

hot air balloons finally be launched from Lamoureux Park, or will they be taking to the air from St. Andrews?” “Following 9/11, the laws have kept on getting tighter,” he explained. “We’d Much more than simply volunteering FRANCIS RACINE

when they had parades. I’d also help during their barbecues and help some kids with their reading.” From then on, nothing has stopped Muir, who has developed quite an itch for vol- unteering. “I’ve been a part of the Santa Claus Parade ever since it was taken over by the service in 1991,” he explained proudly. “I took over as chair from Peter Morgan around five years ago.” He then goes on to say how magical the whole event was for Cornwall’s youth. “We started something new, where kids could play hockey on Pitt Street,” he said. “It was organized by Robin McIntosh and his team. They did an amazing job. We’ll be doing it again next year.” Having been recently named chair of Eastern Ontario’s only balloon festival, Muir smiled when asked about the event held over the summer in Lamoureux Park. “There will have to be big and small changes,” he admitted, still smiling. “As the saying goes, we’re not going to leave any stone un- turned.” Amongst those changes, would be a new Midway, as well as a new approach to fea- turing acts. Other than these details, Muir insisted on not disclosing too many details. But one important detail, which has been on many minds during the past two festi- vals seems to not bother Muir: “Will the

love to be able to tell the people that they’ll be seeing hot air bal- loons over their houses this summer, but we can’t make any guarantee. It’s all up

Sipping on his still warm and fuming two-cream beverage, Terry Muir’s stare wanders outside, where several individu- als, mostly on their lunch break, hurriedly make their way within the popular coffee shop. Although he doesn’t reside in Corn- wall, instead living in nearby Lunenburg, the brown-eyed bearded man knows the friendly seaway city very well. He has spent several years promoting it through several local organizations. “I’m part of the Kinsmen Club, the Cornwall Lions Club, I’m chair of Lift-Off, the Santa Claus Parade, the Cornwall Service Club Council and the Children’s Christmas Fund,” he explained, all the while counting on his fingers. “I love helping out people, and giving back.” Father of three girls and grandfather to four, soon to be five, the suspenders-wear- ing man is known throughout the commu- nity as someone who isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty, in order to help out with local events. “It all started when my kids were in school,” he admitted, stroking his well kept beard. “I’d help with preparing their floats,

to the balloonmeisters, as they are the ones who de- cide, sometimes an hour before take-off, where they will launch their balloon. “ Asked if he had any

words of advice for indi- viduals that think of vol- unteering in the commu- nity, Muir pondered for a little while, all the while tak- ing another sip of coffee. “My advice would be to talk to a club member who’s been in it for a while, and then talk to a newer member,” he admitted. “That way, you’ll be getting feedback from both sides. There are a lot of opportunities to help out here in Cornwall. Most of the time, people are willing to help. That’s what I love about this city.”

Photo Francis Racine


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