Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201807

Emotional Contagion Mirror neurons allow us to understand others, empathize, and imagine ourselves doing what we see others do. Mirror neurons are why your heart races when you watch runners sprinting toward a finish line, or why you cringe when you see someone else get hurt. Don’t underestimate the power of this emotional contagion. When your purpose is to relay information, a phone call or text is fine. If you want others to be as excited about Melaleuca as you are and to imagine building a business of their own, it is most powerful to deliver that emotional message personally.

It’s Real Melaleuca—as a shopping club and as a business

opportunity—is unique. Because it’s a new concept, many may be initially uncertain about it. When you’re in the same room as your prospects, physically handling products and letting them hold your business report, Melaleuca is no longer just an idea—it’s tangible, touchable, and doable. You become real. Your success becomes real. And the new customer’s belief and commitment become real. LH

“I believe in working belly-to-belly. I have tried doing it online and it just isn’t the same for me. It does not have the same power. I don’t care what somebody says, when you’re staring at a group of women, sitting in a room, through a computer screen versus sitting with them and truly looking them in the eyes and talking with them, it’s different. All that relationship building happens before and after the Overview. It doesn’t happen during the Overview. I want to be there for it. I think that’s why our team has a lot of success. I think that’s why we have strong Product Point averages and high retention. And I think the people we approach respect us so much more for that as well.” —Executive Director 6 Courtney Martin, pictured with her husband, Graham “One of the things I am known for in my Melaleuca business is building face-to-face. I am all about building strong relationships. When people become customers, it’s because of the products. But people don’t necessarily build the business for the same reason. They build the business because of us. They see us, they want to be like us, they want success like us. When you show up face-to-face, it proves your commitment to them. I will literally look a new builder in the eye and say, ‘We will not let you down. If you’re willing to be coachable and you can follow a plan, you cannot fail with us. I will match your time and efforts.’ When you say that eyeball to eyeball to somebody, it is powerful and I can tell you that it can’t happen without face-to-face contact.” —National Director and 2017 & 2018 Marketing Executive of the Year Krista Wineinger, pictured with her husband, Jordan “Sure, you can do Overviews and Strategy Sessions over webcasts—but I’m sure glad my enroller didn’t. I would rather have him in my living room telling me and my wife how he is going to change my life. I don’t think you can replace person-to- person interactions. I want to see the bottom of their eyes quiver when we’re talking about their future. If you don’t get to see that, how are you ever going to connect with them? We’re looking for business partners for life. I think there is some serious value in sitting across the table from them and opening up a little bit because your business builders will walk across the world for you if they love you and if they think you care, and if they think that you’re going to help them win. And that’s a better feeling than your own success.” —Corporate Director 3 John Dufner, pictured with his wife, Jennifer



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