King's Business - 1955-11

benefits came to him? (w . 98-102.)

YO U N G PEOPLE continued about this? (Rom. 15:4; 2 Tim. 2:15.) 5. Discuss the above verse (2 Tim. 2:15). What does it mean to “study” the Bible? What is the main incentive for such study? What is the end of such study? 6. What is the meaning of Ps. 119:89? How does this truth contrast with the constant change in books on science, etc.? 7. Where is God’s stability and reliabil­ ity evidenced apart from the Bible? (Ps. 119:90,91.) 8. How had the Bible helped David? (v. 92.) 9. What promise does David make re­ garding the Bible? (v. 93.) 10. How did David feel about the Bible? (v. 97,103.) Because this was true, what

Dec. 17 — The Strong and the W e a k

Rom. 15

Dec. 18, 1955 Translating Christmas

H EA R T OF THE LESSON Again this year the Christian is con­ fronted with a commercialized Christmas. Let us guard against this kind of spirit and let us take time to meditate on the true meaning of the coming of Christ into the world. As we do this we will see that He came to minister (Mark 10:45), to die for our sins! In the light of His sacrifice we will find it easy to follow Him in service to our fellow men, taking the blessed gospel of salvation to them (2 Cor. 5:18-21). S T U D Y QU EST ION S 1. What two terms are used of Christ in Isa. 9:6? Is there any meaning at­ tached to “child” and “son” ? Is there any meaning joined to the fact that the child is “bom” and that the son is “given” ? 2. What is meant by the “government” being on His shoulder? (v. 6.) It is evi­ dent that Christ is not King in the world today. What, then, does this Scripture mean? Is there prophetic significance in the word “shall” ? 3. What five titles are ascribed to Christ in Isa. 9:6? Discuss each of these names with reference to the Saviour and apply them to your life today. Is Christ “wonderful” to you? In what ways, etc.? 4. According to v. 7 when will the government of Christ in the world begin? What will be the character of it? Accord­ ing to the last sentence of v. 7, how will

Into Service Isa. 9:2-9; Gal. 4:4, 5

D A IL Y R EA D IN G S Dec. 12 —

The M essiah is Bom

Isa. 9

Dec. 13 — The Shepherds Hear "G ood T id in g s" Luke 2 Dec. 14 — The W ise M e n W orship Jesus Matt. 2 Dee. 15 — Becoming Christ-M inded Phil. 3 Dec. 15 — Stewards of Christ 1 Cor. 4

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