Oil $500 - By Flavious J. Smith, Jr.

allow. U.S. refiners would also have more incentive to export refined products like gasoline, diesel fuel, and jet fuel to meet worldwide transportation demands. And with countries like China and India leading an increased demand for gasoline, the U.S. refiners and exporters will be in the perfect position to benefit. Refiners’ margins are typically squeezed during periods of high crude-oil prices because the cost of crude oil reduces margins on refined products. But the proposed export subsidy would help to offset that pressure. Fewer new refining projects worldwide will prolong reliance on current facilities. And since the U.S. Gulf Coast is home to the “best of the best” refiners and exporters, companies from that region should thrive in the coming years. They’ll make for great investments. 3. Infrastructure and Transportation Companies The country’s infrastructure and transportation companies have one purpose in the oil and gas sector: They’re the conduit through which the resources move across the U.S. These businesses move oil to storage facilities – in Cushing, Oklahoma and various other points around the country – and to refineries to be converted into gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, and other products including chemical feedstocks. The next map shows the major oil and gas pipeline infrastructure of North America. These pipelines connect the oil- and gas-producing basins to the distribution hubs and refining infrastructure.


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