Sprachanimation - inklusiv gedacht | Language Animation


Terms, concepts and approaches

Publikationen Anregungen und Anleitungen für den Einsatz von Sprachanimation finden Sie in einer Vielzahl von Publikationen wie dem Sprachanimationsset „Spiel, Spaß, Sprachanimation – Russisch in 26 Spielen“ und der dazugehörigen DVD sowie dem deutsch-russischen Liederbuch „ Точтонадо [toschtonada]“, dem Quartett „Deutsch-Russische Grenzgänger“ und dem Städte- Memo. Alle Publikationen können im Onlineshop der Stiftung bestellt werden. Die Videos der Sprachanima- tions-DVD finden Sie auch auf der Stiftungshomepage (www.stiftung-drja.de). Kontakt und Beratung Contact and advice: Henrike Reuther Stiftung Deutsch-Russischer Jugendaustausch gGmbH Mittelweg 117b 20149 Hamburg, Germany Fon +49 (0) 40 87 88 679-16 Fax +49 (0) 40 87 88 679-20 henrike.reuther@stiftung-drja.de / www.stiftung-drja.de

Publications Numerous publications, such as the Language Anima- tion set “Spiel, Spaß, Sprachanimation – Russisch in 26 Spielen” and corresponding DVD as well as the German- Russian song book “ Точтонадо [toschtonada]”, the Quar- tets card game “Deutsch-Russische Grenzgänger” and the City Pairs game, contain suggestions and instruc- tions on the use of Language Animation. All publications can be ordered from the Stiftung‘s online shop. The Language Animation DVD videos are also available on the Stiftung homepage (www.stiftung-drja.de).

Services of Stiftung Deutsch-Russischer Jugendaustausch

Drusja Team Anyone interested in using Language Animation in a programme or school activities day but without previous experience can ask for assistance from the Drusja Team at the Stiftung. The team members have been trained in Language Animation and can adapt methods to the respective group. Language Animation courses You can find out how to use Language Animation your- self at one of our annual Language Animation training courses. You can familiarise yourself with Language Animation methods at a two-day workshop by trying out games and exercises and then supervising them yourself. The training courses also offer you the opportunity to exchange information with other experts.

To promote the use of Language Animation, Stiftung Deutsch-Russischer Jugendaustausch provides all kinds of resources, training courses and advisory services. “Tschemodan” The Tschemodan toolbox was specially developed for bilateral exchanges and informs users in a playful way about Germany and Russia with its bilingual material. It stimulates all kinds of discussions and helps young persons get to know each other. The Tschemodan toolbox can be borrowed from the Stif- tung for the duration of the youth or student exchange. “Sunduk – Russian treasure chest” Interactive games such as Russian Twister, a large floor game of Pairs and material that is typical of the country stimulate interest in Russia and the Russian language. The chest can be borrowed for a special Russian activities day or similar events, and is ideal for German-speaking groups wishing to come into contact for the first time with the biggest country in the world.

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