

Reflexology and HOLISTIC AND THERAPEUTIC REFLEXOLOGY (Not your typical Reflexology) Certified/Licensed/LLC Brigitte has developed her unique Clinical Reflexology since 2000 and she works with Medical Doctors and Chiropractors and Acupuncturists. Her clients include healthy people, runners, and clients with Stress, MS, lyme disease, fibromyalgia, plantar fasciitis, diabetic, cancer, anxiety and other issues. She helps to induce labor and she works on patients receiving hospice help. Brigitte is Certified (230 hours). Her session addresses the whole body with basic health history, basic nutrition counseling, breathing techniques, release of negative thinking and add positive thinking, energy healing, chakras balancing, re-balance the body and Aromatherapy if necessary. Being clairvoyant and able to see people’s in/out Etheric fields add a useful touch to her great session. The “Best in Town” her clients say! She is available for Emotional Dowsing sessions with applied Kinesiology and Healing. She provides an anti-viral and anti-microbial air filter in her room and the office is disinfected. Brigitte Wiss is available by appointments only 571-251-4732. Serving Northern Virginia and available for Home visits and Nursing Homes. (Her office is located in Vienna, VA. Please leave a detailed message on her answering machine) THINK HEALTH… THINK PREVENTION, YOUR BODY WILL THANK YOU ! End-of-Life Doulas... ...continued from page 17 • 7KHUHDUHPLOOLRQ%DE\%RRPHUVLQWKH86 • RIWKHPLOOLRQGRQRWKDYHWKHLURZQFKLOGUHQWRDFWDV FDUHJLYHUV 6RXUFH86&HQVXV%XUHDX  • %\RIHYHU\SHRSOHLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV²RUSHUFHQW RIWKHQDWLRQ¶VSRSXODWLRQ²ZLOOEHDJHRUROGHU • RXWRISHRSOHZDQWWREHFDUHGIRUDWKRPHLIWHUPLQDOO\LOO 6RXUFH86&HQVXV%XUHDX  • %\WKH86ZLOOQHHGPLOOLRQQHZQXUVHV 6RXUFH$1$ American Nurses Association). • %\DGXOWVZLOORXWQXPEHUFKLOGUHQXQGHUIRUWKH¿UVW time in our nation’s history. • This demographic change is projected to continue and strengthen WKURXJKWKH\HDU 6RXUFH86&HQVXV%XUHDX  0D\ZHHDFKFHOHEUDWHOLIHLQWKHSUHVHQWEXWPD\ZHDOVRFHOHEUDWH the life of our family, friends and ancestors. Let’s take a step as a com- munity to contribute to those nearing the end of life due to being el- GHUO\RUWHUPLQDOLOOQHVV,W¶VWLPHWRFDUHIRUWKHG\LQJDQGWKRVHFORVH to them with compassionate engagement and open-hearted presence. ,W¶VWLPHWRUHPHPEHUDQGLQFRUSRUDWHWKHWUDGLWLRQVRIRXUDQFHVWRUV DQGR̆ HUWKHLQQHUKHDOLQJDQGEHDXW\WKDWFDQEHH[SHULHQFHGDPRQJ SHRSOHVXUURXQGLQJWKHG\LQJSHUVRQ,W¶VWLPHIRUXVWRHPEUDFHWKH end-of-life doula approach to care for crossing over. 7RYROXQWHHUSOHDVHFKHFNLQZLWK\RXUORFDO+RVSLFH&HQWHUV,Q WKH '& 0HWUR DUHD WKHUH DUH DW OHDVW  WR FKRRVH IURP 7KH\ ZLOO train you and then open the door for options of facility or in-home YROXQWHHUH̆ RUWV -HQQLH 6LNHV 2ZQHU)RXQGHU RI $VFHQGLQJ 'DZQ 'RXOD //& SURYLGHVKHDOLQJPRGDOLWLHVWKDWHQKDQFHTXDOLW\RIOLIHDWDQ\VWDJH


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After 4 Treatments

70—PATHWAYS—Winter 22

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