
Best Massage Therapy in Tenleytown DC 4000 Albermarle Street NW, Washington, DC 20016 240-463-7754 • HEALING TOUCH We believe that self-care and well-being promote a healthy and productive life style.


We have found it has been a great healing tool for our cancer commu- nity.” — PK Program Partner ,QWKHSDQGHPLFRIORQHOLQHVVZHDUHDOOIDFLQJZHQHHGPRUHHP - SDWK\WHQGHUQHVVDQGHDVH,QWHUDFWLQJZLWKQHZNQLWWHUVIURPYDULHG perspectives and backgrounds allows us to develop more empathy and mutual understanding of our individual and shared challenges. Knit- ting is the means to that end, but it is about more than just the stitches. Knitting circles, a centuries old tradition, give us a reason to con- QHFW$ERXWRQHLQIRXU$PHULFDQVRYHUUHSRUWIHHOLQJVRFLDOO\LVR - ODWHGDFRQGLWLRQWKDWVLJQL¿FDQWO\UDLVHVDSHUVRQ¶VULVNRISUHPDWXUH death, rivaling smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity, according to 6RFLDO,VRODWLRQDQG/RQHOLQHVVLQ2OGHU$GXOWV DUHSRUWIURP WKH1DWLRQDO$FDGHPLHVRI6FLHQFHV$QGWKH&HQWHUVIRU'LVHDVH&RQ - trol report, “Loneliness among heart failure patients was associated ZLWKDQHDUO\WLPHVLQFUHDVHGULVNRIGHDWKLQFUHDVHGULVNRI KRVSLWDOL]DWLRQDQGLQFUHDVHGULVNRIHPHUJHQF\GHSDUWPHQWYLV - its.” The power of community and collaboration nurtured by the re- vival of knitting circles is an antidote to these societal and health ills. 7KH¿EHUFRPPXQLW\ZDQWVWRVKDUHDQGVSUHDGWKHMR\RINQLWWLQJ DVZHOODVWRR̆ HUVRODFHLQGDUNWLPHV'XULQJWKHSDQGHPLF3URMHFW Knitwell successfully pivoted to virtual instruction and provided qual- ity knitting kits and online one-on-one instruction, especially to care- givers and healthcare heroes facing unprecedented levels of burnout and compassion fatigue. Learning to knit is a process and everyone learns at their own pace. The resources and volunteers available through Project Knitwell are helping people every step of the way. As a result, we are giving patients and caregivers something else to think about besides their medical treatment. We are providing opportunities for newly settled refugees WRPHHWHDFKRWKHUDQGEXLOGFRQ¿GHQFHVSHDNLQJ(QJOLVK:H¶UHKHOS - ing isolated seniors connect. Throughout all these purposeful inter- DFWLRQVZHDUHVKRZFDVLQJZK\NQLWWLQJLVEHQH¿FLDODQGZRUNLQJWR foster a lifelong love of knitting. /DXUHQ%UHQQDQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRURI3URMHFW.QLWZHOO ZZZSURMHFW - NQLWZHOORUJ LVDQDYLGNQLWWHUZKROHDUQHGIURPKHUJUDQGPRWKHUDWDJH 6KHZLWQHVVHVWKHSRZHURIDUWVLQKHDOWKDVDQ$UWLVWLQ5HVLGHQFHDW0HGVWDU *HRUJHWRZQ8QLYHUVLW\+RVSLWDOWKURXJKWKH/RPEDUGL&DQFHU&HQWHU$UWVDQG +XPDQLWLHVSURJUDP6KHDOVRHQMR\VSKRWRJUDSK\HGLWLQJDQGHDUQHGDSKRWRJ - UDSK\FHUWL¿FDWHIURPWKH5KRGH,VODQG6FKRRORI'HVLJQ

Your Classic Massage restores calm, increases circulation and energy, diminishes muscle aches and tension, eliminates toxins, improves sleep, enhances immunity and reduces fatigue. Our outstanding massage therapist will tailor each session to suit your individual needs. There is no experience in the world more relaxing than a massage by Healing Touch.

The world needs your book

Make it bloom with the help of a professional writer and coach, who will honor your vision, sup- port your strengths and guide you through every step with detailed attention and compas- sionate honesty. Get started now! Carol Burbank, PhD


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PATHWAYS—Winter 22—65

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