Chakra: Svadhistana, Sacral Chakra (same as Sagittarius) Body Association: Feet and Lymphatic System Planetary Ruler: Jupiter and Neptune Jupiter is the planet of truth and expansion, and Neptune is the planet of dreams and illusions. They support Pisces in opening to the truths that come into awareness only as we enter meditative or dream states where the illusions of life become apparent. Suggested Yoga Pose: Tarasana, star pose Your AstroYoga journey typically begins with an understanding of your sun sign, moon sign, and rising sign, but there’s so much more you can explore. Everything that occurs in astrology has a physiologi- cal connection to your body and an energetic connection to your chart. Your life is where body, chart, and the current moment astrology meet. A typical AstroYoga session involves reading your entire chart, con- sidering your present challenges and desires, and creating a personal- L]HGSUDFWLFHGHVLJQHGWRSXW\RXLQRSWLPXPDOLJQPHQWZLWK\RXUVHOI and the life you want. (PLO\5LGRXWLVDQ$VWUR<RJDVSHFLDOLVWFRPPLWWHGWRVKDULQJDV - WURORJ\PLQGERG\FRQQHFWLRQZLWKWKHZRUOG6KHLVDSURIHVVLRQDO DVWURORJHUDQG<RJDWHDFKHUZKRORYHVPDNLQJWKHHVRWHULFDFFHVVL - EOHDQGDSSOLFDEOHWRHYHU\GD\OLIH6KHKDVEHHQIHDWXUHGLQ 5HDGHU¶V 'LJHVW , :RPHQ¶V+HDOWK , Yoga Journal , and :HOO*RRG DQGR̆ HUV DVWURORJ\ UHDGLQJV FRXUVHV PHPEHUVKLSV DQG WHDFKHU WUDLQLQJV Check out her upcoming book AstroYoga for an Aquarian Age UHOHDV - LQJHQGRI ZZZHPLO\ULGRXWFRP
have to pursue your desires. Pluto is the planet of transformation. These planets support Scorpio in creating from a place of inner inspi- ration and personal growth. Suggested Yoga Pose: 0DODVDQDJDUODQGSRVH Sagittarius Sagittarius is the sign of exploration and expanding your con- VFLRXVQHVV$VWKHPXWDEOHVLJQRI¿UHLWKHOSVFLUFXODWHWKHVSDUNRI life within and around you so you can see the intelligence and order underlying all experiences of life. Chakra: Svadhistana, Sacral Chakra 7KH6YDGKLVWDQDFKDNUDLVDVSDFHRIMR\DQGFUHDWLYLW\,WVKRZV you how to develop your personal sense of joy and creativity while banishing anxious and depressive states in the body and mind. Body Association: +LSVDQG7KLJKV Planetary Ruler: Jupiter Jupiter is the planet of truth and expansion. Jupiter supports Sagit- tarius in opening to higher realms of truth through the expansion and circulation of personal experience into various philosophical arenas. Suggested Yoga Pose: Akarna Vrksasana, archer pose Capricorn Capricorn is the sign of structure and long-term goals. As the car- dinal sign of earth, it helps direct inner and outer resources to build upon the past and structure a beautiful future. Chakra: 0XODGKDUD5RRW&KDNUD 7KH 0XODGKDUD FKDNUD LV D VSDFH RI FRQQHFWLRQ WR WKH HDUWK ,W VKRZV\RXKRZWRGHYHORSDVHQVHRIVHOIZRUWKDQGFRQ¿GHQFHZKLOH reminding you to take care of your needs and environment. Body Association: %RQHVDQG.QHHV Planetary Ruler: Saturn Saturn is the planet of structure, time and boundaries. Saturn sup- SRUWV&DSULFRUQLQEULQJLQJORQJWHUPYLVLRQVLQWRGH¿QLWHIRUPDQG in using time wisely. Suggested Yoga Pose: 8WNDWDVDQDFKDLUSRVH Aquarius Aquarius is the sign of innova-
Blending conventional coaching, embodied practices, and energy healing Finding workable solutions Fulfilling intentions
WLRQDQGHTXLWDELOLW\$VWKH¿[HG sign of air, it helps sustain and co- alesce genius so you can innovate upon what exists now so the fu- ture is more equitable, engaging, and wonderful for all. Chakra: 0XODGKDUD 5RRW Chakra (same as Capricorn) Body Association: Ankles and Circulation Planetary Ruler: Saturn and 8UDQXV Saturn is the planet of struc-
+ Virtual and in-person + Coaching and Healing + Workshops and Classes
WXUHWLPHDQGERXQGDULHVDQG8UDQXVLVWKHSODQHWRIIUHHGRPDQG breaking down barriers. They support Aquarius in transforming old ways of being into new, innovative forms that are supportive of life in its constant waves of growth. Suggested Yoga Pose: Natarajasana, the dancing lord of Yoga pose (king dancer) Pisces 3LVFHV LV WKH VLJQ RI LQWXLWLYH ÀRZ $V WKH PXWDEOH VLJQ RI ZDWHU it helps receive and share intuitive inspiration to tap into a sense of FRQQHFWLRQZLWKRWKHUVDQGWKH8QLYHUVH
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PATHWAYS—Winter 22—67
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