Oil $500 - By Flavious J. Smith, Jr.

– Chapter 2 –

The $622 Million ‘Treasure’

A Crown Victoria shouldn’t roar like a ‘69 Mustang...

Back in 1994, my family flew to beautiful Guadalajara, Mexico for a getaway around Thanksgiving. The weather was perfect... temperatures in the mid-70s, no clouds in the sky. After renting a Crown Victoria at the airport, we drove about a half hour to the Camino Real hotel on the northwest side of the city. I parked the car in the middle of a row in the lot out front. We unloaded our bags and headed inside to find our room. We decided to just relax and eat dinner in the hotel restaurant. As you can see from the following picture, the patio is stunning. Plus, you can’t go wrong with the margaritas.


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