Mindful Action: The Antidote for Fear and Uncertainty A FORWARD TO THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM ARTICLE SERIES
by Gene Powers
n coming months, you will read a series of articles outlining the seven steps to achieving financial
our investments, the world economy, and the markets. In the area of stocks and business, investments are already under siege and threatened with serious losses, and the end is not yet in sight. Do any of us really believe that this economic crisis in the aftermath can be cured by more debt and printing money, or that we will soon return to business and investments “as usual” before the crisis? Will the housing market remain at all-time highs? What do we do NOW, in
freedom, but first it is imperative to cover an essential discipline for attaining financial freedom, or any goal — keep the goal in mind and STAY IN ACTION! We are living in great uncertainty and unprecedented levels of fear that are escalating throughout the world’s population faster than the coronavirus itself. We don't yet fully know the final impact on our jobs,
18 | think realty magazine :: may 2020
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