

Body Association: ,QWHVWLQHDQG/RZ%HOO\ Planetary Ruler: 0HUFXU\

AstroYoga 101... ...continued from page 11 ture positive emotional and physical circumstances through steady gentleness. Suggested Yoga Pose: Navasana, boat pose Leo Leo is the sign of following

0HUFXU\ LV WKH SODQHW RI WKRXJKW DQG FRPPXQLFDWLRQ 0HUFXU\ VXSSRUWV9LUJRLQWKHWKRXJKWIXORUJDQL]DWLRQRILQGLYLGXDOLQÀXHQFH in creating nourishing experiences in life. Suggested Yoga Pose: 0DWV\HQGUDVDQDWKHORUGRIWKH¿VKHVSRVH (seated twist) Libra /LEUDLVWKHVLJQRI¿QGLQJHTXDQLPLW\LQ\RXUPLQGDQGEDODQFLQJ individuals in relationships. As the cardinal sign of air, it helps direct mental activity so you can clearly see the connection between action Venus is the planet of beauty, abundance, and what is desirable in life. Venus supports Libra in creating harmony and beauty in relation- ships between the self and others. Suggested Yoga Pose: Vrksasana, tree pose Scorpio 6FRUSLRLVWKHVLJQRIGHSWKDQGWUDQVIRUPDWLRQ$VWKH¿[HGVLJQRI water, it helps coalesce the quality of love in every circumstance and VHDVRQRIOLIH HVSHFLDOO\WKRVHWKDWDUHGL̇ FXOW VR\RXFDQWUDQVPXWH and change with a sense of empowerment. Chakra: 0DQLSXUD6RODU3OH[XV&KDNUD VDPHDV$ULHV Body Association: 5HSURGXFWLYH2UJDQV Planetary Ruler: 0DUVDQG3OXWR 0DUVLVWKHSODQHWRISK\VLFDOPRYHPHQWDQGWKHPRWLYDWLRQ\RX and reaction in relationships and karmic activity. Chakra: $QDKDWD+HDUW&KDNUD VDPHDV7DXUXV Body Association: /RZ%DFNDQG.LGQH\V Planetary Ruler: Venus

\RXUKHDUWUHVRQDQFH$VWKH¿[HG VLJQ RI ¿UH LW KHOSV VXVWDLQ DQG coalesce the spark of life in your heart so you can shine for others and yourself. Chakra: Ajna, Third Eye Chakra (same as Cancer) Body Association:  +HDUW DQG 8SSHU%DFN

Planetary Ruler: Sun 7KH6XQLVWKHOXPLQDU\DVVRFLDWHGZLWKVHOIDFWXDOL]DWLRQDQGYL - tality. The Sun supports Leo in the ability to experience the vast light and personal well being available in every moment through the space of the heart. Suggested Yoga Pose: 8VWUDVDQDFDPHOSRVH Virgo Virgo is the sign of gut-intelligence and discernment. As the mu- WDEOHVLJQRIHDUWKLWKHOSVRUJDQL]HDQGPDQDJHUHVRXUFHVDQG\RXU habits so you can create optimal outcomes in all your endeavors. Chakra: 9LVKXGGKD7KURDW&KDNUD VDPHDV*HPLQL

Your True Self Spiritual Counseling Therapy For The Soul

Walk in your purpose! Live in abundance!

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• Do you have an unfulfilling career? • Do you have a hard time building wealth? • Do you have repeating negative patterns in relationships? • Do you have restless sleep and often wake up tired? • Do you have chronic pain and dis-ease? If you answered YES to any of these questions, please contact me for the life path reading of your Akashic Records!!! Make the decision today to get on the path to abundance by finding out who you truly are at soul level!!!

Tell me what is on your heart. ;bm]_†l-mbv-v|u†]]Ѵ;ĺ0ubm] 7bv1;uml;m|-m71Ѵ-ub|‹bm|o;ˆ;u‹7-‹ Ѵb=;;ˆ;m|vķ_;Ѵrbm]‹o†v_b[=uol v|†1hr-‚;umv|ov;;bm]|_bm]v

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Let me help you:

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Contact me at or to get started!

Ŏ&m7;uv|-m7‹o†u|u†;m-|†u;ŌѴ;|]oo=|_;_oѴ7‹o†u ego has on you oঞ1bm]o7Ľvru;v;m1;bm|_;ou7bm-u‹;ˆ;m|vo=o†u Ѵbˆ;vĺ Jena Morrison, Spiritual Director and Therapist mŊr;uvombm -ѴѴv_†u1_ķ(ķ-m7ˆb-,oolĺ f;m-louubvomƐѶŠ]l-bѴĺ1ol

66—PATHWAYS—Winter 22

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