

Shadow Self... ...continued from page 15 What’s the Point of Shadow Work?

Although shadow work has its roots in psychology and entails ther- apeutic aspects, it has a more spiritual aspect and encourages people WRH[SORUHDOOGL̆ HUHQWSDUWVRIWKHPVHOYHV 7KHLQWHQWLRQRIVKDGRZZRUNLVWR¿QGDZD\WRJHWLQWRXFKZLWK WKHSDUWVRI\RXWKDW\RXWKLQNDUHÀDZVE\EULQJLQJWKHPWRWKHFRQ - VFLRXV OHYHODQGH[SORULQJ WKH ³ZK\´ EHKLQG WKHP0RVWRIXV KDYH become very adept at avoiding our shadows in an attempt to portray WKHVHOIZHZDQWRWKHUVWRVHH%XWE\GRLQJVKDGRZZRUNSHRSOHOHDUQ to acknowledge their shadows without criticism; they feed them with the right food and let them be a healthy part of their whole self. This DOOUHVXOWVLQVLJQL¿FDQWKHDOLQJ Shadow work can help to bring repressed trauma to the surface, negate shame, and help a person to move through life more happily and productively. Overall, doing this work can help form better re- lationships with others, enhance creativity, uncover hidden talents, have more compassion for others, and improve mental health. Wow! So, How Do You Do Shadow Work? You can embark on shadow work on your own, but as with much self-improvement work, having a guide always enhances the experi- HQFH,WLVKDUGWREHREMHFWLYHDERXW\RXURZQVKRUWFRPLQJVIHDUV ZRXQGV DQG OLPLWDWLRQV -RXUQDOLQJ VHOIUHÀHFWLRQ DQG PHGLWDWLRQ are all wonderful tools, but it does help to have an outside spiritual companion or spiritual director who is familiar with shadow work to help you in the process. First, before you start digging into the recesses of your brain, you need to take a hard look at your intentions. Shadow work is meant to EHDWRROIRUVHOIUHÀHFWLRQQRWVHOIGHVWUXFWLRQ8VLQJVKDGRZZRUNWR HPSKDVL]H\RXUÀDZVLVQRWJRLQJWREHKHDOLQJ6KDGRZZRUNLVPHDQW to be a tool for your spiritual well-being.

Photo 95221243 © Aksakalko |

Sometimes shadow work can uncover deep wounds and traumatic H[SHULHQFHV0DNHVXUH\RXDUHLQDVDIHSODFHRUZLWKDVSLULWXDOGL - rector or a trusted friend if you feel you may get triggered by this work. Shadow Work Prompts Writing has always been a part of my spiritual journey, including P\VKDGRZZRUN+HUHDUHVRPHSURPSWVWKDW,KDYHIRXQGKHOSIXO • +RZLPSRUWDQWDUH\RXWR\RXUVHOI"+RZLPSRUWDQWGR\RXIHHO you are to others?

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