Newton Public Schools FY25 Digital Budget Book

Astnuodtehnetricshealilgleibnlgeeftoorthe financial viability of the program is the notion that all meals are free. Each one free breakfast and lunch daily; however, we only receive reimbursement - p e re x r v o p e v e n i r d i u e e e n d - c w i f n o i g r th m a o t e u t a h t l e b s e e i i f l n e t g h m e p e r m n o t e p a a e r l y r i l s l y e c c v o o e u u l. n n tteedd ti hs rao fui ng ha nt chiea lpdori an itn- oof -ns at hl ee spyrsot ge rma .mE, vaenr yi sms ueea lt ht ha at twi se a r e Fee-Based Programs Wa pep raor ev endo ht irgehc eormf me eesnadcirnogs sa na yl l cf ehea npgr eosg rt oa mo us ra sf epeabr at soef dt hper oc gh raal lme ns gi inn Fg YF2Y52 4a sbtuhdegSect h. Iono tl hCeo mF Ym2 4i t t e e bbuuddggeett,aitnwd amsitimigaptoertfuanrtthteorirnecdreuacstieofnese.s to help generate revenue to help offset our operational AA pt po traolxoi mf $a3t e. 5l yM$i1l l. i4o nMiinl l ifoene or ef vf eeen ur eevi es npureo jseucpt epdo rt tos scur pi tpi coarlt ctoh-ec uo rprei rc autl ianrgabnuddegxettr ai nc uFrYr2i c4u. l a r as cc ht iovoi tli ea sc tfiovri tsi et us ,deelne tms ,einntcal ruyd ii nn gs tfreuemr ee nv et anlul ee sfsoor nhsi,gahnsdc bh aono dl a. Tt hhl ee tri ec sm, ahiing ihn sgc$h2o.o1l Md ri lal mi o na , imn ci dl uddl ee s ue as re lry- fme eo rr envi ne gn uper of og rr apmr o, ga rnadmbsu ii nl dcil nu gd irnegn tyael l li on wc o bmues. tTrha en st po toarlt af et ei orne, vset un du ee ni st pp ar or kj ei nc tge, dt ht eo ei nl ecmr eeanstea br yy approximately $400,000 due to the approved fee increases implemented in FY24. Rt reavnesnpuoer toaftfisoent sp iani dt hbey FpYa2r 5e nbtus /dggue at rt dy pi ai nc as l sl yu pf upnodr to2n4l y%a opfotrhtei otno toafl ccoosstts o. Ff ot rraenxsapmo rptlaet, i foene swfhoirl eb tuhse Np eerwc et onnt aPgue bol fi ct hS ec ht oo ot al sl coopset roaft ifne ge -bbuads eg de tpsruopgpr aomr t ss tshuep pb oa lrat endc eboyf f7e 6e s%a. rAe dbdeiltoi own: a l e x a m p l e s o f t h e ● Elementary Music fees support 11% of the cost of elementary music teachers. ● MenirdidchlemSecnhtotoelaAcchteivrsit.ies and Drama fees support 48% of the cost of middle school ● Ms uipdpdol er tSscahlol oc ol As ttshrl eetl iactse df eteos tsruapnps op rotr 6t a2t%i o no fa nt hdeoctohsetrs porf ocgoraacmh eesxapnedn soef fsi.c i a l s . T h e d i s t r i c t ● High School Drama fees support 12% of the costs of high school theater teachers. ● HscihgohoSlcahtoholeltAictshlpertoicgsrafemes. support 39% of costs associated with Newton’s $2.1 Million high ● Use of School Buildings fees offset 65% of custodial overtime costs. List of All Fees for 2024-2025 (FY25) Tanhde cfoolrlroewsipnognidsina gsufammmilayrcyaopfsaflol rStchheooscl hCoooml myeiattre. e-approved fees, which are unchanged from FY24, Family cap refers to the maximum dollar amount a family pays for any one fee per school year. A supercap of $2,000 is the maximum amount a family pmaoyrsnfionrg apllrofegersampe, rosrcthhoeoslcyheoaorl, lnuontcihncplruodgirnagmh.igh school parking , the elementary school early


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