What size gift would your person prefer? Smaller items that show emotion and connection from you to them, or even a small collection of stones may be their ideal gift. A more personal item, like jewelry made with crystals, or a crystal token ZLWKDVSHFL¿FLQWHQWLRQWKH\FDQDOZD\VFDUU\ZLWKWKHPPD\EHWKH right choice as a thoughtful reminder of you or the power you wish to invoke for them. 2USHUKDSV\RXUSHUVRQOLNHVEROGHURUHYHQKDUGHUWR¿QGFU\V - WDOVEHFDXVH³WKH\KDYHHYHU\VWRQHDQGFU\VWDO´,QWKDWFDVHWKH\PD\ love the idea of a larger crystal specimen to display in their home that makes them smile, is a conversation starter or focal point for a room, or even a collection of larger stones for their space or personal altar. Large or small, crystals can also be used to Feng Shui their home. )HQJ6KXLLVWKHDQFLHQW&KLQHVHDUWRIDUUDQJLQJREMHFWVLQ\RXUHQ - YLURQPHQWWRDFKLHYHKDUPRQ\DQGEDODQFH Some examples of crys- WDOVWKDWZRXOGKHOSZLWK)HQJ6KXLZRXOGEHFOHDU4XDUW]&U\VWDOIRU clarity and harmony when placed in the center of your home space; Pyrite in the left most corner of your home to bring prosperity and ¿QDQFLDODEXQGDQFHRU5RVH4XDUW]SODFHGLQ\RXUEHGURRPWREULQJ all forms of love into your home. Answering these three questions works every time when trying to narrow down a gift for that special someone on your list. To go a little IXUWKHUDQRWKHUJRRGUXOHRIWKUHHLV¿QGLQJWKUHHJLIWVIRU\RXUSHU - son. Let me explain. :LWK\RXUSHUSHUVRQJLIWEXGJHWLQPLQG¿QGRQHLWHPWKDWLVDW WKHWRSRI\RXUEXGJHWRQHPLGUDQJHLWHPDQG¿QDOO\RQHLWHPRQ WKH ORZHU HQG RI \RXU EXGJHW ,Q WKH H[DPSOHV DERYH WKH SHUVRQ LV looking at a holiday gift for his wife, the adjective was “Love”, the color was “green”, and let’s say the wife’s gift preference is something on the bolder side. For this scenario, my picks would be:
Finding That Perfect Holiday Sparkle... ...continued from page 23 ³&DUHHURULHQWHG´²IRUWKLVWUDLW,ZRXOGVXJJHVW3\ULWH DOVR NQRZQDV³IRRO¶VJROG´ VLQFHLWLVWKH³*RRG/XFN´VWRQHDQGRQHWRKHOS with abundance. Larimar is another suggestion for the career-minded SHUVRQVLQFHLWLVNQRZQDVWKH³0HUFKDQW6WRQH´6RLI\RXUSHUVRQLV LQVDOHVRUHYHQDPDQDJHU/DULPDUZLOOJLYHWKDW0LGDV7RXFK What color represents them? $Q\FRORUWKDWZRXOGUHÀHFWWKHPDVDFRORU$JDLQGRQ¶WRYHUWKLQN LWQRPDWWHUKRZ³RGG´LWPD\VHHP\RXU¿UVWWKRXJKWZLOOKHOS\RX QDUURZGRZQ\RXURSWLRQV,I\RXUDQVZHULV³*UHHQ´WKHQWKDWFRXOG EHFRQQHFWHGWRWKH+HDUW&KDNUDZKLFKLVRXUFHQWHUIRUORYHDQGEDO - DQFH ,QWKHSDVWSHRSOHKDYHORRNHGDWPHZLWKFRQIXVLRQXQWLOWKH\ VWDUWWRVHHWKHGRWVFRQQHFWDQG,FDQVHHWKHZKHHOVWXUQLQJ,WLVP\ favorite moment during this process, next to the elated and relaxed ORRNWKH\JHWRQFHZH¿QG the gift.) Other color connections include: %OXH²FRQQHFWHGWRWKH7KURDW&KDNUD²KHOSVWKRVHZKRDUHLQ need to speak their mind or get over a fear of public speaking. 5HG ² DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK WKH 5RRW &KDNUD ² FDQ KHOS WKRVH ZKR need to be more grounded or for those who are constant day dreamers and need a little focus occasionally. • Purple — the Crown Chakra — connected to intellect and how we perceive the world around us; this is also a good color choice to help balance and provide healing for those in need of it in their lives. %ODFN LV D JUHDW FRORU FKRLFH IRU SURWHFWLRQ DV ZHOO DV LQYRNLQJ feelings of elegance and luxury.
continued on page 71
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