For beginners and experienced meditators. For reservations: RUVDYLWUL#QHZ - For PRUHLQIRUPDWLRQYLVLWKWWSV QHZIXWXUHVRFLHW\FHQWHUFRP R̆ HULQJVHYHQWVPHGLWDWLRQ Monthly Mind/Body Check-in SPSP7KLVLV an ongoing event that occurs WKH¿UVW:HGQHVGD\RIHYHU\ month. You can register and begin at any point in the year. ,QWKLVVSHFLDOVSDFHIRURQJR - ing support and empowerment, we clear away what no longer serves us and focus on em- bracing the people, places, and ideas that promote our growth: 'LVFXVVLQJFKDOOHQJHVVKDULQJ coping skills, celebrating our victories, and building healthy plans moving forward. Topics include cultivating self-care routines, implementing bound- aries, and infusing our lives with abundance, peace, and serenity. 5HJLVWHUDWOLQGVH\YDQZDJQHU FRPPP/LQGVH\9DQ:DJQHU OLQGVH\YDQZDJQHU#JPDLOFRP ZZZOLQGVH\ - Sacred Cacao Ceremonies , SPSP(9(5<1(: 0221$1')8//0221 &DFDRKDVEHHQDVDFUHG part of various cultures for centuries. As a plant medicine, it is considered to be the ulti- mate heart opener and mood enhancer. Filled with healing properties that aid in opening your heart as you go deep into
.QRZOHGJH\RXZRQ¶W¿QGHOVH - ZKHUH,WZRUNV%URXJKWWR\RX E\5RVH5RVHWUHH3DWKZD\V(Q - ergetic Literacy Columnist. Start KHUHZLWKWKLVIUHHLQWURKWWSV ELWO\:HY1[&KHFNLWRXW today. No obligation. And maybe some big results for you. Intuition & Healing Devel- opment. This video develop- ment group is an exciting blend of study and practice in the ¿HOGVRIPHWDSK\VLFVKHDOLQJ and intuition. The participants select the topic for each meeting. Come join us monthly and learn about the things that interest \RX'LVFRYHUZKDW\RXDUH JUHDWDWGRLQJ7XLWLRQSHU class. To register: call Wanda at RUHPDLO.DWLH NDWLHO\QQ#JPDLOFRP$OO classes are online until further notice. Meditation for Peace and Well-being HYHU\0RQGD\DQG 7KXUVGD\SPSP 0HGLWDWLRQIRUSHDFHDQG well-being. A portion of each VHVVLRQLVVSHFL¿FDOO\GHVLJQHG for healing. Join us on Zoom.
6+,1(&6$0HPEHUVKLSVDYDLO - able for pick up at this location. Email to join, for more informa- WLRQRUWRYROXQWHHULQIR#OLFN - Licking &UHHN%HQG)DUP Amrit Yoga Nidra Class, 7KXUVGD\VSPP (9(5< - ONE can practice Amrit Yoga Nidra, regardless of age (requir- ing only you lie still and listen while being guided)! Workshop EHJLQVZLWKPLQVRIPLQG - IXOQHVVIROORZHGE\PLQVRI restorative Yoga to therapeuti- cally open and relax the body. Participants should bring a Yoga mat, blanket, and eye pillow for comfort (optional) for this in-person class. As you deeply relax during your Yoga Nidra session, you’ll receive a com- plimentary 45-minute dry salt WKHUDS\VHVVLRQLQWKH6DOW%DUQ 6DOWRQ0DLQ:HOOQHVV&HQWHU ZZZVDOWRQPDLQ com Creative Secrets with Soul. Learn them and watch your problem-solving skills grow.
meditation, cacao is gentle and FDUULHVDORYH¿OOHGHQHUJ\%ULQJ a Yoga mat, blanket, and a pillow – along with the crystals you would like to meditate with – and enjoy the healing of jour- neying into your own heart! Led by Aurelia - Enlightened Path; Singing Bowls SP6XQ - days. To sign up (free) and get the location: ZZZ6LQJLQJ%RZO - 0HGLWDWLRQHYHQWEULWHFRP . Cen- WHUIRU6SLULWXDO/LYLQJ0HWUR KWWSVFVOPHWURRUJ . Spiritual Book Discussion , DPSPHDFKWK6XQGD\ Please join us for an uplifting discussion of one of the Spiritual :LVGRPVHULHVERRNV5HDGLQJ the book ahead of time is not QHFHVVDU\8SFRPLQJWRSLFV LQFOXGH.DUPD 5HLQFDUQDWLRQ /LIH$IWHU'HDWKDQG6ROYLQJ Problems. A free book will be JLYHQWRHDFKDWWHQGHH,QSHU - VRQDWWKH0DU\ODQG(FNDQNDU &HQWHU(OWRQ5G6WH 6LOYHU6SULQJ0'ZZZ (FNDQNDU0DU\ODQGRUJ The Awakening Soul , 11am SP,QSHUVRQVSLULWXDO discussion of 7KH$ZDNHQLQJ 6RXO +RZFDQ\RXHPEUDFH your true destiny as Soul? Please MRLQXVHYHU\QG6XQGD\DWWKH Northern Virginia ECK Center for stimulating spiritual conver- sation! All guests will receive a free book while supplies last. Contact: Jan Whiteley, spiritual- GLVFXVVLRQV#JPDLOFRP
Institute for Spiritual Development A Metaphysical Church & Community Sunday Services: • 1st Sunday – 12:30 pm (In-Person & Zoom) o The Palisades Hub 5200 Cathedral Ave NW, Washington, DC • 2nd-4th Sundays – 11:00 am (Zoom) Upcoming Virtual Offerings: • Virtual Reiki & Energy Healing Share, Monthly, 4th Wednesday, 7:00 pm • Winter Solstice, Wednesday, December 21st at 7:00 pm • Christmas Eve Service with all ISD churches, Saturday, December 24th at 7:30 pm PLUS • Online Psychic Fairs, Message Galleries, Classes, Workshops and MORE Visit for more information on these events and to register.
Konstanza Morning Star Certified Medium & Shaman Author of Medium: A Step-by-Step Guide to Communicating with the Spirit World
Evidential Mediumship Readings Mediumship Workshops, Circles, Teleclasses Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Healing, Spirit Release Available via phone, Zoom, Skype, Face-to-Face 240-543-9414
42—PATHWAYS—Winter 22
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