1LGUDFDQEHHTXDOWRKRXUVRI deep sleep.This workshop is suit- able for all body types and levels of practitioner. Please refrain IURPFD̆ HLQHDQGKHDY\H[HUFLVH for at least 4 hrs prior to our VHVVLRQ)HH*UDFH$QQXDO 0HPEHU'LVFRXQWHG)HH 9LVLWZZZJUDFH\SVFRPZRUN - shops-and-retreats to register or FDOO<2*$9LVLWZZZ for more information about Align With *UDFH<RJD&ODXGLD1HXPDQ FODXGLD#DOLJQZLWKJUDFHFRP — 22 — Yin Yoga and Sound Bath Meditation SPSP 6RXQGKHDOHU'DQWH%DNHUZLOO guide you through an accessible, all-levels Yin Yoga practice, be- fore setting you in to a deep sav- asana to enjoy the deep energetic realignment and awakening of a sound bath with singing bowls. ,QSHUVRQDW'LVWULFW)ORZ<RJD LQIR#GLVWULFWÀRZ\RJDFRP ZZZGLVWULFWÀRZ\RJDFRP
VLRQV#JPDLOFRP(FNDQNDU RI1RUWKHUQ9LUJLQLD ZZZHFNYDRUJ — 14 — You Are a Cup for the Living Water, SP SP-RLQXVIRU DQXSOLIWLQJPLQXWHYLGHR talk and follow-on discussion that can help unravel some of WKHP\VWHULHVRIOLIH(YHU\QG :HGQHVGD\IURPSP5693 WRVSLULWXDOGLVFXVVLRQV#JPDLO com for the Zoom invite. Eckan- NDURI1RUWKHUQ9LUJLQLD ZZZHFNYDRUJ — 17 — Enlightened Rest 108: Para® Yoga Nidra with Claudia Neuman , 4pm - 5:45pm. This is an opportunity WR¿QGVHUHQLW\\RXPLJKWQRW know you had through the practice of Para® Yoga Nidra. %DVHGRQWKHDQFLHQWWHDFKLQJV RIWKH0DQGXN\D8SDQLVKDG we explore the yogic states of waking, dreaming, deep sleep and beyond. Yoga Nidra is the practice of remaining conscious in a state of deep sleep. Stud- LHVVKRZWKDWKRXURI<RJD
— 24 — Christmas Eve Service, SPSP$OO,6'FKXUFK - es will come together through Zoom to celebrate the birth of RXUEURWKHU-HVXV,QVWLWXWHIRU 6SLULWXDO'HYHORSPHQWZZZ JANUARY — 3 — Astrology for Beginners , 7pm - 9pm. Astrology is mul- tifaceted and complex, but it GRHVQ¶WKDYHWREHGL̇ FXOWRU LQWLPLGDWLQJ,WFDQEHDFFHVVL - ble. Classes will take place on 7XHVGD\VDWSP(7EHJLQ - QLQJ-DQXDU\WKURXJK 0DUFK(DFKFODVVZLOOEH PLQXWHVLQOHQJWK<RX will receive online links to the recordings. Signs, planets, houses, aspects, mythology, FKDUWFDVWLQJDQGPRUHKWWSV ZZZWKHUHQHJDGHP\VWLFFRP HYHQWVDVWURORJ\EDVLFV/LVD $GDPV5HQHJDGH0\VWLF//& JRGGHVVKSV#JPDLOFRP ZZZWKHUHQHJDGHP\ - VWLFFRP
— 4 — Monthly Mind/Body Check- in - FIRST ONLINE SES- SION SPSP7KLVLV an ongoing event that occurs WKH¿UVW:HGQHVGD\RIHYHU\ month. You can register and begin at any point in the year. ,QWKLVVSHFLDOVSDFHIRURQJR - ing support and empowerment, we clear away what no longer serves us and focus on em- bracing the people, places, and ideas that promote our growth: 'LVFXVVLQJFKDOOHQJHVVKDULQJ coping skills, celebrating our victories, and building healthy plans moving forward. Topics include cultivating self-care routines, implementing bound- aries, and infusing our lives with abundance, peace, and serenity. 5HJLVWHUDWOLQGVH\YDQZDJQHU FRPPP/LQGVH\9DQ:DJQHU OLQGVH\YDQZDJQHU#JPDLOFRP ZZZOLQGVH\ - — 10 — 5-Day Thought Detox LIVE Virtual Challenge SP SP+RZZRXOGLWIHHOWR have a reliable path to peace
Welcoming Diverse Inclusive
Serving the Greater Washington DC Metro Area
IN PERSON, FIRST SUNDAYS—10:00 AM EXCEPT in JANUARY, IN PERSON WILL BE JANUARY 8th Museum of Contemporary Arts 3550 Wilson Boulevard • Arlington , Virginia Streaming Every Sunday on Zoom: K0tmYXdKajU0Q2xSMFlBNE0yK3RHdz09 ID: 774 284 0215 PW: 765814 Watch us, Center for Spiritual Living Metro, on Facebook and YouTube
Meditation Opportunities Weekdays: 8:00–8:45 AM on Zoom Sundays: 9:15–9:45 PM in person 1st Sundays Singing Bowls–6:30 PM–First Sundays To sign up (free) and get the location:
email: or call: 703-677-7102
Rev. Trish Hall, Spiritual Leader International Best Selling Author
PATHWAYS—Winter 22—39
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