
SEASONAL INSIGHTS Finding That Perfect Holiday Sparkle! A Foolproof Way to Select the Perfect Crystal Gift

Innov8tive Posh


That wonderful time RI \HDU LV KHUH ² *LIW *LY - LQJ 7LPH ,W¶V D WLPH IXOO RI sparkle, wonderment, loved ones, and giving gifts from WKH KHDUW +ROLGD\ JLIWV DUH just a small token of appre- ciation to show those around us what they have meant to XVWKURXJKRXWWKH\HDU*HW - ting a gift for a loved one should not be a stressful event, but when you start to look for that special some-

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WKLQJLWFDQVHHPRYHUZKHOPLQJ,I\RXDUHWKLQNLQJRIJLIWLQJFU\V - tals to your special someone, this is especially true when confronted with lots of sparkly crystals and the incredible amount of metaphysical knowledge swirling around. Whether you’re new to crystals, or buying for a crystal enthusiast, it can be a daunting task. :RUNLQJLQDFU\VWDOVKRS,JHWDVNHGDORWRITXHVWLRQVEXWWKH number one question is, “Can you help me look for a gift for my… ( IULHQGZLIHKXVEDQGPRWKHUHWF ",NQRZWKH\DUHLQWRDOORI7+,6 EXW,DPQRWVXUHZKDWWRJHWWKHPSOHDVHKHOS´,TXLFNO\UHDVVXUH WKHP ZH KDYH ORWV RI LWHPV DQG ,¶P FRQ¿GHQW WKH SHUIHFW JLIW LV RXW there. When it comes to gift-giving to another person, my primary sug- JHVWLRQLVWR7+,1.RIWKHSHUVRQIRUZKRP\RXDUHEX\LQJ7U\PR - mentarily to connect with their energy and set the intention of what you would like this gift to mean to them. Then with this series of three simple questions, you can narrow down the perfect crystal gift for the one you’re shopping for. What does the person you’re shopping for mean to YOU? 7KH¿UVWZRUGWKDWFRPHVWRPLQGZKDWHYHULWPD\EH DGMHFWLYH RUQRXQ LV\RXUZRUGIRUWKHP'RQ¶WRYHUWKLQNMXVWVKRRWR̆ WKDW ¿UVWZRUG,I\RX¶UHEX\LQJIRU\RXUZLIHDQGWKH¿UVWZRUGWKDWFRPHV to mind is “love,” then crystals that represent Love could be a great choice. 6RPHH[DPSOHVRI/RYH6WRQHVDUH5RVH4XDUW]5KRGRQLWHDQG *DUQHW5RVH4XDUW]LVNQRZQDVWKH³FU\VWDORIXQFRQGLWLRQDOORYH´ ,W¶V VDLG WR ERRVW IHHOLQJV RI VHOIORYH DQG IRVWHU ORYLQJ UHODWLRQVKLSV ZLWKRWKHUV5KRGRQLWHLVDFU\VWDO¿OOHGZLWKORYHDQGEDODQFH,WLV the “Stone of Love” due to its ability to fully clear, stimulate, and re- DFWLYDWH\RXUKHDUW,WSXVKHV\RXWRUHDOO\ORYH\RXUVHOIVR\RXPD\ R̆ HUORYHWRVRPHRQHHOVH*DUQHWLVDVWRQHRIFRPPLWPHQWDQG5HG *DUQHWUHSUHVHQWVORYH,WUHYLWDOL]HVIHHOLQJVDQGHQKDQFHVVH[XDOLW\ bringing warmth, devotion, understanding, trust, sincerity, and hon- esty to a relationship. 2WKHUH[DPSOHV,KDYHKHDUG • “Energetic” — a stone suggestion for this quality would be &KDURLWHIRULWVPHVPHUL]LQJVZLUOVRISXUSOHVDQGFUHDP&KDURLWHLV the stone of transformation, so it would be a good choice for someone DOZD\VRQWKHPRYH0\RWKHUVXJJHVWLRQIRUVRPHRQHZKRKDVDORW of energy would be Carnelian. Carnelian is an excellent stone for those who use their artistic talents to get their energy out by continuously channeling their creative mind.

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continued on page 24

PATHWAYS—Winter 22—23

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