

Power of a Quilted Life... ...continued from page 55

We are strong because we accept ourselves and integrate older tools and experiences into new ways of being. We are resilient because we continually discover new insights instead of boxing ourselves into DULJLGSRUWUDLWDQLPDJLQDU\PLUURUWKDWTXLFNO\EHFRPHVXQUHFRJQL] - able. We are creative because we are willing to create something new ZLWKWKHSX]]OHVZHHQFRXQWHULQRXUVRXOVDQGLQWKHZRUOG 7KHUH¶VDZRQGHUIXOVLGHH̆ HFWRIWKLVVHOIFUDIWHGVWUHQJWK2XULQ - dividual quilts are always connected with other people’s quilted lives ²VRPHWLPHVZLWKH̆ RUWVRPHWLPHVH̆ RUWOHVVO\:HDUHVWLWFKHGWR - JHWKHUE\DQLQH̆ DEOHDQGDOZD\VVKLIWLQJHQHUJ\WKDWIXHOVRXUFKRLF - es, actions and beliefs. Our evolving quilt evolves with the quilts all around us. They support and challenge us through interconnected webs of relationship. We draw strength and wisdom from that larger quilt of lives, a collective power. How to Love Your Quilted Life :KHQ , ZRUN ZLWK ZULWHUV DQG DUWLVWV ZH RIWHQ WDON DERXW ³WKH rules” that limit their creativity. We all have them, and most need to be dumped or transformed so we can get unstuck. Those unrealistic, XQUHFRJQL]DEOHVWL̆ HQLQJSRUWUDLWVRIWKHSHRSOHZHKRSHGWREHFRPH DUH WKH PRVW GDQJHURXV ³UXOH´ IRU FUHDWLYH SHUVRQDO JURZWK 'XPS WKDWP\WK&ODLP\RXUSRZHU0DNHDTXLOWWRFHOHEUDWHDQGGLVFRYHU the improvisational joy of a life well lived. ,IOLIHDVDTXLOWLVDQHZLGHDIRU\RX,HQFRXUDJH\RXWRSOD\ZLWK the idea: create collages; write your life story as a quilt of stories and move the pieces around until you see something new; ask your be- loved friends and family for favorite memories of moments shared in the larger quilt of your community. Practice seeing yourself and your OLIHGL̆ HUHQWO\8QVWLFNWKDW\RXWKIXOLGHDWKDWVXFFHVVPHDQVDUULYLQJ at the perfect lived portrait of your “best self.” ,I WKH LGHD RI D FUD]\ TXLOWHG OLIH IHHOV IDPLOLDU WKHQ , LQYLWH \RX to embrace the experience even more deeply! Arrange and rearrange the colorful squares and triangles of your unique moments, blending

The only consistency we can authentically bring to our quickly transforming lives is our inner sense of who we are. The outer per- formance of that Self is ever changing. And our understanding from that inner core has to evolve as well, beyond a foolish consistency that mirrors social norms and adaptations. ,W¶VWLPHWRSXVKDJDLQVWWKH³FRPPRQVHQVH´LGHDWKDWWKHPRVW authentic people are not only the most consistent, but also the most XQFKDQJLQJJURZLQJVWHSE\VWHSLQWRDSUHGLFWDEOHFODULW\,IZHIDOO into the trap of trying to be the same person over decades of personal and social transformation, then that imaginary portrait we thought ZH¶GEHFRPHVWDUWVWRIHHOOLNHDGLVWRUWLRQRIRXULQQHUVHOI8OWLPDWHO\ it becomes a mask that locks us into past ideas and beliefs. Quilted authenticity acknowledges that change is the greatest con- stant, and we can learn our way forward. We know nothing is wasted. We are comforted and empowered because we embrace the pieced-to- gether wisdom of experience, wrapped in the quilt we create as we go. If Life is a Quilt, Where Does Our Strength Come From? The metaphor of a quilt is a liberating way to understand ourselves. Quilts are beautiful, colorful, classic art. They are made from pieces of clothing that have a history, but can no longer be worn. The stories in the cloth stitched together are preserved, and juxtaposed with stories from other times, other experiences. Each quilt, therefore, is a new story crafted from many stories. A quilted life is about taking that energy of creative reinvention and reframing, crafting our lives however we need them to be, over and over, in the light of new experiences and moments that transform the meaning of past moments, and maybe even other quilts we’ve created as we’ve learned to live well. A quilted life is practical – we survive – as well as progressive – we grow and thrive.

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