
Erin deSabla Owner & Publisher;

Events + Operations + Business Development Michelle Alonso Editor, Magazine & Web Content; Social Media + Marketing Claudia Neuman Operations + Sales + Event Support Amaya Roberson Sales + Event Support Ann Silberlicht Graphic Design MayaRose Creative

MInd • Body • Spirit • Environmental Resources Since 1979

What We Are About Pathways Productions is a full-service advertising, marketing, event and publishing company serving the mind, body, spirit community since 1979. From the start, we have been a small, family-run busi- ness. Today, we have a women-led team dedicated to helping all businesses — local, small & inde- SHQGHQW²VXFFHHGDQGWKULYH2YHUWKH\HDUVZHKDYHH[SDQGHGRXUR̆ HULQJVWRLQFOXGHOLYHHYHQWV most notably the widely successful and always popular Natural Living Expo. 7KHDUWLFOHVDQGUHVRXUFHVR̆ HUHGE\3DWKZD\V0DJD]LQHDQGLWVḊ OLDWHGKRVWHGHYHQWVGHPRQ - strate a common belief on the part of local individuals, businesses and contributors that sharing ideas and expertise builds community and commerce in a spirit of unity, cooperation and under- standing while maintaining a high level of integrity, responsibility and service. Our content em- braces these ideals; we are a conduit — a pathway — for the most loving and dynamic insights and information that enable all of us to live more consciously. The views and opinions expressed in Pathways Magazine, and by vendor materials for our hosted HYHQWVDUHWKRVHRIWKHFRQWULEXWLQJZULWHUVHGLWRUVDQGPHUFKDQWVDQGGRQRWQHFHVVDULO\UHÀHFW WKHṘ FLDOSROLF\RUSRVLWLRQRI3DWKZD\VRZQHUVKLSRUDQ\3DWKZD\VVWD̆ $Q\FRQWHQWSURYLGHG by our contributors is of their opinion and is not intended to malign any religious, ethnic, or cultur- DOJURXSRUJDQL]DWLRQFRPSDQ\RULQGLYLGXDO)XUWKHUPRUHWKHSURGXFWVDQGVHUYLFHVSUHVHQWHG herein and at our hosted events do not necessarily constitute an endorsement of use or a recommen- GDWLRQRQWKHSDUWRI3DWKZD\VDQGLWVVWD̆ DQGDUHODUJHO\SDLGDGYHUWLVLQJDQGYHQGLQJ Making Connections Join our Pathways Community! Through our quarterly and online publications, and our sched- XOHGKRVWHGHYHQWVZHDUHFRPPLWWHGWRSURYLGLQJWKHSXEOLFZLWKIUHHRUD̆ RUGDEOHDFFHVVWRORFDO resources focused on holistic health and wellness practices, spirituality and personal growth, com- munity activism and outreach, and stewardship to the environment. We foster these opportunities through information, ideas, events, goods and services. Our goal is to provide a platform for businesses to reach the public in a comprehensive and cost-ef- fective way. Through advertising, packaged marketing, live events and retreats, and event planning VXSSRUWZHR̆ HUEXVLQHVVHVRSSRUWXQLWLHVWRPDUNHWWKHPVHOYHVWKURXJKDYDULHW\RIFKDQQHOVDQG use our expertise to facilitate this growing network. Pathways is your one-stop resource to make connections, nurture growth and achieve success. Finding Pathways 3DWKZD\V0DJD]LQHSULQWHGLWLRQLVGLVWULEXWHGWKURXJKGR]HQVRIRXWOHWVLQ0DU\ODQG'&DQG Virginia. Visit our “Where To Find” page online for the nearest locations to pick up your print copy. 0RUHGLVWULEXWLRQRXWOHWVDUHEHLQJDGGHGZLWKHDFKLVVXH:HDOVRSURYLGHDQRQOLQHGLJLWDOHGLWLRQ with interactive links to references, resources and businesses for each issue. Our website features RXUFXUUHQWLVVXHDVZHOODVDPDJD]LQHDUFKLYHZKHUH\RXFDQYLHZLVVXHVGDWLQJEDFNWR 6XEVFULSWLRQVIRU3DWKZD\V0DJD]LQHDUHDYDLODEOHIRU\HDUDQGGLUHFWPDLOHG2UGHU\RXUV WKURXJKRXUZHEVLWHZZZSDWKZD\VPDJD]LQHRQOLQHFRP Advertising In Pathways Pathways advertising opportunities are available through all of our outreach channels: our free TXDUWHUO\MRXUQDO3DWKZD\V0DJD]LQHGLVWULEXWHGLQSULQWDQGGLJLWDOO\RXUKRVWHGHYHQWVDQGRXU FRPSUHKHQVLYHZHEVLWHDQGJURZLQJVRFLDOPHGLDSUHVHQFH:HR̆ HUDGUDWHGLVFRXQWVZLWKFXVWRP packages for Expo exhibitors, and provide design services for low one-time fees. For more informa- tion, upcoming deadlines and our editorial calendar, visit us online.

Magazine & Website, Design + Production Contributing Editors Cam MacQueen Kathy Jentz Contributing Writers Lisa Adams Helena Amos Patricia Bonnard Lauren Brennan Carol Burbank Jerry Chesnut Trish Hall Misty Kuceris Milton Mills, MD Jena Morrison Nikhita Prasanna Emily Ridout Jennie Sikes Lindsey Van Wagner Andee Zahorchak

Book Reviews Alyce Ortuzar On The Cover PSYCHEDELIC SNOWFLAKE By Carlos Lopez, Mr. Symmetrical Circulation 10K copies by Pathways Staff WINTER 22 Volume 47, Number 4 Published quarterly with the season change by ERIN DESABLA PATHWAYS PRODUCTIONS 7407 Aspen Ave. Takoma Park, MD 20912 PH: 240-247-0393 (Mon. – Thurs. • 12 PM to 5 PM) ADVERTISING EMAIL: Ad Rates Available Online: Deadline for Editorial and Advertising are 2/10, 5/10, 8/10 and 11/10. Publication is approximately four weeks after the deadlines. Please email all arti- cles as file attachments to the Editor at: © 2022 Pathways Productions

6—PATHWAYS—Winter 22

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