Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201807

Learn to Say No Once you know your “why,” you can invest your time in what matters. But only if you learn to say no. We are predisposed to please others and that usually means saying yes. Yet it is impossible to focus on what matters if you are letting others control your time and energy. You need to guard your time like you do your money. After all, time is an even more finite resource. The great investor Warren Buffet chalks up his own success to his ability to say no. He says, “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost anything.” Buffet exemplifies this in his approach to investing. He continues to focus on traditional blue-chip companies that are well run and pay dividends over the long run: railroads, insurance, and other really unsexy investments. He consistently says no to flashier tech investments, even when they seem to offer the potential for faster rewards. Buffet urges that you stay within your circle of competence—the knowledge area that you know best—and simply say no to everything else. This is a wise outlook. How often do we agree to commitments without fully factoring in what they will take away from our day? How often do we strategically plan our course and how often do we just react to the priorities that others push onto us? 2.


Find Your “Why” I was honored to host Launch 2018 in Atlanta, Georgia last month. National Director 3 Berta Alston shared her story from stage to a packed

house. Berta and her late husband Robert enrolled in 1991 and are former Marketing Executives of the Year. I asked what advice she would give everyone. She said, “Before your head hits the pillow tonight, find out the reason why you’re building your business.” It’s difficult to be consistent if the temptation to quit is stronger than your goal. Identify a few key priorities, whether it’s increasing your revenue with Melaleuca, getting healthier, or spending more time with loved ones. Then focus on those key priorities like a laser beam. At Convention 2017, after earning 2017 Marketing Executive of the Year, Executive Director 9 Krista Wineinger said, “It should be scarier for you to NOT reach your goals than to overcome the fears holding you back.” Identifying your key motivations will drastically change your mindset and your ability to make the right choices every moment of every day.


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