
IN MEMORIUM In Remembrance - Jamie Whitbread

-DPLH:KLWEUHDGFURVVHGRYHURQ6KHZDV3DWKZD\V¶,QWHU - preting Coordinator at the Natural Living Expos for many years pro- viding much needed access to new age philosophy and practices. -DPLHDQGKHUWZLQVLVWHU-RQLZHUHERUQRQ6HSWHPEHU in Winsted, Connecticut. Jamie was a sign language interpreter serv- LQJWKHZHVWHUQ0DVVDFKXVHWWVUHJLRQIURPWRWKHQPRYHG WR0DU\ODQGLQ (YHU\RQHZKRHYHUPHW-DPLHNQRZVKRZVHOÀHVVEHDXWLIXOFDULQJ and just special she was. People who worked with Jamie saw that interpreting was her life’s SDVVLRQ$JRRGSRUWLRQRIKHUOLIHUHYROYHGDURXQG'HDIFXOWXUHDQG spirituality. -DPLH¶VKRPHVZHUHDOZD\V¿OOHGZLWKPDJLFDOOLWWOHNQLFNNQDFNV ceramic animals, rocks, seashells, marbles. We think she was part &URZLQVLGHWKDW+XPPLQJELUG6SLULW-DPLHDOZD\VKDGDZD\RIVHH - ing truth and beauty in things. She was a light in the world who did not

MXGJHRWKHUVGHVSLWHKXPDQÀDZV ,Q0DU\ODQG-DPLHFUHDWHGDVSLULWXDO GHDIDQGKHDULQJ IDPLO\ who intends to carry out her servitude of love and generosity. Jamie is

irreplaceable and very sorely missed. With spiritual love and admiration, -RQL/H9LQHVV:LOORZ$XFRLQ&RUEHDX6DUDK5RVHQ



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Jamie (left) with daughter Emma and twin sister Joni.

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72—PATHWAYS—Winter 22

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