

Finding Holiday Sparkle... ...continued from page 24

crystal merchant as a guide for thoughtful and knowl- edgeable recommendations LQ \RXU JLIWJLYLQJ TXHVW ,Q WKH HQG LW LV QRW WKH VL]H RI the item, or the cost of it. As long as it comes from loving intentions and reminds you of the person, then it will be WKHSHUIHFW+ROLGD\*LIW %RUQ DQG UDLVHG LQ WKH '& PHWUR DUHD $QGHH =DKRUFKDN

1) A show stopping large Labradorite freeform piece for her collec- WLRQ$JUHHQFU\VWDOZLWKPHVPHUL]LQJÀDVKHVRIEOXHVJROGVSLQNV and sometimes purple, Labradorite is a stone of transformation and PDQLIHVWDWLRQ7KHSULFHUDQJHGHSHQGVRQVL]HEXWDQH[DPSOHRID ODUJH /DEUDGRULWH SLHFH ZRXOG EH DURXQG  SOXV 0RVW ODUJH VKRZSLHFHVZLOOUXQ\RXDERXWDQGXSGHSHQGLQJRQWKHW\SH UDULW\RIVWRQHTXDOLW\DQGVL]HDOORIZKLFKD̆ HFWWKHSULFH7KLVLWHP is at the top of his gift budget.  )RUDPLGUDQJHEXGJHWLWHPDVWXQQLQJ5RVH4XDUW]SHQGDQW set in sterling silver with a matching sterling silver chain — let’s say  WRWDO ZLWK FKDLQ $ EHDXWLIXO SLHFH RI VWHUOLQJ VLOYHU FU\VWDO MHZHOU\ZLOOUXQ\RXDURXQGDQGXSDJDLQGHSHQGLQJRQVL]HDQG FU\VWDOXVHG7KH5RVH4XDUW]UHSUHVHQWVKLV³ORYH´DGMHFWLYH  7KHWKLUGLWHPDWWKHORZHUHQGRI\RXUEXGJHW0\JRWRVXJJHV - tion for this would be a hand-selected collection of stones or (my per- VRQDOIDYRULWH DQ,QWHQWLRQ6WRQH*LIW%R[*LIWVHWVDUHDFROOHFWLRQ of 4 to 5 crystals all geared for certain intentions. They are typically packaged in a cute gift box with a card inside explaining each stone, DUHRIWHQUHDVRQDEO\SULFHGDURXQGDQGDUHVXSHUFXWH +DYLQJ D FKRLFH RI LWHPV LQ \RXU SHU SHUVRQ JLIW EXGJHW ZLOO DOVR help establish if you get one item that uses your entire budget or go ZLWK DQ RSWLRQ IURP \RXU EXGJHW LWHPV WR PD[LPL]H WKH QXPEHU RI gifts you give that one person. The suggestions above would also work for someone who would like personal items as well. 1RPDWWHUWKH³¿UVWZRUG´WKHFRORURUWKHSUHIHUHQFHVXVH\RXU

grew up around crystals and was told stories of how she comes from a long OLQHRI³PDJLFDOZRPHQ´$QGHHKDVKDGWKHSOHDVXUHRIZRUNLQJLQFU\VWDO shops as well as educating others in the metaphysical world of crystal ener- J\DQGFU\VWDOKHDOLQJIRUDOPRVW\HDUV<RXFDQ¿QG$QGHHLPSDUWLQJ KHUFU\VWDOZLVGRPDW5HPQDQWVRI0DJLFLQ6WHUOLQJ9$ZZZUHPQDQW - VRIPDJLFFRP

pilgrimage a center for spiritual healing

scholarship • leadership • Spiritual well-being healing • pilgrimage • wilderness rappahannock county, va denise h horton, ph.d.

PATHWAYS—Winter 22—71

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