What Is Dry Needling
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CARPAL TUNNEL MANAGEMENT Saturday, February 8 11am - 12pm
“They have kept me aligned and independent for years!” “This family-owned and operated clinic has been a godsend to me. The care and compassion of all the employees is something I experience everytime Ivisit andhavenot foundanywhereelse.Theyhavekeptme alignedand independentforyearswiththeirexpertise and many modalities of treatment. I recommend them to everyone in pain and physical restriction. This is a great Physical Therapy clinic and great post-op care, too.” - Teresa B. Patient Success Story resolve pain and muscle tension, and will promote healing. Although similarto ChineseAcupuncture, dry needling is a medical treatment formyofascial pain syndromes and dysfunction rather than pathological conditions. In addition to relieving neck pain and stress, it is also valuable in treating other conditions like headaches, chronic pain, and decreased mobility. To learn more about how dry needling can help you, contact your physical therapist at Courcier Clinic at 405.478.5333.
What causes carpal tunnel? Find out how physical therapy is a valuable pain relief solution with carpal tunnel.
LUNCH & LEARN Wednesday, March 11 11:30am - 12:30pm
Dry Needling is a form of therapy that is designed to alleviate symptoms from Trigger Points or muscle spasms. It involves inserting a tinymonofilament needle in muscles in order to release shortened bands of muscles and decrease trigger point activity. This can help
Some food for thought! Learn more about our knee pain diagnostic and treatment plan!
Staff Spotlight
Kisha Laster Office Manager
“Hi! I’mKisha and I’m the CourcierClinic Office Manager. I’m here to welcome you, help you with insurance, billing, and scheduling. In my spare time, I enjoy spending timewithmyson, relaxing, and watchingmovies. I lookforwardtoseeing you soon!”
Healthy Recipe Miracle Red Juice
Don’t Miss Out On This Special Offer! FREE 15 min Consultation!
Ingredients • 2 large beets • 4 long carrots • 2 apples HealthBenefits
• 6 celerystalks • 2 limes or lemons • 2 inches ofGinger
• Immunity • Eyes • Liver
• Spleen • Kidneys • Pancreas
• DigestiveTract
Preparebeets,carrots,apples,celery, limes(orlemons)andgingerbychoppingintosmallerpiecesbefore placing intoa juicer.Astheskinofabeet ispackedwithantioxidantsandnutrients, it isrecommended to leave the skin on the beet. Beet skin and lemon peel (if using) have strong flavors, soyou could also preparehalfwithskinandhalfpeeledtoadjusttotheflavor,orsimplypeelall ifpreferred.Applescan beanycolororvariety.Donotpeeltheginger,whichyouwilladdtotasteasgingercanbespicy.After all ingredientsareaddedtothe juicer,blenduntil juicedandsmooth.Drink juiceassoonaspossibleto obtainallbenefitsoftheantioxidantsandnutrients.MiracleRed Juicecanbeabsorbedmoreeasilyon an emptystomach. Drink one glass everyotherdayoras needed.
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