Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201807

Real Life, Real Income, Real Stories - Celebrating your success enhancing the lives of those you touch by helping people reach their goals!







E N H A N C I N G T H E L I V E S O F T H O S E W E T O U C H ®

Success —It’s a Choice!


The last 32 years have been exciting and full of great experiences and discoveries. I am grateful for the thousands who have joined us in our mission of enhancing lives through helping people reach their goals. We have made so many great friends and learned so much about life, about success, and about overcoming obstacles. Probably the most profound thing that I have learned is how different each individual is from another and how each person responds differently to any given situation than the next. Some people only dream about success, yet others act to create it. Some get discouraged easily; others seem to meet the same obstacles or the same failures with greater resolve. Some will consistently see the glass half empty, others you can depend on to see it half full and to also always find something positive about every situation. These responses to life’s situations are not an individual’s

predestined fate but are almost always the result of how an individual chooses to respond. And yet almost every individual usually chooses to consistently respond in an almost predictable manner. It is also evident that the principles of success are universal: persistence, hard work, never giving up, the ability to stay focused, taking personal responsibility, faith in oneself, a positive attitude, hope, love for others, specific goals, and a passion to achieve them. These are consistently the traits of those who experience success. Those who choose to exercise these traits seem to always come out on top. On the other hand, those who lack focus, lack purpose, lack passion, give up quickly, become easily discouraged, always find something wrong, blame others, lack work ethic, and lack confidence in themselves seem to always fall far short of reaching their dreams.

One fact that should give everyone hope is that passion, hard work, persistence, and faith in oneself will always outperform intelligence, good

looks, a great education, or wealthy parents.


One fact that should give everyone hope is that passion, hard work, persistence, and faith in oneself will always outperform intelligence, good looks, a great education, or wealthy parents. It is of significant importance to realise that these traits that make up the successful person are the result of our choices. In other words, we can decide to exercise these traits or to respond in this way. The fact that you can often accurately predict how an individual whom you know well will respond to any given situation does not mean they are predestined or that they must respond in that manner. It just means that they tend to be consistent in their choices. It is refreshing to see someone break out of the mold they have created for themselves and to decide to begin to respond differently to life’s situations. Such a change is obviously very difficult to make in oneself, as it seldom happens. When it does happen, it is a day worth celebrating.

We are extremely grateful for the many thousands who constantly exercise hard work, persistence, and other principles of success. Indeed, we owe our success to them! We agonise over how to help those who dream about success but who do not choose to exercise the principles that would create it. After 32 years of observing and working with those who consistently experience success as well as with those who consistently experience failure, it is clear that the only difference is the daily choices of the one versus the other.







J U L Y 2 0 1 8

You must be present to win! p. 20

Melaleuca is a relationship business. The relationships you have with your contacts and new enrollees are critical to the success of your business— build them face-to-face.


NEW Alloy Shave Gel........................ 14 Straight from the Gut......................... 15 Business in Motion............................. 25 EcoSense®: The Safer Clean for Your Home...................................... 28 Building for the Big Picture: Learning the Backup Order Basics.......................................... 32 The Essentials on our Vitamins and Supplements................................. 36 Recognition . ..................................... 40 September Launch .................... 43

SENIOR VP OF SALES DARRIN JOHNSON Read an article written by Darrin Johnson on how routine consistency fuels success! PAGE 8

STRAIGHT FROM THE GUT Learn the best ways to achieve overall great gut health.

THE SAFER CLEAN FOR YOUR HOME Many cleaners contain

harsh chemicals. Melaleuca’s EcoSense products take the danger out of cleaning. PAGE 28




T E A M , W H A T D I D W E L E A R N ?


Leadership in Action is more than reading material—it’s a training tool for you and your team! After reading this issue, turn education into action. Below you’ll find questions that you can ask yourself or use to engage your team in discussions to help everyone reach their goals.



F R A N K ’ S M E S S A G E : Success—It’s a Choice! Being successful is the difference between just having a dream and working to make it a reality. Your success doesn’t depend on starting with the best circumstances or advantage. Frank has seen that a positive attitude towards obstacles and hard work helps you come out on top. How will you react the best you can to your obstacles? How can you help your team choose a positive attitude for success? ›  › MA I N M E S S A G E Consistency is the key to achieving success in any part of life. What activities are you really consistent at? Make a plan and commit to becoming more consistent at one thing over the next 30 days. ›  ›  A D VA N C E M E N T S A recurring theme in this month’s advancement articles is teamwork and consistency. How do personal activities and teamwork relate to each other? ›  ›  B U S I N E S S T R A I N I N G A N D M I N D S E T Get honest with your team about how they talk about the Backup Order. If you or any presenters struggle with talking about the Backup Order, ask a presenter you admire in your support team for additional training. ›  ›  P R O D U C T T R A I N I N G A N D W E L L N E S S How does emerging research on gut health affect your business? Transitioning to new products can be tricky for new shoppers.  ›  › E V E N T S The date and location guide for Launch September 2018 is included in this month's magazine!

QUESTION OF THE MONTH Do you know of a life-changing experience that could be featured in a future issue? Tell us about it at anz@melaleuca.com




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LEADERSHIP COUNCIL THE EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Melaleuca is focused on understanding and helping enhance the lives of our customers. The voice and collective experience of our Executive Leadership Council are integral to the process; the Council guides us to make informed decisions that help positively impact the lives of customers, and the growth of our market.

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Darrin Johnson, Senior VP of Sales

One of the best parts of my job is the opportunity

While there are many characteristics that I see as essential to success here at Melaleuca, the truth is there is NO magic formula or big secret to success. However, there is one constant I see in those that succeed at Melaleuca and in life: consistency.

to meet people all over the country who have transformed their lives through Melaleuca. They come from many places, from all walks of life. They’ve cut their teeth in all kinds of jobs and industries. Yet they share so many of the same aspirations: to be more in control of their time, to create more memories with their families and loved ones, to improve their lives, and to help others lead healthier, fuller lives. Another common goal is to grow both personally and professionally, to become better in all aspects of life. I often get asked, “What can I do to get to the next level?” You will always hit a ceiling on achievement when you overtly fixate on dollars and cents. It’s not enough to work hard. The most successful individuals at Melaleuca (and in life) are those who bring passion to what they do. They approach challenges with a sense of joy and purpose .


You Are What You Do I believe that we are what we do. We’re not what we think or what we feel. Our thoughts and feelings are important, but only to the extent they fuel our actions. We might think charitable thoughts and feel charitable feelings, but those thoughts and feelings must manifest themselves in action in order to have a tangible impact on the world. We become what we do over and over again—not the things we do on occasion or once a year. If you really want to know what’s important to someone, watch where they spend their time. We are our habits. We are our routines. You might enroll with Melaleuca and have the goal to advance to Senior Director, but you will fall short of your goal if you’re unwilling to take the daily actions of adding names to your contact list, approaching others, and sharing the Melaleuca

Overview. It’s those things that we do over and over again, day in and day out—even when we don’t feel like doing them—that really shape who we are. Create a Routine

All great achievements are fueled by consistency and routine. You’d be amazed at how routine life is for those who achieve great things. Their lives aren’t daily adventures or daily chaos. It’s quite the opposite. If you want to produce results, you need to be ruthless about protecting your time and your energy. This allows you to do your best possible work. There’s a famous quote from French novelist Gustave Flaubert that many artists and creatives live by: “Be regular and orderly in your life so that you may be violent and original in your work.” You need consistency and calm to create a space for your best contributions.

I know it’s easier said than done. It’s tough to carve out that consistent time with all of the demands you face. But consistency and routine

are absolutely essential for succeeding with Melaleuca.



Learn to Say No Once you know your “why,” you can invest your time in what matters. But only if you learn to say no. We are predisposed to please others and that usually means saying yes. Yet it is impossible to focus on what matters if you are letting others control your time and energy. You need to guard your time like you do your money. After all, time is an even more finite resource. The great investor Warren Buffet chalks up his own success to his ability to say no. He says, “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost anything.” Buffet exemplifies this in his approach to investing. He continues to focus on traditional blue-chip companies that are well run and pay dividends over the long run: railroads, insurance, and other really unsexy investments. He consistently says no to flashier tech investments, even when they seem to offer the potential for faster rewards. Buffet urges that you stay within your circle of competence—the knowledge area that you know best—and simply say no to everything else. This is a wise outlook. How often do we agree to commitments without fully factoring in what they will take away from our day? How often do we strategically plan our course and how often do we just react to the priorities that others push onto us? 2.


Find Your “Why” I was honored to host Launch 2018 in Atlanta, Georgia last month. National Director 3 Berta Alston shared her story from stage to a packed

house. Berta and her late husband Robert enrolled in 1991 and are former Marketing Executives of the Year. I asked what advice she would give everyone. She said, “Before your head hits the pillow tonight, find out the reason why you’re building your business.” It’s difficult to be consistent if the temptation to quit is stronger than your goal. Identify a few key priorities, whether it’s increasing your revenue with Melaleuca, getting healthier, or spending more time with loved ones. Then focus on those key priorities like a laser beam. At Convention 2017, after earning 2017 Marketing Executive of the Year, Executive Director 9 Krista Wineinger said, “It should be scarier for you to NOT reach your goals than to overcome the fears holding you back.” Identifying your key motivations will drastically change your mindset and your ability to make the right choices every moment of every day.



Hold Yourself Accountable

Focus on the Right Activities Focusing too closely only on the end result can set you up for failure. Winners focus on the process, not the final result. Instead of setting a goal to lose a certain number of pounds, commit to an hour of exercise each day. Or instead of setting a goal to write a book, commit to an hour of writing each day. By reorienting your mentality to focus on the inputs you can control, you are better positioned to succeed. This process builds I know it can be tough day in and day out to stay motivated for the long haul. But by making small, deliberate strides forward each day, you can consistently make progress—and make the journey far easier on yourself. I’ve seen that time and again in Melaleuca. Small changes done consistently lead to big results. 5. consistency and drives results over the long-term.

Do you want to transform your effectiveness? Do you want to reach your goals and have more fun getting there? Then you need to find an accountability partner. This one best practice can change everything for you. It’s much harder to let someone else down than it is to let ourselves down. Accountability doesn’t have to be complex. You might text your partner right before you start working out in the morning, after you add five names to your contact list, or once you’ve approached five individuals to share the Melaleuca Overview. I have several accountability partners in my life. One of my goals is to work out early in the morning before the day begins. However, when left to my own devices I am very inconsistent at actually doing it! So I have an accountability partner waiting for me at the gym at 5:00 AM. That simple step helps me reach my goals and have a more productive day. Your success ultimately comes down to you. What are you willing to accept in your life? You have to hold yourself accountable for following through on your goals and your routine. The world will be more than content to let you miss your objectives. Nobody is going to be breathing down your neck if you miss your goals or neglect your exercise routine. Only you can hold yourself truly accountable. Define Success You need to define for yourself each day what success looks like. At the end of the day, ask yourself, in all honesty, did you succeed or fail? Did you take active steps closer to where you want to be? At the same time, don’t allow the need to hold yourself accountable morph into a temptation to beat up on yourself when you fall short. There will be times when you will fall short. It’s inevitable. Nobody can be perfect each and every day. We all have cheat days and days when we aren’t inspired and we choose not to take the right actions. Try to take the long view when you are assessing your progress—judge yourself on how you performed over a week or a month, not just on one particular day when you ultimately came up short. Celebrate the process. Learn from your mistakes. And move on. 4.



Team up with those around you!

What an exciting time to be a part of Melaleuca! While I have only just begun my journey with you, I am already gaining a vision of what is possible across these great lands. 2017 was an outstanding year for Melaleuca; the company as a whole achieved a new record high in sales, and more businesses advanced here in Australia and New Zealand than in any prior year. The great news is, 2018 stands to be an even better year in this market and around the world. Thanks to a superb product portfolio and a lucrative compensation plan, there truly has never

been a better time to be actively enrolling new customers with Melaleuca. To those who are seriously seeking to build a Melaleuca business in 2018, I would like to offer you the following two suggestions. First, team up with those around you. Reach up to your support team, reach down into your organisation, and even reach out to those geographically close to you, regardless of any lack of business connection to them. Find those who are both anxious and willing to make this their year, and work more closely together with them. I can promise that your experience will be better when you do. Your challenges will be easier to endure, and your victories will be sweeter and more celebrated. Second, establish consistent business- building habits. Do not go to sleep at night until your contact list is longer than it was the day before, and make at least 20 approaches each week. Melaleuca CEO

Frank L. VanderSloot said in early 2018 that “…the secret towards building a large, successful, vibrant, and lucrative Melaleuca business with hundreds of preferred customers depends on one thing: consistency. Consistency is the key.” I am eager to roll up my sleeves and consistently engage with you in this great mission of enhancing lives all across Australia and New Zealand.


$2 BILLION! 2017 Sales: Another Record-Breaking Year!



G EAR UP FOR THE ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME—WITH FRANK AND BELINDA AS YOUR TOUR GUIDES! You’re about to set off on an African safari like few will ever experience. Immerse yourself in the majesty of the African savanna—endless rolling grasslands, proud acacia groves, and an astonishing diversity of wildlife. Enjoy day after day packed with thrilling adventures, spectacular vistas, exotic foods, and fun at every step. Your vision of what’s possible will change forever, and you’ll forge powerful relationships that will last a lifetime.



NEW Alloy Shave Gel

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Straight from the gut.

Scientists are starting to conclude that your overall health has more to do with what’s going on in your gut than anyone ever imagined. Concerned about your ongoing wellness and vitality? Maybe it’s time for a gut check.

a few facts about your gut microbiome • You can carry up to 2 kilograms of microbes— or 4.5 pounds—in your gut. 1 • Nutrients you eat—like fibre, vitamins, and amino acids—are processed by the microbes in your gut into beneficial metabolites, like short-chain fatty acids, histamine, and serotonin. 2 • Two-thirds of your gut microbiome is unique to you. That means the exact composition of that microbiome is based on your genetic makeup and on factors like the food you eat, the air you breathe, and your environment in general. 2 • 95% of your body’s serotonin supply (which helps in the regulation of mood, appetite, and sleep) is produced in your gut, according to the American Psychological Association. 1 • 80% of immune cells reside in the gut, and your immune system is greatly influenced by conditions in the gut. 3

You may think of your brain as the control centre of your body. And you’d be right—mostly. Because what researchers are finding is challenging the notion that the brain is the only part of your body calling the shots. Emerging research paints a picture of your gut not only communicating directly with your brain, but also influencing your health more than experts thought—even your mental health! In fact, gut health has now been linked to anxiety, learning and memory, appetite and satiety, and mood and emotion. It’s all happening in your digestive tract’s microbiome. That’s the fancy word for the ecosystem of trillions of bacteria that live, work, and talk to each other inside your gut. We’re just now beginning to understand this complex environment and the full scope of its connection to the rest of your body. Your overall wellness, as well as your susceptibility to a wide variety of health conditions, appears to depend to some extent on the makeup of your gut microbiome.



Your second brain. Inside the walls of your gut resides your centeric nervous system (ENS), consisting of two thin layers of more than 100 million nerve cells—neurotransmitters that speak the same language as your brain, and do in fact communicate with your brain. Your ENS directly controls your gastrointestinal system, and can continue operating even without a connection to your brain and spinal cord. It plays a major role in functions throughout your body. 4 Interestingly, your ENS responds to emotions the same way your brain does—which is why you might feel “butterflies in your stomach” when you’re nervous, why stress may give you heartburn, or why hearing bad news might feel like a “gut punch.” 5 No wonder the gut is

[ Buddying up with your brain. ] It’s a well-known fact that microorganisms in your gut produce many chemicals that are vital to your body’s proper function. Now, however, researchers are discovering that some of those chemicals are the same ones that neurons—the message transmitters we associate with our brain—use to communicate and regulate mood: dopamine, serotonin, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). 6 One big implication is that in the future, therapy for mental health and mood issues may involve changing the composition of the gut microbiome. Right now, with research only beginning, that type of therapy is still just hopeful speculation. But with every new study, that connection between gut and brain is becoming better understood. For example, a series of studies focused on the gut uncovered how the gut actually communicates with the brain. Researchers found that bacterial metabolites, the by- products of fibre digestion in the gut, can trigger serotonin production. That serotonin activates the vagus nerve, the big nerve that runs from your gut to your brain, and allows the gut to talk to the brain. 7 [ The happiness connection. ] Here’s another surprising fact: the bacteria in your gut are responsible for the production of more than 90 percent of your serotonin supply! No wonder scientists think changes in your gut may actually affect your mood. Serotonin is thought to play a key role in mood balance, and low levels of serotonin are associated with depression. 1 Furthermore, gut problems like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are often accompanied by big emotional shifts. Researchers and doctors once thought anxiety and depression triggered these gut problems. However, as Jay Pasricha, MD, director of the Johns Hopkins Centre for Neurogastroenterology, notes, it may be the other way around. The gut, when it’s not functioning correctly, may actually be triggering the anxiety and depression. 5 A study conducted on mice backs this up. This study concluded that introducing good strains of Lactobacillus bacteria into the gut actually lowered anxiety in the mice. Study authors suggested that having certain “good” microorganisms in the gut may positively impact stress-related disorders like anxiety and depression. 8 Again, therapy via the gut for mental and mood disorders may be many years away still. But simply knowing that your gut microbiome is such an influential part of your body can be valuable—and knowing more about how healthy eating and good nutrition actually affect your wellness and vitality could be life-changing.

known as your “second brain.”


When you eat like this, you’re helping to increase the abundance of beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Prevotella in your gut—bacteria that have been linked to health benefits like lower obesity, a better lipid profile, lower inflammation, and more. At the same time, you’re decreasing the “bad” bacteria that scientists are beginning to associate with immune and metabolic disorders. On the flip side, eating a typical American diet full of saturated fat, meats, and processed foods encourages the wrong types of bacteria to propagate in your gut—and can lead to increased risk of immune and metabolic disorders. On top of that, limiting your diet to junk food and fast food may even result in your gut microbiome becoming less diverse—and in the process, leave you more prone to obesity. 10 What’s the bottom line? Making smarter, healthier food choices does indeed affect both your immune health and your metabolic health for the better. And more and more scientific evidence is emerging to support this fact!

[ You are what you eat. ] Good news—you’ve got real power to bring your gut microbiome into better balance just by what you eat. While there are no silver bullets, what we now know about the gut backs up what Melaleuca has said for many years about good nutrition and overall wellness. A scientific report published in 2017 suggests that changing how you eat can produce changes to the microbial composition inside your gut—and that these changes really do have broad implications for your wellness. 9 You may think of food primarily in terms of calorie count, but knowing how the food you eat affects your gut microbiome— and ultimately your overall health—may prompt you to make needed changes in your diet. [ Eating for a better biome. ] For example, sticking to a healthy Mediterranean diet is a great way to control calories and manage your weight. What you may not realise is how such a diet is affecting your gut microbiome. The Mediterranean diet is distinguished by “good” fats, high levels of polyphenols and other antioxidants, and plenty of fibre. To eat this diet, focus on foods like olive oil, fruits, veggies, cereals, and nuts; consume fish and poultry in moderation; and limit your consumption of dairy products, red meat, and sugary treats.

What are you hungry for? Ever been accused of thinking with your stomach? There might be some truth in that saying. Scientific American reports on a study that shows how an animal’s gut microbiome can actually tell the brain what kinds of nutrition the animal needs, and what kinds it has enough of. Then the brain, of course, directs the animal to seek out the nutrition it needs. Researchers fed some fruit flies a sucrose solution containing all the necessary amino acids. They fed other fruit flies a solution missing some amino acids that the flies couldn’t make for themselves. Later, those flies were introduced to two foods—sugar and yeast. The flies that had not been fed enough amino acids were attracted to the yeast. However, when the researchers increased certain bacteria normally found in the flies’ digestive tracts, the flies who hadn’t been fed the amino acids lost the desire to eat more protein—even though they still hadn’t been fed enough of those necessary amino acids.

“Our study shows that the microbiome plays a key role in telling the animal what to do,” Carlos Ribeiro, senior author of the study, tells Scientific American. 11

17 17



[ Good nutrition for your gut . ] Want to have more control over what your gut’s doing for your body? Give it the nutrition that encourages the “good guys” to flourish and the “bad guys” to take a hike.

[ Eat healthy in general. ] Remember what we said earlier about getting the right foods? Melaleuca has made a wealth of knowledge about healthy eating available to you at your fingertips. Just head over to Australia.Melaleuca.com/Vitality or NewZealand.Melaleuca.com/Vitality to find it!

[ Throw new fruits and veggies into the mix. ] There’s a good chance you’ve only tried a fraction of all the healthy, nutrient-filled fruits and veggies available to you. Why go for the new? It’s simple—it introduces new, good bacteria into your gut microbiome, making it more diverse. And scientists agree that more diversity down there is better for you. [ Get your fibre. ] Your gut microbiome loves fibre. Specifically, the bacteria you want in your system feed on fibre. Remember how fibre metabolism in the gut contributes to the gut’s ability to communicate with the brain? A low-fibre diet can also result in a less-diverse gut microbiome, leaving you more at risk for metabolic disorders like obesity. Getting the right fibre at the right amounts daily is a must-have for gut microbiome diversity. 10 FibreWise®Drink contains a special blend of fibre—including psyllium fibre— plus vitamins, botanical extracts and herbs to help boost the overall health of your digestive system. Boosting your daily fibre intake has been made easy and delicious, thanks to tangy citrus orange FibreWise! [ Use effective probiotics. ] Your gut can use probiotics to perform beneficial functions inside your gastrointestinal tract as well as enhance what existing bacteria communities are able to do. They can also increase the diversity of your gut microbiome12—and the more diverse your gut microbiome is, the healthier you’re likely to be. 13

Florify® delivers an incredible 10 billion colonies of flora from seven different strains to support digestive health and boost immunity!

[ Eliminate junk food. ] Remember, you are what you eat—and if you eat lots of processed foods filled with saturated fats and empty carbs, guess what happens inside your gut? Beneficial bacteria strains start dying off. “We know that when you cut sugar, unhealthy fats, and processed foods from your diet, you are more likely to keep your bacteria in balance,” Gail Cresci, PhD., RD, a microbiome researcher at the Cleveland Clinic, tells the Good Life Report. 13

[ Optimal nutrition head to toe. ] Your health is the foundation of everything you do—every single day. It allows you to make a living, to pursue your passions, to be there for those who need you most. We have spent decades creating supplements that help you live your best, and we've combined some of our most powerful supplements in to specialised packs to match your targeted health goals.


Melaleuca provides excellent gut health support with FibreWise and Florify. Take these two products together, at a different time of the day to any other supplements or medicines you take.

1. Honor Whiteman, “The gut microbiome: How does it affect our health?” Medical News Today , March 11, 2015. 2. Andrew B. Shreiner et al., “The gut microbiome in health and in disease,” Current Opinion in Gastroenterology , January 2015. 3. G. Vighi et al., “Allergy and the gastrointestinal system,” Clinical and Experimental Immunology , September 2008. 4. David Perlmutter and Heidi Wachter, “Healthy Gut, Healthy Brain,” Experience Life , September 1, 2015. 5. Harvard Health Publishing, “The gut-brain connection,” Harvard Health . 6. Peter Andrey Smith, “Can the Bacteria in Your Gut Explain Your Mood?” The New York Times , June 23, 2015. 7. Paul Bertrand, “Gut Microbiota: How It Affects Your Mood, Sleep and Stress Levels,” SBS , April 25, 2017. 8. Javier A. Bravo et al., “Ingestion of Lactobacillus Strain Regulates Emotional Behavior and Central GABA Receptor Expression in a Mouse via the Vagus Nerve,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , September 20, 2011. 9. Rasnik K. Singh et al., “Influence of Diet on the Gut Microbiome and Implications for Human Health,” Journal of Translational Medicine , April 8, 2017. 10. Claire Maldarelli, “A Week of Holiday Junk Food Could Derail Your Gut Microbiome— But There’s Hope,” Popular Science , December 28, 2017. 11. Knvul Sheikh, “How Gut Bacteria Tell Their Hosts What to Eat,” Scientific American , April 25, 2017. 12. Peera Hemarajata and James Versalovic, “Effects of probiotics on gut microbiota: mechanisms of intestinal immunomodulation and neuromodulation,” Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology , January 2013. 13. J. E. Koenig et al., “Succession of Microbial Consortia in the Developing Infant Gut Microbiome,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , March 15, 2011.



How building your business face-to-face will increase your retention and develop leaders.

There’s a lot that technology can do to help you work smarter and faster as you build your business. Technology can help you be more productive. It shrinks distances. It shortens time. But there’s something that even the most advanced software can’t do: it can’t recreate the physiology of human interaction. Humans react in important ways when they’re together. These reactions—and our ability to interpret others’ reactions—are so deeply rooted in our biology that they’re easy to take for granted. Communicating through technology is certainly convenient, but it limits your ability to connect with others in these intrinsic ways. Even the biggest, most streamlined businesses in the world understand this distinction. Caesars Entertainment holds to this motto: “If it’s not that important, send an email. If it’s important but not mission critical, pick up the phone. If it’s critically important to the success of your organization, go see someone.” Melaleuca is a relationship business. The relationships you have with your contacts and new enrollees are critical to the success of your business—build them face-to-face. Presenting the Overview, helping a customer place the first order, and holding a Strategy Session—these are mission critical. Do them in person if you possibly can. In the event you can’t, that’s where technology can aid you. Technology is a wonderful aid—use it as a tool to help you manage and streamline your business. It will allow you to make time for what matters most. Make the effort to show up and be present for your business and you’ll be rewarded with dedicated customers, higher retention, and new business partners eager to follow your lead.




e r o f

Touch Builds Trust You might think of hugs and handshakes as social rituals, but those rituals came from the human instinct to touch one another when we meet. Physical contact activates specific centers in the brain, releases dopamine, and promotes bonding. In short, touch builds trust. If you’re building a relationship with a contact or presenting an Overview to an audience you don’t know well, the trust that comes from physical touch will start a new relationship the right way.

Silent Signals Nonverbal communication includes tone of voice, facial expressions, posture shifting, leg crossing, the synchronization of gestures and words, and so much more. When you’re building your business face-to-face, you’ll see someone’s pupils dilate when something you said excites her—and you know what to keep talking about. You’ll notice a shift in someone’s posture that indicates an objection—and you can overcome that hurdle before it’s even vocalized.


Emotional Contagion Mirror neurons allow us to understand others, empathize, and imagine ourselves doing what we see others do. Mirror neurons are why your heart races when you watch runners sprinting toward a finish line, or why you cringe when you see someone else get hurt. Don’t underestimate the power of this emotional contagion. When your purpose is to relay information, a phone call or text is fine. If you want others to be as excited about Melaleuca as you are and to imagine building a business of their own, it is most powerful to deliver that emotional message personally.

It’s Real Melaleuca—as a shopping club and as a business

opportunity—is unique. Because it’s a new concept, many may be initially uncertain about it. When you’re in the same room as your prospects, physically handling products and letting them hold your business report, Melaleuca is no longer just an idea—it’s tangible, touchable, and doable. You become real. Your success becomes real. And the new customer’s belief and commitment become real. LH

“I believe in working belly-to-belly. I have tried doing it online and it just isn’t the same for me. It does not have the same power. I don’t care what somebody says, when you’re staring at a group of women, sitting in a room, through a computer screen versus sitting with them and truly looking them in the eyes and talking with them, it’s different. All that relationship building happens before and after the Overview. It doesn’t happen during the Overview. I want to be there for it. I think that’s why our team has a lot of success. I think that’s why we have strong Product Point averages and high retention. And I think the people we approach respect us so much more for that as well.” —Executive Director 6 Courtney Martin, pictured with her husband, Graham “One of the things I am known for in my Melaleuca business is building face-to-face. I am all about building strong relationships. When people become customers, it’s because of the products. But people don’t necessarily build the business for the same reason. They build the business because of us. They see us, they want to be like us, they want success like us. When you show up face-to-face, it proves your commitment to them. I will literally look a new builder in the eye and say, ‘We will not let you down. If you’re willing to be coachable and you can follow a plan, you cannot fail with us. I will match your time and efforts.’ When you say that eyeball to eyeball to somebody, it is powerful and I can tell you that it can’t happen without face-to-face contact.” —National Director and 2017 & 2018 Marketing Executive of the Year Krista Wineinger, pictured with her husband, Jordan “Sure, you can do Overviews and Strategy Sessions over webcasts—but I’m sure glad my enroller didn’t. I would rather have him in my living room telling me and my wife how he is going to change my life. I don’t think you can replace person-to- person interactions. I want to see the bottom of their eyes quiver when we’re talking about their future. If you don’t get to see that, how are you ever going to connect with them? We’re looking for business partners for life. I think there is some serious value in sitting across the table from them and opening up a little bit because your business builders will walk across the world for you if they love you and if they think you care, and if they think that you’re going to help them win. And that’s a better feeling than your own success.” —Corporate Director 3 John Dufner, pictured with his wife, Jennifer



RENEW helps soothe, protect, and prevent even the driest skin


Melaleuca is experiencing growth like never before. It’s so exciting because Melaleuca is where lives change. The products change lives. The financial freedom that comes from residual income changes lives. After nearly 33 years of momentum, we’re changing more lives than ever. By developing the same kind of momentum, you can change your life too!

If you’re ready to get in on the action, a good place to start is with the master of motion himself, Sir Isaac Newton . While Newton’s Laws of Motion are the foundation of physics, they are also critical to the momentum of your Melaleuca business.

1 The First Law of Motion: An object’s motion (or lack of motion) cannot change unless it is acted upon by an external force. Translation: Force creates change. Your business is the object and you are the force. When you apply yourself to the Seven Critical Business-Building Activities, you’re applying the force that will move your business forward. If you don’t put effort into your business, it won’t go anywhere.

2 The Second Law of Motion: The greater the force, the faster the rate of change. The bigger the object,

3 The Third Law of Motion: For every action (force) there is an equal and opposite reaction (force). Translation: Even when you fully commit to your business, there will be obstacles that feel like they are pushing back as hard as you are pushing forward. But if you stick to the Seven Critical Activities and focus on helping others reach their goals, there is nothing you cannot overcome.

the more force is necessary to increase the rate of change.

Translation: The more effort you put into your business, the faster it will grow. It takes less force to get a smaller object in motion. That’s why it’s so important for every business builder to begin the right way. If you stop or slow down, it will take more effort to get your business growing again.



Defining Momentum In the world of physics, momentum is defined as “mass in motion.” As long as an object is moving, it has momentum. A mistake Marketing Executives sometimes make is thinking that momentum means “building fast” or “explosive growth.” When we talk about momentum in reference to someone’s business, we mean that their business is moving in the right direction. US National Vice President of Coaching & Leadership Development Israel Palafox has been helping Marketing Executives build their businesses and reach their goals for almost a decade. “Momentum is created after you push for an extended period of time,” he says. “But after a while, friction will naturally stop it if you stop pushing. And the way we push is with the Seven Critical Business-Building Activities.” Israel explains that having a successful business has never been about speed or fast growth. “At the corporate office, when we talk about building fast, it’s not about fast growth,” he says. “It’s about doing the Critical Activities well, doing them consistently, and doing them with intent and speed.” In fact, Israel says the most successful business builders in Melaleuca’s history are those who are consistent in their personal activity—they have momentum and they maintain it. The end goal of any Melaleuca business is to produce reliable residual income. The Compensation Plan is designed to reward those who build their business to last a lifetime and help others do the same. That’s not something that can be done in a month or two. It takes time and a lot of hard work. “In the meantime, the Compensation Plan allows you to enjoy some of the fruits of your work,” Israel explains. “That’s why you earn very lucrative commissions every time you refer new customers and why you receive bonuses when you advance. You also have the opportunity to earn additional bonuses when you help others do the same.” The Pacesetter Program incentivises business builders to reach Senior Director in 12 months by doubling each bonus they receive while they maintain the Pacesetter schedule. This encourages new Marketing Executives to learn to do the Critical Activities quickly and well, helping them gain momentum and establish a strong business with residual income that will change their lives. Start Out Right and Stay Consistent It’s easier for a smaller object to gain momentum than it is for a larger object. You’ll experience the same benefit if you focus on consistently doing the Critical Activities from the get-go. “Momentum comes from sustainable and consistent growth,” Israel says. “You see, it’s all about having real customers who buy products they want, and then taking care of them. And the way you do that is by doing the Seven Critical Activities with speed and consistency. No skipping. No cutting corners.” Are you ready to get your business in motion? Make 20 calls this week. Do the Critical Activities consistently as quickly as you can. Call your enroller or a mentor and ask for guidance—they’ve been where you want to go. Be coachable. And get ready for the forces of nature to help you reach your goals. Executive Director 6 Courtney Martin doesn’t consider herself a fast builder. When it comes to developing leadership in her organization, she admits that it’s a slow process for her, so she’s constantly filling her pipeline. “The recruiting process takes time,” Courtney says. “It doesn’t happen overnight.” When Courtney thinks of some of her more recent business partners, she is the first to admit that these were not relationships developed overnight. “I am not fast,” she says. One customer took her a year and a half to enroll. Another enrollment took her two and a half years. Last summer, Courtney teamed up with Executive Director 6 Cortney Copley to gain some momentum within their organization through Critical Activity Number 6: Participate in Fast Track. They held a team Fast Track. “It really lit a fire,” Courtney says. “Most of these women have full-time jobs and kids involved with sports. They all committed to the process and did the activities no matter what. They took the word ‘busy’ out of their vocabulary.” Even with lives full of other commitments, Courtney and her team gained momentum through consistent activity. They take their time building relationships face to face. “I think that’s why we have strong Product Point averages and high retention,” she says. Courtney may not consider herself fast, but her consistency has resulted in constant growth. And that’s the key to momentum. Consistent and Constant Courtney’s Story:

Israel Palafox US National Vice President of Coaching

& Leadership Development

Courtney Martin Executive Director 6


Maintain Your Momentum Jessica’s Story:

When Senior Director 8 Jessica Wrabel first found Melaleuca in January 2015, she very quickly enrolled 11 friends, but fear got the better of her and she completely stopped building by that April. “When I stopped enrolling customers, my whole team stopped too,” she says. After sitting at Director 4 for a year, Jessica was galvanised into action when her friend lost a child to cancer. She knew she could help families get toxins out of their homes, and she could no longer keep that message to herself. It was time to take her business from hobby-level to something that would change the lives of families that needed the products. It wasn’t easy for Jessica to resuscitate her business though. She had to develop an entirely new team and help everyone form the right habits this time around. Jessica reached out to mentors in her support team like National Director 9 Brooke Paulin and Executive Director 6 Courtney Martin for coaching and guidance. She partnered up with Senior Director 5 Andrea Dorsey and they held each other accountable as they engaged in the Critical Activities. Because of her consistent efforts, Jessica has advanced 9 statuses in the past year and helped dozens of families get harmful cleaning toxins out of their homes. “It is almost impossible to start again once you stop,” she says. “When my team sees my activity, they are willing to do the same thing. They jump in with me. That is momentum, and momentum is everything. I have a mental picture of the Flintstone’s car. If everyone jumps in with their feet on the ground, it’s going to go fast.”

Jessica Wrabel Senior Director 8

The Enemies of Momentum: Impatience | Getting Cocky | Comparison | Negativity Cutting Corners | Declining Personal Activity










The Safer Clean for Your Home

As Melaleuca: The Wellness Company®, we are dedicated to supporting wellness in every area of life—physical, environmental, personal, and financial—and EcoSense® cleaning and laundry products are vital to health in all four. They are free from harsh chemicals and fumes EcoSense emphasises ingredients that are plant-derived, biodegradable, and environmentally responsible. Most of the time-tested formulations are super concentrated so they cost less and have less impact on the environment. They are a winning combination of being more effective, safer, and affordable! A recent 20-year, independent study* shows that cleaning your home with chemical cleaning compounds as little as once per week could be as damaging over time to respiratory health as

smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years! By disposing of all harsh chemical cleaners and converting your home to EcoSense products, you can have peace of mind, knowing that you are putting yourself and your family in a safer environment. When your first order is delivered to your doorstep, no matter what time of year it is, it feels like Christmas morning! You bring the box inside, and one by one you lift the products out with excitement and curiosity. Because they are new to you, you may have questions on what to use when and where and how. Here is your users guide to six EcoSense customer favourites with everything you need to know about enjoying your new treasure trove of cleaning power.

*Product names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. *Cleaning at home and at work in relation to lung function decline and airway obstruction, Ø Svanes, et al. +Proven to kill 99.9% of household bacteria and viruses on hard, nonporous surfaces in less than 10 minutes.


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