Project Knitwell aims to create healthier communities with our:
Project Knitwell... ...continued from page 9
ł Knitting instructional programs and community outreach for groups facing stressful challenges, including hospital patients and WKHLUFDUHJLYHUVWKRVHD̆ HFWHGE\KRXVLQJLQVHFXULW\DQGKRPH - lessness, formerly incarcerated women, at-risk teens, refugees, active duty military and veterans, those experiencing grief, among others. ł Connections all over the country through our virtual Knitwell in WKH &ORXG LQVWUXFWLRQ DQG =RRP NQLWWLQJ JURXS .7RJHWKHU WR EXLOGFRPPXQLW\DPRQJVWWKRVHLVRODWHGGXHWRWKHSDQGHPLF,Q the last year, we were able to help those facing stressful circum- VWDQFHVDFURVVVWDWHVFRXQWULHVDQGVL[FRQWLQHQWV ł 'LVWULEXWLRQRIRYHUNLWVWRSURJUDPVLQWKH'&0HWURDUHD New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio to prevent compassion fatigue amongst hospital caretakers & teachers in rural schools. ł Working in special education schools for students with emotional GLVDELOLWLHVDXWLVPVSHFL¿FOHDUQLQJGLVDELOLWLHVDQGRWKHUKHDOWK impairments, where we are providing knitting instruction and teaching a simple, yet powerful lifelong wellness tool. You can help us provide kits for students and teachers to learn. ,QDGGLWLRQWRVWXGHQWV3.DOVRZRUNVZLWK%RZOLQJ*UHHQ6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ 2KLR WR KHOS WHDFKHUV LQ UXUDO VFKRROV OHDUQ WR NQLW LQ their school communities. Teachers are facing unprecedented levels of stress and burnout. Our grant partnership is leveraging programming that helps build relationships and reduce stress as a way of supporting school safety. Professor Kristina LaVenia reports: ³7KH WHDFKHUV DQG VWD̆ OHDUQLQJ WR NQLW LPSURYHG WKHLU SHUVRQDO mental health while building stronger connections and relationships EHWZHHQVFKRROFRPPXQLW\PHPEHUV+HOSLQJVFKRROSHUVRQQHOIRFXV RQ¿QGLQJWLPHWRUHFKDUJHZLWKWKHLUNQLWWLQJLVDZRQGHUIXOVHOIFDUH practice. This is a wonderful opportunity to help high school students in a rural district, who often lack transportation, meet their commu- nity service graduation requirements. Students can knit for charity as one way to earn their diplomas. We look forward to expanding this work under the current grant and also exploring other opportunities for research projects moving forward.” Knitting Circles: Building Community Around Fiber “Joining the knitting circle is like being embraced by a hug of support.
because your brain is activated and learning in unique ways, which re- leases many neurochemicals that promote overall wellness. We hope more people will learn to knit to nourish and nurture a happier and healthier brain. A Blueprint of Wellness, Comfort, and Community The foundation of Project Knitwell’s mission is “Knitting with a Purpose: Wellness, Comfort and Community.” Everything we do is guided by these three core principles, as we build an infrastruc- ture that supports the overall well-being of those we serve. Our PK KRPHLVRQHIXOORIZDUPWKDQG¿EHU:HLQYLWHHYHU\RQHOHDUQLQJWR knit to each of these rooms within our house. WELLNESS — Knitting is a well-researched wellness tool to prevent mental health challenges and reduce overall stress. Just as we nourish ourselves by preparing healthy foods in the kitchen to feed our bodies, NQLWWLQJQRXULVKHVRXUVHOIḢ FDF\DQGIHHGVRXUPHQWDOZHOOEHLQJ 8VLQJ NQLWWLQJ DV D SUHYHQWDWLYH WRRO KHOSV XV IHHO FDOP ZKHQ IDFHG with challenges. COMFORT — Knitting soothes those facing stressful situations. Providing solace in times of critical stress is crucial to our mission. *LYLQJ \RXUVHOI SHUPLVVLRQ WR NQLW ZKLOH UHVWLQJ LQ \RXU FRPIRUW - able living room is an important step to wellness. Learning some- thing new brings unexpected strength and welcome distraction. COMMUNITY — Whether you are a volunteer knitting instructor or novice knitter, knitting builds a community of support where indi- YLGXDOVVKDUHDFRPPRQJRDO7KHWRSÀRRURIWKHKRXVHLVDOD\HURI protection that supports the roof. Knitting creates a community where traditions can be passed down, crossing generational, cultural and economic divides.
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