This is true even on an energetic level. When you’re confused, your energy is likely to be confused and incoherent. This muddles energetic clarity and alignment. 7. 'L̆ XVHHVVHQWLDORLOV to create a supportive atmosphere. The idea is to pair your intention with the biophysical and meta- physical properties of particular essential oils. Another option LVWRGL̆ XVHDFOHDQVLQJEOHQGWRHQHUJHWLFDOO\FOHDU\RXDQG your space, thus removing toxins and clutter from the past, RSHQLQJWRÀRZDQG\RXUOLIHIRUZDUGPRYHPHQW 6HHP\ post 6PXGJLQJ8VLQJ'L̆ XVHU2LOVIRU(QHUJ\:RUN&OHDU - ing , available on my blog.) Try any one or more of these ways to empower your intentions. People like the ceremony of those using crystals, and essential oils. ,GRWRR%XWLQP\H[SHULHQFHQXPEHUVIRXUDQG¿YHDUHWKHPRVW impactful. The key is not to simply state what you want or to create and focus ORJLFDOSODQVZLWKWKHFRJQLWLYHPLQGWKDWKDVQ¶W\HWIXO¿OOHGWKHVHLQ - WHQWLRQVIRU\RX,QVWHDGEH\RXUFKDQJHLQDPLOOLRQGL̆ HUHQWOLWWOH ZD\VKROGRQWRWKDWHQHUJ\DQGEHRSHQWRWKDWZKLFKR̆ HUVKLQWVRI \RXU¿QDOGHVWLQDWLRQ 3DWULFLD %RQQDUG 3K' $&& LV DQ LQWHJUDWHG OLIH FRDFK HPERGLHG SUDFWLWLRQHU DQG0DVWHU,QVWUXFWRUHQHUJ\KHDOHU6KHR̆ HUVYLUWXDODQGLQSHUVRQVHVVLRQVDQG QXPHURXVVKRUWZRUNVKRSVRQSHUVRQDOJURZWKQDWXUDOKHDOLQJDQGZHOOQHVV5HDG KHUEORJRQOLQHIRUPRUHWLSVDQGUHVRXUFHV)RUPRUHDERXW3DWULFLDYLVLWKHUZHEVLWH 6WDUFKDVHU+HDOLQJ$UWV  ZZZVWDUFKDVHUKHDOLQJDUWVFRP 

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