2023 - 24 Annual Report
FY24 Operating Budget and Contracts
FY24 Operating Budget
The FY24 budget was extraordinarily difficult given the challenges we faced as a district and the financial constraints of available funding . While the final budget required reducations to staffing and support , as well as increased fees , the district preserved smaller class sizes , fine arts programming , and disability inclusion programming . The FY25 budget outlook is much more positive as we have been able to add back much needed positions at the high school level to reduce class size and increase access to electives . We will also fund a competitive contract settled with our largest union , the Newton Teachers Association . In partnership with Mayor Fuller and the Newton City Council , we will also have access to an Education Stabilization Fund that will provide much needed funds , above and beyond our operating budget , over the next five years . Future annual reports will report on the expenditure of these funds and the progress made on important programming and initiatives .
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