



Volume 5 • No. 17 • 8 pages • CORNWALL, ON • April 8 avril 2015

FACING THE CLIPPERS Three members of the Cornwall SD&G Emergency Medical Services are still cold, despite the warmer weather. The trio shaved off their locks as part of a fundraiser for an eight-year-old girl who is battling cancer. Read the whole story on page 4. Pictured are Sophie Tassé, Leighton Woods and Tristan Layer


Trois candidats à l’investiture libérale PAGE 3



Chemin de croix

Pierre Voisine appointed new Fire Chief for Cornwall


Cornwall has a new fire chief. The City an- nounced, on April 1, that Pierre Voisine has been appointed the new Chief of Fire Services, replacing retiring Chief Richard McCullough. “We are excited by this solid addition to the City of Cornwall management team,” Pierre brings more than 20 years of firefighting and management experience...” said Geoff Clarke, director of Human Res- sourses. “Pierre brings more than 20 years of firefighting andmanagement experience and an established approach to fire service management.” Voisine will start in the position on April 27, and there will be an overlapping period where Chief McCullough will be available to assist in his orientation. “I am excited at the prospect of working with the Cornwall Fire Department team,” said the newly appoint- ed chief.“There are many opportunities and challenges ahead, and I look forward to navigating them in this wonderful city.” Voisine brings a broad range of experi- ence to the position. Most recently, he has served as Deputy Canadian Forces Fire Mar- shal, serving the Canadian Forces and De- partment of National Defence. In addition to writing articles for various trade journals,

Pierre Voisine

his professional contributions to fire protec- tion include more than 10 years as a board member and executive secretary of the Ca- nadian Association of Fire Chiefs, as well as serving as the International Association of Fire Chiefs Division Secretary. An accomplished manager and leader, Voisine is the recipient of the Fire Service Exemplary Service Medal, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the Department of National Defence Deputy Minister’s Com- mendation for Excellence. A graduate of the Ontario Fire College with a Fire Protection Technology and Company Officer designa- tion, he holds education in the areas of Fire Service administration, labor relations and project management from the University of Ottawa as well as the universities of Cincin- nati and Colorado. d’une valeur de 115 000$, soit l’installation de distributeurs de carburants à l’Aéroport régional de Cornwall, sera mis en veilleuse. La somme de 22 758 $ a été retirée du pro- jet pour compléter le financement de YAC. Les réservoirs auraient permis de fournir du carburant «Jet A”, un carburant haute- ment raffinée plusieurs additifs, utilisées dans les jets, les avions à turbopropulseurs et la plupart des hélicoptères. « Je pense que YAC s’avère être une or- ganisation crédible, a déclaré la conseil- lère Bernadette Clément. » Pour sa part, la conseillère Elaine MacDonald s’est dite in- quiète. «Je ne suis pas convaincue que c’est une bonne idée, a-t-elle affirmé. La ville a récemment perdu le transport ferroviaire et le transport par autobus.»

Plus d’une centaine d’élèves de l’École secondaire catholique La Citadelle se sont investis pendant plusieurs semaines à la préparation du Chemin de croix vivant. Chaque année, ceux-ci font la mise en scène des stations du Chemin de croix dans le cadre du plan de pastorale de l’école. Des acteurs sur scène représentent cha- cune des stations qui sont suivies de lectures, de prières et de chants liturgiques animés pour permettre à l’auditoire de suivre les étapes entourant la crucifixion de Jésus-Christ. Plus de 1000 élèves et une centaine de membres du public ont participé à la prestation des élèves au cours de la Semaine sainte.

Cornwall Quilters Guild Presents

Quilts on the Seaway April 17, 10-6pm • April 18, 10-4pm Trinity Anglican Church, 105 Second St. West, Cornwall

April 21 to 26

Professional Live Theatre in Morrisburg, Ontario

Financement pour YAC approuvé de justesse


There will be quilts displayed in the church and main hall. Along with a Merchant Mall, Sale Boutique and Tearoom.

Starring Leisa Way with Guest Singers & The Wayward Wind Band Hits from Canadian artists Gordon Lightfoot, Michael Buble, Paul Anka, Neil Young, k.d.lang, Anne Murray, Ian & Sylvia, The Guess Who, The Barenaked Ladies, Bachman Turner Overdrive, Leonard Cohen, Stan Rogers, Stompin’ Tom, Joni Mitchell, Don Messer, Shania Twain, Rita MacNeil and more!

C’est par justesse que la demande de fi- nancement du Your Arts Council (YAC) a été approuvée par le conseil municipal, le 30 mars dernier. Mais bien que plusieurs artistes locaux se réjouissent, quelques individus, dont le conseiller Claude McIn- tosh, se disent déçus. « Il y a deux semaines, nous avons tous approuvé un montant limite pour les or- ganismes de la région, a-t-il déclaré. Nous sommes à court d’argent. Il semble que le YAC n’avait aucun plan B. » En tout, la ville a attribué 35 000$ à l’organisation des arts de la région, mais non sans conséquences, puisqu’un projet

Everyone welcome!

Tickets: 613-543-3713, (toll free) 1-877-550-3650 or visit:

Johnson’s Antiques — CORNWALL —



Trois candidats à l’investiture libérale FRANCIS RACINE dernières élections.

«Habiter dans les comtés me donne un avantage, a-t-elle déclaré.. Il a été difficile par le passé de mobiliser les comtés. (...) Nous devons (...) mobiliser les libéraux dans la région, a affirmé Mme Pichette, lors du lancement de sa campagne à l’investiture libérale. » Mme Pichette est la propriétaire de Fused Elements, un magasin de bijoux en ligne. Pour sa part, Corey Kalsi, un éducateur et hommed’affairesqui est aussi âgéde35ans, veut faire du développement économique une priorité. « Il s’agit de construire notre communauté ensemble, a-t-il fait valoir. Je sais que nous pouvons travailler ensemble pour créer une communauté très forte. » L’homme, qui vient de Williamstown, dit avoir de l’expérience dans le secteur public mais aussi dans le secteur privé, ayant aidé son père avec son magasin de vélos, Cycles Kalrim, situé sur le chemin Boundary. «J’ai l’expérience nécessaire pour non seulement assumer la responsabilité d’être un député mais aussi pour continuer d’apprendre et de grandir.» Les prochaines élections fédérales sont prévues le 19 octobre prochain. À l’heure de mettre sous presse, aucune date n’avait été choisie pour l’investiture du Parti libéral de S, D et G.

Trois candidats, soit Corey Kalsi, Patricia Pichette et Bernadette Clément, ten- teront de remporter l’investiture du Parti libéral de Stormont, Dundas et Glengarry. Mme Clément, une avocate et conseillère de la Ville de Cornwall, a dévoilé ses inten- tions le 25 mars dernier lors d’un déjeuner au Best Western. La conseillère, qui avait remporté l’investiture libérale en 2011, avait perdu aux mains du député conserva- teur Guy Lauzon, qui représente la circon- scription depuis 2004. « J’étais très déçue lorsque j’ai appris les résultats, a expliqué l’avocate. Mais j’en ai appris beaucoup sur moi-même. Lorsque l’on perd, on doit prendre du recul. C’est très difficile de perdre, mais j’en suis sortie encore plus forte. (...) Je ne peux pas rester à l’écart au moment où nous nous prépa- rons à décider de l’avenir du Canada lors de la prochaine élection », a déclaré Mme Clément. Patricia Pichette, qui est âgée de 35 ans est une résidente d’Ingleside. Elle souhaite être en mesure de récupérer les votes des personnes vivant en milieu rural qui ont basculé en faveur de Guy Lauzon lors des

Bernadette Clement a dévoilé ses intentions le 25mars dernier lors d’un déjeuner au Best Western.

La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette, qui publie les journaux Tribune-Express et Le Carillon (Hawkesbury), L’Argenteuil (Lachute), Vision (Rockland), Reflet-News (Embrun) et Le Journal de Cornwall , est à la recherche d'un JOURNALISTE RESPONSABILITÉS : • Couvrir l’actualité municipale, communautaire, etc. • Rédiger des articles en français ou en anglais. • Prendre des photos et des vidéos. • Mettre le site Web et les médias sociaux à jour régulièrement. • Faire la mise en page des journaux avec le logiciel InDesign. EXIGENCES ET COMPÉTENCES : • Bonnes habiletés en communications interpersonnelles. • Discipliné, organisé et structuré. • Débrouillard. • Travailleur d’équipe. • Excellentes habiletés de rédaction en français et en anglais. • Accès à une automobile et permis de conduire valide. • Formation en journalisme ou expérience de travail équivalente. • Bonnes habiletés en informatique.

Rachel’s Kids donates $700 to Koala Place


LIEU DE TRAVAIL : région de Lachute et Hawkesbury.

Rachel’s Kids donated $700 in gift cards to purchase refreshments for children and families coming to the Koala Place – Child and Youth Advocacy Centre. A highly con- fidential environment, Koala Place provides children, youth and the non-offending family members a safe and neutral setting to disclose their stories. Partner organi- zations such as police services, child protection services, medical services, mental health professionals, health services, prosecution and victim services, collaborate to provide expert, integrated and wrap-around services to victims and witnesses of physical abuse, sexual abuse or maltreatment. Pictured is David Murphy (Rachel’s Kids Board Member), Elyse Lauzon-Alguire (Koala Place Executive Director) and Dr. Rachel Navaneelan (Rachel’s Kids Founder & Chair).

Faire parvenir son curriculum vitae par courriel à ou par la poste : François Legault, directeur de l’information Compagnie d’édition André Paquette C. P. 1170 , 1158, Notre-Dame, Embrun ON K0A 1W0

NOTA : Le masculin est utilisé sans aucune discrimination et dans le seul but d'alléger le texte.


Local Medical Services staff shave their heads FRANCIS RACINE for the family of Megan Keeler, who is cur- rently receiving treatment at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO). The young girl is a niece of four different mem- “We stick together for these kinds of events,” said Scott Halliday, Primary Care Paramedic.

held, including a barbecue that was at- tended by members of the EMS family and employees from other city departments. The Paramedics’ union contributed $2,500 and the Cornwall Professional Fire Fighters Association donated $625 to help push the tally over $6,000. Wal-Mart, M&M Meats, FreshCo, Benson Auto Service and Dairy Queen also contributed to the cause.

Cheers echoed through the ambulance bay at EMS Headquarter station on Camp- bell Street Friday while EMS members Sophie Tassé, Tristan Layer and Leighton Woods took turns getting their heads shaved.

“We stick together for these kinds of events,” said Scott Hal- liday, Primary Care Paramedic

Three members of the Cornwall SD&G Emergency Medical Services are still cold, despite the warmer weather. The trio shaved off their locks as part of a fundrais- er for an eight-year-old girl who is battling cancer. Through Medics for Megan, the local Paramedics managed to raise over $6,000

Motor Speedway Banquet of Champions

bers of Cornwall SD&G EMS. A number of different fundraisers were

Other modified drivers that were hon- ored were Raabe, Brian McDonald and Laurent Ladouceur in the point’s title while McDonald also received an award for this third place in the Doiron cup as Mario Clair was the other recipient finishing third in the Canadian Nationals. Two important awards were given during the evening. The Ron Morin Award was given to Louie Jackson for all his contribution to the sport. Having been around for the track for many years as a fierce competitor in the Pro-Stock ranks, he always helped other teams finan- cially or physically as he opened a speed shop for his colleagues. The night had also a special feel for Brian Mulligan’s career, as he received the Mitch Jock Memorial Award of Merit. Mulligan has been involved in the motorsports for an outstanding 51 years. Track announcer since 1982 in Cornwall, he has also been involved in other functions helping his peers along the way.


The Cornwall Motor Speedway held its 2014 Banquet of champion at the South Stormont Community Hall as a room full of guests gathered to celebrate and recall last year’s events. Carey Terrance left the banquet with the Jiffy Auto Service Modi- fied Championship trophy after an epic battle with Stephane Lafrance through- out the season. As a great consolation prize, Lafrance won the Canadian Nationals champion- ship while Chris Raabe captured the Doiron Engineering Cup Heat Championship. Ter- rance and Lafrance had great season with Terrance finishing second to Lafrance in the Canadian Nationals as Lafrance finished only 2 points behind Terrance in the track championship.

Cornwall SD&G EMS members (from left) Sophie Tassé, Leighton Woods and Tristan Layer shaved their heads on Friday as part of Medics for Megan, an initiative that raised over $6,000 for Megan Keeler, a young girl who is battling cancer.

22 300 copies

AGA de CHOD le 21 avril

La radio communautaire Cornwall Alexan- dria Inc tiendra son assemblée générale annuelle (AGA) le mardi 21 avril 2015 à 19h à la salle d’accueil du Centre Charles- Émile - Claude. Elle profitera de l’occasion

L’ordre du jour de l’AGA comprend quelques changements aux statuts et règle- ments dont l’augmentationde 5 à 7dunom- bre demembres au conseil d’administration

625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 1C3 Tel.:

613 938-1433 • Fax.: 613 938-2798

Bertrand Castonguay , Président • President , Roger Duplantie , Directeur Général • General Manager , François Bélair , Directeur des ventes et développement • Sales and Development Manager , François Legault , Directeur de l’information/News Editor, Thomas Stevens, Dir. de l’infographie et du prépresse • Layout & Prepress Mgr. Publicité • Advertising : Nouvelles / News: Classées • Classified : Distribution :

et un change- ment de date pour la tenue de l’AGA. On profi- tera de l’occasion pour annoncer o f f i c i e l l emen t l’augmentation de puissance de CHOD, ce qui lui permettra de

pour souligner l ’ann i ver sa i re de l’entrée en ondes de cette station radio en mai 1994. Afin de sou- ligner cet im-

Publié tous les mercredis par • Published every Wednesdays by La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell 1100 Aberdeen, Hawkesbury (Ontario) K6A 3H1 Tel.: 613 632-4151 • Fax: 613 632-6122 1 800 267-0850 Total Distribution totale: 23 000 copies # convention: 0040012398 Toute reproduction du contenu est interdite à moins d’autorisation écrite au préalable. No content may be reproduced without prior written permission.

portant anniversaire, les organisateurs ont l’intention de faire entendre un extrait de la toute première émission présentée par le premier directeur général de la station, M. Patrick Fortin. On prévoit également saluer de façon particulière de nombreux artisans de la première heure, dont M e Etienne St- Aubin.

desservir l’ensemble de l’Est ontarien. Pour pouvoir voter ou pour se faire élire à un poste, les personnes qui ne sont pas en- core membres doivent obtenir leurs cartes au moins 10 jours avant l’AGA en se rendant à la salle 202 de l’École secondaire publique l’Héritage, au 111, chemin Montréal, à Corn- wall.

Représentation nationale/National representation Sans frais / Toll free : 1-800-361-6890

Nous invitons les lecteurs à nous faire parvenir leurs lettres qui ne doivent pas dépasser 300 mots. Nous nous réservons le droit de les modifier ou de refuser de les publier. L’expéditeur doit inclure son nom, prénom, adresse et numéro de téléphone. Readers are invited to send us their letters that must not exceed 300 words. We reserve the right to modify them or to refuse to publish them. The writer must include their names, address and telephone number.


It’s juicy, saucy and messy and it will be back again this year. The Cornwall Sea- way Lions Club Ribfest, that takes over the beautiful waterfront Lamoureux Park on an annual basis, is set to do it all again, this time even bigger! The event , which is nowbeing held across the province’s biggest cities such as Ottawa, Kingston, London, Whitby, Oshawa and many others, is being hailed as the Corn- wall Seaway Lions Club’s signature event. Although pork lovers flood the community “ When it comes to meeting challenges, our response is simple,” states the local club’s website. “We serve. In 206 countries, in hospitals, and senior centers, in regions battered by natural disasters, in schools and eyeglass recycling centers, Lions are doing community volunteer work, helping, leading, planning and supporting. Because we’re local, we can serve the unique needs of the communities we live in and because we’re global, we can address challenges the go beyond borders. ” Cornwall Seaway Lions Club gearing up for another Ribfest park for ribs, the many vendors also offer barbecued chicken, amongst other things. In their first year, Ribfest organizers were anticipating approximately 20,000 patrons to the festival. Instead, 47,000 showed up at the park throughout the weekend. So un- anticipated was the turnout that the entire weekend’s supply of ribs was sold the first night and a truckload of supplies had to be shipped in. Of course, a festival isn’t complete with- out the entertainment and the Cornwall Ribfest has a great combination of local and international artists to help celebrate the event. The entertainment spans musical genres and includes recording artists Hoyt Hughes, Greg Hanna, and local favourites, Switchgear and the Shiners, among many more. The Cornwall Seaway Lions Club was founded in 1980 and raises money for the less fortunate in the community. World- wide, the foundation has over 1.34 million members, with clubs on every continent.

The Cornwall and Area Chamber of Com- merce will present once again its yearly springtime tradition; The Spring Home and Leisure Show. After another of Cornwall’s long, cold and snowy winters, people are ready to enjoy the colourful exhibits with their great home, garden and leisure prod- ucts and services. Hosted at the Civic Com- plex, the show will feature several activities: Indoor Longdrive Championship The indoor Long Drive Championship will be back once again, giving pro or amateur golfers alike a chance to show their skills. City Central This year, the Chamber has partneredwith the City of Cornwall to present once again, City Central . Visitors will have a unique op- portunity to talk to municipal officials and to ask the questions they might have, re- garding city matters. Family Fun Zone The Family Fun Zone will once again be presented, catering to children as well as adults. There will be face painting, bird house building, the creation of pet rocks and much more. The 2015 Show promises to offer a won- derful experience for its many thousands of visitors. Said visitors will enjoy seeing some of the traditional exhibitors and will also get to experience some new ones with even more innovative products and services. The Spring Home & Leisure Show takes place on April 10 th (4pm to 9pm), April 11 th The Spring and Leisure Show

Get stronger in just 30 minutes with the new classes on the classic Curves circuit.

Join today and get 30 days FREE * Curves Cornwall 691 Brookdale Avenue, Unit 6 Cornwall, ON K6J 5C6 613-936-9797

Mosquitoes and black flies keeping you indoors? Make things happen and become an ambassador for a biological control program in your community! Fill out the survey at: See you at the Spring Home & Leisure Show! April 10, 11 & 12

business community speaking towards growth, leadership and innovation. With direction from the elected board of direc- tors, the Chamber looks to continuously progress the community through political advocacy, knowledge-based development and innovative opportunities.

(10am to 6pm) and April 12 th (10am to 4pm). Admission is $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and students and is free for children under 12 years of age, as long as they are accom- panied by an adult. The Cornwall and Area Chamber of Com- merce is the unified voice of the region’s

ACCESS ACUPUNCTURE Give acupuncture a try at the Home & Leisure Show!



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L’Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall a récemment accueilli cinq nouveaux mé- decins. Il s’agit de Dr Ziyad AlSani, pédiatre, Dr Alex Hunting, urgentologue, Dre Sephora Pierre, obstétricienne-gynécologue, Dr Kedarnath Javaly, hospitaliste et Dre Leah Nchama, pédiatre. L’arrivée des pédiatres Ziyad AlSani et Leah Nchama profitera aux jeunes familles de Cornwall et de la région. L’ajout de Dre Sephora Pierre, obstétricienne-gynéco- logue, sera un également un atout pour un hôpital, qui souhaite devenir le Centre de naissance de choix pour la communauté. Dr Alex Hunting travaillera à l’urgence alors que le Dr Kedarnath Javaly, hospitaliste, of- frira des soins médicaux aux patients qui ont besoin d’un omnipraticien pendant leur séjour à l’hôpital. L’Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall a connu plusieurs transformations au cours des dernières années, y compris le regroupement de tous les services à l’emplacement de la rue McConnell, de même que l’achèvement du projet de réa- ménagement des installations. « Nous sommes très fiers de notre hôpi- tal ainsi que des commodités et nouvelles technologies qu’il offre, a déclaré Jean- nette Despatie, directrice générale. Les installations sont attrayantes pour les pro- fessionnels de la santé, y compris pour les médecins à la recherche d’un endroit où pratiquer. » Cinq nouveaux médecins à l’Hôpital Hospital receives funding from province The provincial government is introduc- ing a newhealth initiative in the Cornwall Community Hospital (CCH) that will pro- vide more coordinated care for patients through greater collaboration between different health care providers. The ini- tiative, which operates within the Stor- mont, Glengarry, Cornwall and Akwe- sasne Health Link Area, is focused on the five per cent of patients with the highest needs, often with multiple, complex con- ditions, and who account for two-thirds of Ontario’s health care dollars. The Stormont, Glengarry, Cornwall & Ak- wesasne Health Link provides patients with better care through individual care plans and coordinated support from a tightly knit team of providers that could include doc- tors, nurses, specialists, hospitals, home care, long-term care and community agen- cies.

Deadline / Heure de tombée Friday / Vendredi - 3:00 pm Classified Ads Annonces Classées



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Classified ads are paid in advance • Les petites annonces sont payables à l’avance 613 938-1433

La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc., qui publie six (6) journaux hebdomadaires dans les marchés de Hawkesbury, Rockland, et Embrun et Cornwall, en Ontario, ainsi qu’à Lachute au Québec, est à la recherche de Conseillers ou conseillères en publicité EXIGENCES : • Posséder de l’entregent • Posséder de l’expérience dans le domaine de la vente • Être bilingue (français, anglais), écrit et oral • Faire preuve de détermination et de créativité • Respecter les heures de tombées • Être capable de travailler en équipe et avec un minimum de supervision • Posséder une voiture et l’utiliser pour le travail RÉMUNÉRATION : Salaire de base plus commissions et avantages sociaux intéressants DATE D’ENTRÉE EN FONCTION : Le plus tôt possible

ENCAN DE LA POLICE COMMUNAUTAIRE DE CORNWALL Le samedi 18 avril à 13 h Manège militaire de S.D. & G. 505, 4e rue Est, Cornwall

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Seules les personnes retenues pour une entrevue seront contactées.

La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette inc. is a company that publishes 6 newspapers located in Hawkesbury, Rockland, Embrun and Cornwall in Ontario and in Lachute, Quebec. We are looking for Salespersons REQUIREMENTS: • Experience in sales • Possess excellent interpersonal skills • Bilingual (French, English), both oral and written • Demonstrated teamwork • Show determination and creativity • Respect deadlines • Possess valid driver’s license and use of vehicle SALARY : Base plus commissions and fringe benefits STARTING DATE: As soon as possible

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Send your resume by email to

Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.


Votre santé | Your health Profitez des services dentaires gratuits pour les enfants admissibles

Match des étoiles de volleyball

La santé buccodentaire joue un rôle important dans la santé générale des enfants. Mais que faire si vous n’avez pas les moyens de vous procurer les soins dentaires dont votre enfant a besoin? Le Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario (BSEO) offre de nombreux programmes qui fournissent des soins dentaires gratuits aux enfants de familles à faible revenu âgés de 17 ans et moins. Beaux sourires Ontario (BSO) est l’un de ces programmes, qui est conçu pour aider les enfants qui n’ont pas accès à des soins dentaires. Le programme offre des soins réguliers sans frais aux enfants admissibles en couvrant le coût des visites chez les fournisseurs agréés de soins dentaires, comme les dentistes ou les hygiénistes. Le programme propose un éventail complet de services préventifs et de traitements précoces afin d’établir et de maintenir une bonne santé buccodentaire, dont: • l’examen • le nettoyage • les obturations Le programme pour enfants d’Ontario au travail (OT) peut aussi couvrir les frais dentaires de base des enfants admissibles dont les parents reçoivent des prestations d’OT. Pour savoir si votre enfant est admissible aux programmes BSO ou OT, communiquez avec le BSEO au 613-933-1375 ou au 1 800 267-7120 et demandez la ligne Appel-santé. Vous pouvez aussi visiter le Et n’oubliez pas que vous aussi jouez un rôle clé dans la prévention de problèmes de santé buccodentaire chez vos enfants! Vous pouvez aider vos enfants à maintenir une bonne santé buccodentaire en mettant en place une routine de brossage des dents et d’utilisation régulière de la soie dentaire, en leur offrant des collations santé faibles en sucre et en vérifiant régulièrement leurs dents et leurs gencives pour détecter tous les signes avant-coureurs d’un problème. Take Advantage of Free Dental Services for Eligible Children Oral health plays an important role in children’s overall health. But what should you do if you can’t afford the dental care your child needs? The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) offers a number of programs that provide dental care free-of-charge to children aged 17 and under in low-income families. One such program is Healthy Smiles Ontario (HSO), designed to benefit children who do not have access to any form of dental coverage. The program offers eligible children regular dental services at no cost to parents by covering visits to a licensed dental care provider, such as a dentist or dental hygienist. The program offers a variety of preventive and early treatment dental services to establish and maintain good oral health, such as: • check-ups • cleaning The Ontario Works (OW) Child program can also cover the cost of basic dental care for eligible children whose parents are recipients of OW. To find out if your child is eligible for the HSO or OW programs, call the EOHU at 613-933-1375 or at 1 800 267-7120 and ask for Health Line. You can also visit And don’t forget that you too play a role in preventing oral health problems in your children! Starting a regular brushing and flossing routine, offering your children healthy snacks that are lower in sugar, and checking their teeth and gums regularly for any changes that may signal a problem will help them maintain good oral health. Par | By Chantal Sabourin Gestionnaire de programmes, Santé orale Bureau de santé de l’Est de l’Ontario Program Manager, Oral Health Eastern Ontario Health Unit • les rayons X • le détartrage • et bien plus encore • fillings • x-rays • scaling • and more

L’Association athlétique de l’École secondaire catholique La Citadelle a maintenu en- core une fois la tradition du Match des étoiles de volleyball cette année. Cet événe- ment, qui a eu lieu le 26 mars dernier au gymnase de La Citadelle, mettait en valeur les élèves-athlètes par excellence de la région. L’école francophone était fièrement représentée par deux filles et deux garçons, soit Aodin MacDonell, Ally Lecky, Keilian MacCulloch et Virginia Oeggerli. Les participants recevaient un chandail personna- lisé et la soirée comprenait une compétition de services pour les filles et une compé- tition d’attaques pour les gars. Gabrielle Bergeron de l’Héritage ainsi que Joël Filion de Holy Trinity ont remporté les honneurs de joueurs par excellence du match. Les membres de l’Association athlétique étaient fiers de remettre les profits de cet évé- nement à la Société canadienne de la sclérose en plaques. Long game for the Bantam Typhoon Girls

The Cornwall Girls Minor Hockey Association (CGMHA) championship game lasted much longer than anyone anticipated. Regulation time as well as overtime wasn’t enough to settle things, therefore the two teams, Team Black and Team White, bat- tled it out in a shootout. In the end, the Black teamoutscored their opponent 2-0. But nonetheless, both teams will be participating in the annual Kanata tournament, held at the end of March. Pictured above are Alyssa Turbide, Hannah Cooper and Christina Giovanniello. In the middle row, Karissa Crowder, Laura Barnes, Madison McCormick, Marie-Eve Ethier, Elisabelle Bourget, and assistant coach JimMcCormick. In the back, trainer Lucie Ethier, coach Andre Turbide, Madison Bellmore and Hailey Budgell.


29.Actor Cruise 30.Chunk of eternity

5. Kind of illusion 6. Ferry, e.g. 7. Goes astray 8. Slangy affirmative 9. Keep apart 10.Cooking chamber 11.Used to be 17.Slightly closed 22.Prepared 23.Baby grand, e.g. 24.No ____, ands, or buts 25.Young louse 26.Grabs 27.Sawbones



Veggie Burgers

33.Spiciest 36.Written message 38.Lives 41.Step 42.Summer

Week of April 5 to 11, 2015

ARIES You start organizing a trip, either with your beloved or with friends. You also make some changes at home, even if it’s only to move the furniture around. TAURUS It’s possible that you once again have to use your elbows to clear yourself a pathway to professional success. Riches are awaiting you, but expect a healthy dose of stress as well. GEMINI You have to make some compro- mises before reaching an agree- ment that suits you. You have jus- tice on your side in resolving a conflict; take care of this before it drags on too long. CANCER You’re quite busy at work. The com- petition may offer you a job. You feel somewhat troubled by this and you question your integrity. LEO You’re sure to show yourself off to advantage as you lighten the mood and make people laugh by clowning around a bit. You can also expect to receive some warm congratulations. VIRGO There’s sure to be lots of things to do at home or with the family. You demonstrate a strong sense of res- ponsibility and your top priority is your loved ones. LIBRA You always say the right things to set yourself apart and assert your point of view. Some comings and goings are to be expected, espe- cially if you have a new car. SCORPIO You may start taking the first steps towards purchasing a property. At the very least, you shop around for something for the family or to give your surroundings a makeover. SAGITTARIUS You’re really energetic and feel ready to take on any sort of chal- lenge, both at work and elsewhere. A romantic getaway or a trip with friends or family will be greatly ap- preciated. CAPRICORN This time of year is conducive to colds and flu, especially when you’re a bit tired. So don’t forget to take time to recuperate after making some herculean efforts. AQUARIUS Generally speaking, you’re a very sociable sort of person. However, you need to spend some time alone when you’re surrounded by people who are a bit stressed out. PISCES Time is a rare commodity for a lot of people and you’re no exception to this rule. You’re going to need to work twice as hard in order to suc- cessfully finish what you started.

Eating healthy has never been more delicious!

beverages 43.Become weary 44.“____ the Rainbow” 46.Coil 47.Root beer, e.g. 48.____ out (barely manages) 50.Soak

INGREDIENTS: Garlic-Herb Mayonnaise

- 125 ml (1/2 cup) low-fat mayonnaise - 15 ml (1 tbsp) each chopped parsley and chopped chives - 1 clove garlic, crushed Burgers - 250 ml (1 cup) cooked brown rice - 3 eggs - 125 ml (1/2 cup) dry bread crumbs - 75 ml (1/3 cup) grated Parmesan cheese - 2 ml (1/2 tsp) each dried oregano, salt and pepper - 15 ml (1 tbsp) oil, divided - 75 ml (1/3 cup) finely chopped onion - 75 ml (1/3 cup) finely grated carrot - 75 ml (1/3 cup) finely chopped mushrooms - 2 cloves garlic, crushed - 4 kaiser rolls, split - Lettuce leaves, tomato slices, red onion rings and alfalfa sprouts

Copyright © 2014, Penny Press

ACROSS 1. Narrow gash 5. Toe the line 9. Piglet’s mother 12.Thin strip 13.Skin opening 14.Night before a holiday 15.Cake decorator 16.Roofing material 18.Short reminder 19.____ in the bag! 20.Fonda or Russell 21.Curve

51.____ ma, no hands! 52.Bee’s follower 53.Native metals 54.Mineral deposit 55.Letter before tee 56.Boldly forward 57.Workout centers DOWN 1. Thin 2. Doily fabric 3. Newsy bit 4. Tonsils’ site

23.Golf goal 24.Alternately 28.Extremely annoyed 31.Fish’s wing 32.Honolulu greeting 34.____ good to be true 35.Tolerate treasure 40.Pull or haul 41.Agreement 43.Little one 45.Other than 49.Sticky substance 37.Blame 39.Child’s





METHOD: Combine ingredients for Garlic-Herb Mayonnaise; set aside. In a medium bowl, combine rice, eggs, bread crumbs, cheese, oregano, salt and pepper. In a non-stick skillet over medium-high heat, heat 5 ml (1 tsp) oil. Sauté onion and carrot for 2 minutes. Add mushrooms and garlic and sauté 1 to 2 minutes longer. Add vegetables to egg mixture; mix thoroughly. Shape mixture into 4 pat- ties. In same skillet over medium-high heat, heat remaining 10 ml (2 tsp) oil. Sauté burgers 2 to 3 minutes per side or until lightly browned. Spread Garlic-Herb Mayonnaise on both halves of rolls. Place lettuce on bottom half, top with veggie burgers and garnish to taste.


HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

Recipe and photo: Canadian Egg Marketing Agency,

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